
You see a fagcher scoring 5 headshots in a row and you think to yourself:

"Damn, that guy is good"
"Nerf ranged"

Author Topic: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....  (Read 16155 times)

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #60 on: February 07, 2018, 06:09:08 pm »
~10%. I rarely see ranged doing anywhere near as well as melee

Pretty good guess. I think it's 11% now.

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #61 on: February 07, 2018, 06:34:05 pm »
Pretty good guess. I think it's 11% now.

Do you have server statistics? I remember cmp posting them before, and they were quite interesting to analyze
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #62 on: February 07, 2018, 07:09:25 pm »
In order to play cRPG people must first be forced to play 500 hours of native. People will then learn that shields are capable of blocking arrows. People will then understand that shields are useful. People will then stop crying about ranged, every 2 seconds.

problem with that is people want to try things that are not role playing native inf.

big differences though, native inf can carry shields and throwing weapons without being gimped in melee, if you build a char that can throw at archers, stop cav and block arrows in crpg you are going to get rekt by everyone else, thats if you can even catch a crossbower :p and native cav have the tools to take on archers, crpg cav cant really bump slash/stab very well and cant circle and stab at archers.

Archers can be a problem because of the numbers of them, and the numbers can be a problem due to inf/cav inability to deal with them easily. Archers can camp on a roof (which a lot of maps have perfect camp spots) and your average inf has little to no way to really do much to them.

The shield skill reduction is very nice and will work once people figure out they have to aim their shields up or down (i assume you can still do that in crpg ^^) The next step is some simple throwing or to un nerf cav :D

My Suggestion
The 0 skill throwing lances are great for a first volly or anti cav but i would like to see one of or all of the following reduced to 0 difficulty: Darts, War Darts, Throwing daggers, snowflakes, shurikans, With no power throw and no wpf they will be pretty inaccurate and deal limited damage to archers who are high str and a little more damage maybe to agi xbowers.

This wont make throwing OP as most of these hits would be at most annoying and probably bounce off high armour inf but it will help move archers from encamped positions, instead of 5-10 inf walking slowly with or without shields there may be 5-10 inf walking and throwing low damage projectiles that can stun, this will force archers away from stupid open spots like rooftops where they can fire with ease and into firing spots that are better for lower numbers of ranged. Towers and doorways etc give archers spots that are just as good but you cant put 5 of them up there firing at the same time like with a roof.

tl:dr with pew pew! problem is mainly the maps and most maps having easily reached from one side pew pew spots that end up with lots of pew pew on. melee having baby pew pew will make bigger pew pew spread out a little bit so the pew pew will be more pew pew and less pew pew pew pew pew pew with massed spots
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 07:14:45 pm by Osiris »
i make terrible warband videos! https://youtu.be/jUdVGIOuULk

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #63 on: February 07, 2018, 07:29:09 pm »
0 difficulty: Throwing daggers, snowflakes, shurikans

I think that makes a lot of sense

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #64 on: February 07, 2018, 07:36:54 pm »
i put this exact suggestino in suggestion corner stop ripping me off. Just like i said buff shields and when panos says it u all upvote him iw ant recogntiitontiotnotn

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #65 on: February 07, 2018, 07:59:05 pm »
i put this exact suggestino in suggestion corner stop ripping me off. Just like i said buff shields and when panos says it u all upvote him iw ant recogntiitontiotnotn

just read your post didn't see it before. perhaps try a more constructive tone in your threads to gain traction :P

I didn't post to try to gain credit for a suggestion, you can have all the recognition and glory? you want if they make the changes ^^ I am sure you will feel warm and fuzzy inside
i make terrible warband videos! https://youtu.be/jUdVGIOuULk

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #66 on: February 07, 2018, 08:11:08 pm »
Tbh the ability to twirl and change direction with an arrow drawn makes it difficult for even cav to take out a decent archer, ducking, changing direction, twirling, all while drawing and firing arrows. Even worse when any kind of object is present for the archer to twirl around firing arrows, cav stand little chance at taking out what should be their easiest targets in many scenarios, it's only bad unaware archers that get back stabbed without reaction. Sadly that is something that extends to the engine and game itself, it would be difficult to balance without butchering archers.

Offline kasMVC

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #67 on: February 07, 2018, 08:14:55 pm »
just read your post didn't see it before. perhaps try a more constructive tone in your threads to gain traction :P

I didn't post to try to gain credit for a suggestion, you can have all the recognition and glory? you want if they make the changes ^^ I am sure you will feel warm and fuzzy inside

haha just playing i hope this happens though xdxdxdxdxdxd

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #68 on: February 07, 2018, 08:47:24 pm »
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
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Offline Corsair831

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #69 on: February 07, 2018, 08:51:04 pm »
problem with that is people want to try things that are not role playing native inf.

big differences though, native inf can carry shields and throwing weapons without being gimped in melee, if you build a char that can throw at archers, stop cav and block arrows in crpg you are going to get rekt by everyone else, thats if you can even catch a crossbower :p and native cav have the tools to take on archers, crpg cav cant really bump slash/stab very well and cant circle and stab at archers.

Archers can be a problem because of the numbers of them, and the numbers can be a problem due to inf/cav inability to deal with them easily. Archers can camp on a roof (which a lot of maps have perfect camp spots) and your average inf has little to no way to really do much to them.

The shield skill reduction is very nice and will work once people figure out they have to aim their shields up or down (i assume you can still do that in crpg ^^) The next step is some simple throwing or to un nerf cav :D

My Suggestion
The 0 skill throwing lances are great for a first volly or anti cav but i would like to see one of or all of the following reduced to 0 difficulty: Darts, War Darts, Throwing daggers, snowflakes, shurikans, With no power throw and no wpf they will be pretty inaccurate and deal limited damage to archers who are high str and a little more damage maybe to agi xbowers.

This wont make throwing OP as most of these hits would be at most annoying and probably bounce off high armour inf but it will help move archers from encamped positions, instead of 5-10 inf walking slowly with or without shields there may be 5-10 inf walking and throwing low damage projectiles that can stun, this will force archers away from stupid open spots like rooftops where they can fire with ease and into firing spots that are better for lower numbers of ranged. Towers and doorways etc give archers spots that are just as good but you cant put 5 of them up there firing at the same time like with a roof.

tl:dr with pew pew! problem is mainly the maps and most maps having easily reached from one side pew pew spots that end up with lots of pew pew on. melee having baby pew pew will make bigger pew pew spread out a little bit so the pew pew will be more pew pew and less pew pew pew pew pew pew with massed spots

Not true about the throwing, try this build

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Using 50 body armour, javelins and a heavy round shield. Javelins 3 shot most archers (~~35 body armour, most are strength builds), you get 10 javelins. 135 WPF is easily enough to fight in melee
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 08:55:12 pm by Corsair831 »
I 10/10'd cRPG on moddb.com!

Do your bit for our community and write a 10/10 review for cRPG on http://www.moddb.com/mods/crpg !

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #70 on: February 08, 2018, 07:54:53 am »
Do you have server statistics? I remember cmp posting them before, and they were quite interesting to analyze

I think Professor has only kill stats. Up to him to post them I think.

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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #71 on: February 08, 2018, 10:00:53 pm »
So, when is the ranged buff?
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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2018, 06:43:23 am »
problem with that is people want to try things that are not role playing native inf.

big differences though, native inf can carry shields and throwing weapons without being gimped in melee, if you build a char that can throw at archers, stop cav and block arrows in crpg you are going to get rekt by everyone else, thats if you can even catch a crossbower :p and native cav have the tools to take on archers, crpg cav cant really bump slash/stab very well and cant circle and stab at archers.

Archers can be a problem because of the numbers of them, and the numbers can be a problem due to inf/cav inability to deal with them easily. Archers can camp on a roof (which a lot of maps have perfect camp spots) and your average inf has little to no way to really do much to them.

The shield skill reduction is very nice and will work once people figure out they have to aim their shields up or down (i assume you can still do that in crpg ^^) The next step is some simple throwing or to un nerf cav :D

My Suggestion
The 0 skill throwing lances are great for a first volly or anti cav but i would like to see one of or all of the following reduced to 0 difficulty: Darts, War Darts, Throwing daggers, snowflakes, shurikans, With no power throw and no wpf they will be pretty inaccurate and deal limited damage to archers who are high str and a little more damage maybe to agi xbowers.

This wont make throwing OP as most of these hits would be at most annoying and probably bounce off high armour inf but it will help move archers from encamped positions, instead of 5-10 inf walking slowly with or without shields there may be 5-10 inf walking and throwing low damage projectiles that can stun, this will force archers away from stupid open spots like rooftops where they can fire with ease and into firing spots that are better for lower numbers of ranged. Towers and doorways etc give archers spots that are just as good but you cant put 5 of them up there firing at the same time like with a roof.

tl:dr with pew pew! problem is mainly the maps and most maps having easily reached from one side pew pew spots that end up with lots of pew pew on. melee having baby pew pew will make bigger pew pew spread out a little bit so the pew pew will be more pew pew and less pew pew pew pew pew pew with massed spots

i agree with a lot of that and something particular was how you mentioned cav's inability to deal with archers

--- cavs inability to deal with archers --- like really? cavalry in pretty much all medieval video games is used to attack light infantry and archers. while i know cRPG isn't total war attila or whatever, the point remains that archers have far to much power over cavalry

specifics: my +3 destrier can easily get 1 shot by str archers and heavyxbow/arbs if im charging them. it's really ridiculous how weak and non-durable all horses apart from like the plated charger really are. as if cavalry doesn't have enough trouble dealing with any infantryman with half a brain on how to counter cav, they can't even pick of the enemies holding bows and crossbows.

secondly, when you close the distance on an archer while charging them and you miss your swing or get shot/interrupted, you have two choices: keep riding past and hope they dont shoot you and finish you/your horse off, or you can stop your horse and try to melee them/dismount. if you dismount, they run away. you can't catch them since you probably don't have much athletics. you try to melee them off of horseback and they just circle your horse and stay in your melee "blind spots" where you can't hit them. the turn rate on horses is atrocious. a fully stopped horse should be able to turn very quickly. horses should only be affected by their maneuver statistic at higher speeds. it just makes no sense that an archer can outcircle your horses turnrate
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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2018, 06:58:21 am »
Bute even if you nerfed cav vs ranged they would still go for the unaware in a fight guys back of the head.
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
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Re: There is nothing wrong with ranged.....
« Reply #74 on: February 09, 2018, 07:50:14 am »
you try to melee them off of horseback and they just circle your horse and stay in your melee "blind spots" where you can't hit them. the turn rate on horses is atrocious. a fully stopped horse should be able to turn very quickly. horses should only be affected by their maneuver statistic at higher speeds. it just makes no sense that an archer can outcircle your horses turnrate

So what you are saying is we need a horse rear hoof kick that knocks down people behind the horse and deals damage.
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