or...... not patient enough to have a 30 min ft7????
Oh, I see minuses from unskilled players
Simple stuff to know about safe&passive opponents:
Your opponent uses shorter weapon (or using animation that is shorter than yours): outrange him
Your opponent is slower than you: use footwork against his thrusts or make him glance on the start of animation
Your opponent is constantly backpedalling: nudge and rotate around
Your opponent is feinting: spam him on the opposite movement
Your opponent is offensive, yet blocks everything: kick & nudge constantly
Your opponent is abusing nudges: counter nudge or spam on predicted nudge (you have a small window to freehit)
Your opponent is hit&block: chamber on early animation
Your opponent is using a fast light weapon: stun him with held attacks (like overhead)
Your opponent is using long slow weapon: outspam on close range
You can't perform anything from above successfully: do exactly what your opponent does, fail because you lost patience, give a minus to DaveUKR, post on forums.