Why on gods green earth would we have 0 slot 2h swords. Do you want lancer, xbow, 2h cav? Because that's how you get it
Because I want to use Arbalest with 2h sword, just like before qqpatchchangearbalestto4slots
I spent 6lp on Lombardic and Executioner Sword.
Than just one patch later Arbalest is 4 slots, Lombardic stay 1, but cant use it with Arbalest and Executioner go to 2 slots.
Why I want to play Arbalest with 2h sword .. I want because this is super-fun mod/game and its ridiculous that, just from now - there is no option from tons of items, pick a 2h (1h sec. mode) sword and arbalest.
With such important changes we need option on market or web shop to buy fixed price loom points or exchange.
For example: import on web shop or marketplace 200K - Heirloom Exchange and 300K Heirloom point, this will be game side set.
Than on marketplace if someone sell Heirloom point or Exchange it will go under these price point.
I appreciate all hard work from new devs and they pull mod from dead ... I just want to point that these restrictions are not well made.