
Which day would you prefer to play on?

7 (8.5%)
2 (2.4%)
3 (3.7%)
3 (3.7%)
22 (26.8%)
30 (36.6%)
15 (18.3%)

Total Members Voted: 81

Voting closed: March 04, 2018, 11:50:09 pm

Author Topic: Low server populations (poll)  (Read 6356 times)

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2018, 08:11:49 pm »
so basically Lesham you QQ because everyone doesn't play like yyou, solo with no friends! Because as everyone knows any and all fighting is done alone and not in any organised manner.

Mercs are super weak because they don't only play stategus these days and leave battle servers to the real heroes.

I must go to native and explain to them that they must stop! What they have been doing for years playing together on the same teams in battle servers is killing native! hmm wait no thats not right IG BG seems to be doing just fine  :shock: i wonder then if some people in crpg only play because they want that precious xp and not because its fun and so whine if they dont win every round  :idea:
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 08:14:57 pm by Osiris »
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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2018, 08:48:43 pm »
Let me tell you something - the admins are on it, enacting their star plan to enforce the "ZERO TOLERANCE ANTI-RACISM" rule with bans. Soon we'll have a squeaky clean server bustling with activity just like good ol' GK_TDM!
IKR Gktdm gets from 40-70 people on almost every night. And they have been getting some pretty cool new maps too.
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2018, 09:34:09 pm »
Fully agree about Strat. Dead Strategus means dead mod most of the time. However I disagree about clans on public free for all game modes. Could be that clans on battle provided longetivity but believe that rare mix of good and fun gameplay  mechanics (Warband base) and the worst kind of psychological entrapment chadz devised to keep us playing (cRPG item and leveling system) are the reason for strong response from gaming community towards cRPG and reason why it is still alive seven years after first release.

Clans never grew naturally with community, in fact clans cannibalized community. At first clans cannibalized freelancers, lone wolves, players who didn't belong to an organized team aka clan. Clans fed on them, mostly discarding those unwilling to go through the hoops (some people take pride in difficulty of an online gaming, from this perspective I find that laughable) and integrating those who passed the trial by fire. That way influence of clan grew while random players lost any influence over battle outcome. In second phase when new players stopped coming in waves, big clans cannibalized smaller clans to the point where only huge inflated clan were left, completely losing identity in the process because they integrated half a server. After a while huge clans became bored because there was no competition cuz they started avoiding each other, because if they played each other it was shorter end of the stick for one of the huge clans.

Mercs and to certain extent you guys were super weak clans devoid of any higher purpose because you bullied randomers on free for all servers while mostly ignoring truly competitive interclan tournament aka Strategus. Its like being adult and fighting preschoolers while other adults fight each other in competitions meant for professional adult fighters.

True winners of cRPG, despite all the underhanded tactics and cheating are eastern Europeans, because they dominated year after year only meaningful competition this mod has to offer, Strategus. Eastern Europeans being Druzhina and Grey Order, of course.

Mercs will be remembered as a clan pretending to be only for elite fighters, but in the end they turned into worst mix of random elements and weakest huge clan during second phase of community cannibalization process. Which shouldn't be of surprise when you take a good look at founders of Mercs, only Gnjus out of them can pass 'not being completely retarded' test. Other prominent members including the likes of Siiem, Xant, Blackbow and Bjord.
God Leshma has spoken. Let this be a lesson to all of you Mercs out there.

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2018, 10:13:43 pm »
but if i am super weak at crpg and not recruited in native how will my fragile ego cope :( bashing on mentally deficient beings is all i can do now  :oops:
i make terrible warband videos! https://youtu.be/jUdVGIOuULk

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2018, 10:31:35 pm »
so basically Lesham you QQ because everyone doesn't play like yyou, solo with no friends! Because as everyone knows any and all fighting is done alone and not in any organised manner.

Mercs are super weak because they don't only play stategus these days and leave battle servers to the real heroes.

I must go to native and explain to them that they must stop! What they have been doing for years playing together on the same teams in battle servers is killing native! hmm wait no thats not right IG BG seems to be doing just fine  :shock: i wonder then if some people in crpg only play because they want that precious xp and not because its fun and so whine if they dont win every round  :idea:

IG BG is like 30 players server, isn't it? That's for those who prefer EU4 gameplay. Compared to that, free for all no silly clan stacking noob infested siege often has/had 220 player population, like Pecores server used to have before multiplier patch.

Most players prefer to play like me, no strings attached. But this mod forced 90% of them to create clans at first, then to integrate into super clans. You've sacrified casuals who are the meat of every online games population in order to feed interests of the few and now just like before are crying over loss of population. It is funny that exact same people who always talk in favor of esports aspect, competitive gaming are the ones who were the most active when server population was more casual and not dominated by try hards. I do remember Vibe always being in favor of competitive so called pro level of competition yet I also do remember him being the most active in earlier phases of cRPG development, when it wasn't about x5, clan stacks and rest of that.

cRPG is fun in same way injecting heroin is fun. But it wasn't always heroin, used to be like weed at first. Certain people helped to shape it into heoin, interestingly same are abusers of hard substances irl.

God Leshma has spoken. Let this be a lesson to all of you Mercs out there.

Weren't you permabanned for cheating?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 10:35:22 pm by Leshma »

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2018, 10:52:46 pm »
Yes well all of these arguments about ancient history are all very interesting but not really what I was hoping people would focus on.

46 votes so far. Saturday night being the front runner.

If it is successful and we manage to draw a decent crowd each week, I was thinking of organising a few theme nights, if anyone has any suggestions?
Lizard_Man: Fuck all that! Rather buy me 4 cans of Stella..
Cymro: Wife beater stella
Lizard_Man: It'll get ya drunk! You'll be fucking fat girls in no time! You might even fight a nigga or two! Mmmm-mmm, bitch!

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2018, 10:57:55 pm »
So if Saturday wins does that mean we can't play on the other days?

We should have a remember our fallen brothers night where we all make chars that look like assington and sugarbiggums.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 11:01:53 pm by Asheram »
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2018, 11:09:18 pm »
Let me tell you something - the admins are on it, enacting their star plan to enforce the "ZERO TOLERANCE ANTI-RACISM" rule with bans.

Fear not! Rumour has it, there's still one racist admin amongst them, fighting the good fight...
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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2018, 11:10:31 pm »
server is dead mostly because of KCD and the shitty balance. Here's how it goes currently:

30-40 player server gets filled with ranged, slowly (but surely) everyone GTXs because ranged currently are too strong as they have too many numbers.
Server dies down to a decent 10-20 players, some ranged gets involved and ruins the fun so everyone just leaves.

Want EU1 to be alive? Stop playing ranged classes. I played on NA1 for a bit and had so much fucking fun there, there was a grand total of like maybe 1 thrower there in about 20 people, I had a hoot of a time. I'm starting to wait until NA gets active before I start playing properly now, as whenever I play EU1 I end up just GTXting due to ranged just instagibbing me at the start of the round.

This man speaks the truth

Oh and i try to play every evening, usually late though.

Btw strat is really fucking boring and always has been. This mod would have been glorious without it.
The reason being, it always kills the population on the normal servers, and its very excluding towards new players or players who cant fucking plan their life around a game.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 11:22:01 pm by Tindel »

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2018, 11:54:15 pm »
Server is dead because we only have shitty badmins in this dead mod tbh who don't even play it themselves and just ban people for reporting people who kill the mod even more, gg.

Oh yeah, and I forgot you're not allowed to say any boohoo bad words any more or you're getting banned for that as well, what a joke seriously.
Xesta you dumb fuck it all started because of you.Everyone i know in this server hates u pimple faced fuck.Go find someone else to pull your nipples,spit your face and tell how stupid you are i'm done with you.I'LL KEBAP YOUR ASS ON MY SHISH I'LL TURN FACE HOLES INTO A SPERM SPLATTER TO GROW FETUS IN UR MOMS UTERUS

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2018, 12:00:02 am »

Oh yeah, and I forgot you're not allowed to say any boohoo bad words any more or you're getting banned for that as well, what a joke seriously.
when is all this banning going on? Was on a week or 2 ago and an ex admin was calling people the n word w/o even getting muted by the admins that were on let alone banned.
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2018, 12:04:12 am »
I got banned for saying bad words against veselov when he called me a son of a bitch in russian etc because that's the only thing he's capable of but that useless admin (why the f is he even still admin. he's not even playing the game lmao) cherrypicked my insults when I got tk'd 24/7 by that veselov guy. Find it just kinda funny that he banned me for that sole reason tbh, that's all really.
Xesta you dumb fuck it all started because of you.Everyone i know in this server hates u pimple faced fuck.Go find someone else to pull your nipples,spit your face and tell how stupid you are i'm done with you.I'LL KEBAP YOUR ASS ON MY SHISH I'LL TURN FACE HOLES INTO A SPERM SPLATTER TO GROW FETUS IN UR MOMS UTERUS

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2018, 12:20:09 am »
IG BG is like 30 players server, isn't it? That's for those who prefer EU4 gameplay. Compared to that, free for all no silly clan stacking noob infested siege often has/had 220 player population, like Pecores server used to have before multiplier patch.

Most players prefer to play like me, no strings attached. But this mod forced 90% of them to create clans at first, then to integrate into super clans. You've sacrified casuals who are the meat of every online games population in order to feed interests of the few and now just like before are crying over loss of population. It is funny that exact same people who always talk in favor of esports aspect, competitive gaming are the ones who were the most active when server population was more casual and not dominated by try hards. I do remember Vibe always being in favor of competitive so called pro level of competition yet I also do remember him being the most active in earlier phases of cRPG development, when it wasn't about x5, clan stacks and rest of that.

cRPG is fun in same way injecting heroin is fun. But it wasn't always heroin, used to be like weed at first. Certain people helped to shape it into heoin, interestingly same are abusers of hard substances irl.

Weren't you permabanned for cheating?

IGBG is 50 player serve fyi

Please explain to me how a clan playing as a group is stopping you and other casuals from playing? The mod started out by forcing players into mass blobs and now you can be as far away as you want and get exp, I don't exactly understand your problem, do you only want to play a series of solo fights on a battlefield with no teamwork? is that what you want from crpg? Hell even most clans don't really play as a coordinated group that often

crpg and its grindey nature by definition excluded casual play. crpg caters the mmo/rpg crowd and not the casual players with its exp and levelling system and heirlooms giving you incentives to play. The rest of your post is just pointless and waffle, Players who called for competitive play were most active when crpg had casual players?? wtf does that even mean? how does that in any way have an effect?
i make terrible warband videos! https://youtu.be/jUdVGIOuULk

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2018, 12:51:08 am »
I got banned for saying bad words against veselov when he called me a son of a bitch in russian etc because that's the only thing he's capable of but that useless admin (why the f is he even still admin. he's not even playing the game lmao) cherrypicked my insults when I got tk'd 24/7 by that veselov guy. Find it just kinda funny that he banned me for that sole reason tbh, that's all really.

XyNox is playing every day, not only DTV but also Eu1.

Also the logs have clearly showed that you have teamhit him, and nudging a xbow is no better. What we dont like is reports from players who are concealing important facts that might have explained someones actions. It would have been much different if you would have admitted that you had multiple clashes before and that you didnt act right yourself. But you made it a secret in hope youre getting away with it and veselov being the only offender.

I dont know if previous admins didnt look into reports enough or if its the new 2018 lit meme to try to get someone banned while having done bannable offenses yourself.
Maybe if Coronoa virus gets rid of 50 percent or more of the world population we can do without a pope and religion.

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Re: Low server populations (poll)
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2018, 01:19:24 am »
If you paid attention to the logs you would've seen that I started nudging him AFTER the accidents and not BEFORE. Seems like you don't care doing job correctly tho, akbar also didn't get punished for shooting me 2 times with his xbow on the same thread while I didn't even hit him or nudged him or anything, so yeah helps the cause in keeping the mod alive while pricks like them get away with it, good job.
XyNox is playing every day, not only DTV but also Eu1.

Also, wtf? I've never seen him play since the last few months if not years on Eu1.
Xesta you dumb fuck it all started because of you.Everyone i know in this server hates u pimple faced fuck.Go find someone else to pull your nipples,spit your face and tell how stupid you are i'm done with you.I'LL KEBAP YOUR ASS ON MY SHISH I'LL TURN FACE HOLES INTO A SPERM SPLATTER TO GROW FETUS IN UR MOMS UTERUS