Author Topic: Buff Elite Scimitar  (Read 3661 times)

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Re: Buff Elite Scimitar
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2018, 11:10:42 pm »
We might not agree on all points, but I understand your point of view.

Agree to disagree. Can definitely agree that some of this comes down to individual play style, though.

If i see a GLB feint thrusts towards me i'll just spam because theres no way i could possibly take enough damage from it that wouldnt be made up with a succesful hit from my swings.

Feints in general aren't as useful against aggressive players. But when someone "spams" when I'm feinting a stab, I just cancel it into a block; the glance is only a potential problem if you release the animation far enough or if you're not positioned correctly.

GLA was one of my primary weapons back when Aus was active, but I would have hated it without the stab, even though I rarely actually released a stab on someone. Like Jona said, it's great for feint patterns, and with polearms it morphs into the right swing so well.
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Re: Buff Elite Scimitar
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2018, 01:34:30 pm »
Agree to disagree. Can definitely agree that some of this comes down to individual play style, though.

Feints in general aren't as useful against aggressive players. But when someone "spams" when I'm feinting a stab, I just cancel it into a block; the glance is only a potential problem if you release the animation far enough or if you're not positioned correctly.

GLA was one of my primary weapons back when Aus was active, but I would have hated it without the stab, even though I rarely actually released a stab on someone. Like Jona said, it's great for feint patterns, and with polearms it morphs into the right swing so well.

GLA has 4 more speed, isnt unbalanced and has a blunt thrust, thats quite the difference if you ask me. Still confused as to why you feint with slow polearms, but i get your point and in the end it comes down to opinions in a very offtopic discussion.
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Re: Buff Elite Scimitar
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2018, 11:54:44 am »
I'm sorry I missed this thread - Hot Chick with a Sword has one of these, so yes, buff it. Buff me and nerf everyone else.
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