Hello, my dear modmates!
At this point cRPG is on the crossroads: death (which is imminent since nothing is eternal) or still a short run.
I know this happened quite a few times already in the past but this time it seems like there will be no other chance, cRPG was never as close to death. Not much left from a dev team, it's basically just San and me joining the sinking boat. We had a Strategus Council which was successful IMO and we didn't only come to certain decisions but also implemented them, but then we couldn't patch them in because we didn't have enough access, Professor went missing for ages (can't blame him) and everyone lost motivation. Above from that Strat got entirely broken with the a dozen of changes that were waiting to be patched from previous dev team and it took quite an effort to at least fix it back.
It's up to us, just a bunch of people who truly love this mod: what we need to make its last months (and who knows, maybe more) a better experience for everyone. I know that the original dev team with chadz on top (my personal thanks to original dev team!) did the same threads and I'm aware that mostly nothing got implemented, I do remember how long it took for decisions. I assure you, this is not going to happen again, if we do stuff - we do it blazing fast, no more months between patches, we don't have this much time.
One thing that we need to do: what do players want the most to get at least minimal population back? We don't get paid and can't afford us development with 1 player online (reference to OKAM devs after Donkey Crew)
. Doing something that grows population back is what can inspire and motivate us.
I took this incentive and responsibility to make this post and truly hope we can save cRPG from inglorious death. Please share your suggestions from in-game rules to item balance, from new mechanics to strat changes (trolls with suggestions like I love you, let mod die etc will get punished, remember Rando
So it's up to you what we see in the upcoming changelog.
Patch notes (updating):
1. Restored Rando's account with all the posts, topics, votes etc.
2. Fixed hall of fame in tavern to be based on XP rather than broken levels (since XP requirements per level were changed quite a lot throughout years).
3. San: Changes in WPF formulas:
-Every point in WM updates the minimum melee wpf.
-Shared melee wpf has been improved.
-wpf penalty adjustments
4. Website now shows all correct bonuses/penalties to wpf showing real effective wpf that you'll have in game.
bring back ladders and other siegestuff for battle .
thats was a nice time and reverse all the nerfs which were given to dozen of weapons ( barmace for example )
and most important thing is,WIPE
u need to wipe everything,this game is alaive because there is grind,make the time longer from lvl 1 to 31 and let it go max lvl 34 or 35.
u dont need to be max lvl to have fun in this mod,i alwaays enjoyed the low lvl time the most.