
Why don't you play?

EU1 is empty
The game is balanced by ranged players
I play a different game
No wipe yet
Melee needs tweeks
There isn't enough new content
Ranged is under powered
Nothing will make me play again
The game needs tweaks that aren't listed
I got a life
Give them run

Author Topic: EU: Why aren't you playing?  (Read 7086 times)

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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2018, 06:21:46 pm »
Indeed NA is just so much more balanced and chill, its really fun and relaxing to play there. It feels like one huge family and youre a foreigner entering a pub full of drunk rednecks and hillbillys while getting a drink for free just for joining them

EU used to be like that but then some brain-dead morons decided to form a certain clan themed around hamburgers & kremschnittes. The rest is history.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2018, 08:59:57 pm »
EU used to be like that but then some brain-dead morons decided to form a certain clan themed around hamburgers & kremschnittes. The rest is history.

You misunderstood Cassi, current NA is exactly like EU when some brain-dead morons decided to form a certain clan themed around hamburgers & kremschnittes.

That's Cassi's perception of "balanced and chill" and "really fun and relaxing to play".
I hope you die IRL. What kind of fucking build is that?!
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2018, 12:15:57 am »
To many ranged to play on EU1, and EU2 is empty.

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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2018, 01:07:51 am »
EU seemed to almost always be a bunch of try hards wanting to 1v1 the whole other team.  No team work, and if ranged fucks up their duel fest (aka 2h kuyak/weaboo warriors) they bitch and cry on forums for devs to nerf ranged.

Khorin, Shanks and me were good guy EU 2h heroes but our builds were nerfed by balancers. Basically how I played 2h was: go alone to enemy base, scout for ranged, wait behind a tree until they get in their first person mode, come from behind and slaughter as many I can. Some turds found that lame, mostly those duel me bruh tryhards. Danish GS used to one hit kill archers with agi build before all the changed to game mechanics.

Don't shit on weboos, what their clan did was elimination of ranged units. It was always just cause and best way to nerf ranged was playing anti ranged classes.

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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2018, 01:40:26 am »
Khorin, Shanks and me were good guy EU 2h heroes but our builds were nerfed by balancers. Basically how I played 2h was: go alone to enemy base, scout for ranged, wait behind a tree until they get in their first person mode, come from behind and slaughter as many I can. Some turds found that lame, mostly those duel me bruh tryhards. Danish GS used to one hit kill archers with agi build before all the changed to game mechanics.

Don't shit on weboos, what their clan did was elimination of ranged units. It was always just cause and best way to nerf ranged was playing anti ranged classes.

You had a fucked up style, everytime you were on i would spot you running some absurd path around the map. Fun times.
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2018, 03:26:31 pm »
Don't shit on weboos, what their clan did was elimination of ranged units. It was always just cause and best way to nerf ranged was playing anti ranged classes.

Or be thomek and ban them

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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #36 on: May 13, 2018, 05:08:34 pm »
To be fair to him, when Thomek was fulfilling his admin duties we have healthy and active player base.

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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2018, 05:37:47 pm »
EU1 is dead? Even EU7 is dead now. Once upon a time I used to play battle all the time, but down the years I got put off. It seemed weird that, after a year with no crpg at all, players suddenly come back and play like superheroes with the reflexes of Olympic fencers. I said back in 2011 that I thought there was an autoblock cheat, got called paranoid only for the mods to start kicking people for using an autoblock cheat two weeks later. No matter what anyone says there is definitely a growth in hacks in Native and it would be surprising if it hadn't spilled over into crpg. Hackers will gradually kill any PvP game.
The word is "anyway" not "anyways". You are not Gabby Hayes.
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2018, 06:43:19 pm »
EU1 is dead? Even EU7 is dead now. Once upon a time I used to play battle all the time, but down the years I got put off. It seemed weird that, after a year with no crpg at all, players suddenly come back and play like superheroes with the reflexes of Olympic fencers. I said back in 2011 that I thought there was an autoblock cheat, got called paranoid only for the mods to start kicking people for using an autoblock cheat two weeks later. No matter what anyone says there is definitely a growth in hacks in Native and it would be surprising if it hadn't spilled over into crpg. Hackers will gradually kill any PvP game.

Stop smoking crack

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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2018, 08:10:09 pm »
EU1 is dead? Even EU7 is dead now. Once upon a time I used to play battle all the time, but down the years I got put off. It seemed weird that, after a year with no crpg at all, players suddenly come back and play like superheroes with the reflexes of Olympic fencers. I said back in 2011 that I thought there was an autoblock cheat, got called paranoid only for the mods to start kicking people for using an autoblock cheat two weeks later. No matter what anyone says there is definitely a growth in hacks in Native and it would be surprising if it hadn't spilled over into crpg. Hackers will gradually kill any PvP game.

lol ur just garbage, someone mute ras frenzys literate twin

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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #40 on: May 13, 2018, 10:18:33 pm »
EU1 is dead? Even EU7 is dead now. Once upon a time I used to play battle all the time, but down the years I got put off. It seemed weird that, after a year with no crpg at all, players suddenly come back and play like superheroes with the reflexes of Olympic fencers. I said back in 2011 that I thought there was an autoblock cheat, got called paranoid only for the mods to start kicking people for using an autoblock cheat two weeks later. No matter what anyone says there is definitely a growth in hacks in Native and it would be surprising if it hadn't spilled over into crpg. Hackers will gradually kill any PvP game.

Not trying to sound rude, but blaming other people hacking without any evidence beside you getting destroyed is a very shitty attitude.

I see you mostly play DTV, but once in a while I saw you also on EU1. You always switched to spec right before dying or when you had to fight someone 1v1, I remember you running away from me for a whole minute while someone from my team was standing at the flag, another time you were standing still and left the game when I was getting closer and started a swing.

How about trying another class or gamestyle beside 1h and 2h if you're not that great at duelling? I mean, I did the same when I started with cRPG and went with piking and my results were more than decent, I rarely touched any 4d weapons back then, because I'd get destroyed in 1v1 anyway against most people. (losing duels with 1d/2d weapons are also less embarrassing :mrgreen:)

I could say more, but it's kinda pointless now, since EU is dead and you probably won't play EU1 for a long long time.
I hope you die IRL. What kind of fucking build is that?!
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #41 on: May 13, 2018, 11:22:06 pm »
EU1 is dead? Even EU7 is dead now. Once upon a time I used to play battle all the time, but down the years I got put off. It seemed weird that, after a year with no crpg at all, players suddenly come back and play like superheroes with the reflexes of Olympic fencers. I said back in 2011 that I thought there was an autoblock cheat, got called paranoid only for the mods to start kicking people for using an autoblock cheat two weeks later. No matter what anyone says there is definitely a growth in hacks in Native and it would be surprising if it hadn't spilled over into crpg. Hackers will gradually kill any PvP game.

Calling out hacks here too, not just on mount&siege? How come siege is alive if there are hackers there then? Even if there were hackers on crpg, its too hard to notice for it to have any impact on actual enjoyment.
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2018, 12:12:34 am »
Calling out hacks here too, not just on mount&siege? How come siege is alive if there are hackers there then? Even if there were hackers on crpg, its too hard to notice for it to have any impact on actual enjoyment.
It's 100% certain there are hackers on Native/NeoGK servers, I've seen people walk through walls, outrun horses and other obvious cheats like one that uses the "Allow bot headshots" code. There's a suite of hacks advertised on YouTube. People have been kicked from captain battles for obvious hacking within the last couple of weeks. The thing about M&S is that there are generally about 100 people playing so the impact of a few hackers is much less. Are you seriously suggesting there is no cheating going on?
The word is "anyway" not "anyways". You are not Gabby Hayes.
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2018, 12:20:53 am »
It's 100% certain there are hackers on Native/NeoGK servers, I've seen people walk through walls, outrun horses and other obvious cheats like one that uses the "Allow bot headshots" code. There's a suite of hacks advertised on YouTube. People have been kicked from captain battles for obvious hacking within the last couple of weeks. The thing about M&S is that there are generally about 100 people playing so the impact of a few hackers is much less. Are you seriously suggesting there is no cheating going on?

Im saying that even if there are cheaters their impact is so small and unnoticable that it has nearly no impact on other players enjoyment. The most notable "cheat" that could possibly make people pissed is macro feinting. These servers dont die due to hacks.
Paprika: ...the Internet and dreams are similar. They're areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.
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Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2018, 03:29:11 am »
The Cheating Hackers Killed EU cRPG
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