Author Topic: Am I racist? 2.0  (Read 188003 times)

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1665 on: June 19, 2018, 07:41:45 pm »

Besides watching the absurd video in the first link I recommend reading the comment section in both articles, it is illuminating. These are run-of-the-mill articles for the site which is a part of the mainstream black pop-culture magazine 'The Root'. Did a search and no one lifts an eyebrow over this site, overt anti-white racism has become normalized across countless mainstream publications.

Snippets from the comment section on the question 'why are white men so angry':

They are afraid...and angry because they are afraid.

Too many feel entitled while a tiny part of that lizard brain know they are undeserving of the entitlement they’ve been trained their entire lives to believe is their due.

At the same time....that lizard brain is waiting, terrified, there may be a reckoning for past wrongs of which they may not have directly implemented but definitely matter their volume of protests to the contrary.

Yep. I really think it’s some kind of animalistic defense born of the impending sense that they are at fault for something they can’t articulate or slither out of because their whole framework and understanding of the world has gone unchallenged from the day they were born. They don’t know who is going to bring it up when and what about. Maybe one day he’ll come home from work and his wife won’t just be wearing a pink pussy hat, she’ll be wanting to have a challenging discussion about power dynamics in the home. His neighbors of color will start calling him out on microaggressions he’s been assuming are bro-chill at his kids’ soccer practice. So, instead of buckling down and doing the cognitive and emotional work it takes to process social shifts and one’s role in them, it’s best to circumvent it all that and start shooting people.

This, right here. I don’t know how many HWM (Hateful White Males) I’ve heard fantasizing about what will happen when POC start outnumbering them. Funniest thing is, it sounds like exactly what America did to POC in the 60's and 50's etc... all the way to just shy of slavery. These assholes literally fear that they will be treated as POC were treated before, so they believe they have to ratchet up the Hate to keep other people down.

(Granted these are just the ones that are self-aware/secure enough that they can express their vileness. I’d imagine in others it’s more a vague and nebulous sort of hate.)

White men are angry simply because they can be. White men suffer absolutely no consequences from being angry. There is no stigma. No stereotype. Anger empowers white men.

Not only no stigma, it’s positively reinforced. Look at all the professional angry white men in the media: Hannity, O’Reilly, Jones - all get paid millions to be angry all the time. An angry white male manager is “motivating” or “kicking all the lazy butts” but angry women? POCs? They are “bitchy,” “out of control,” or “potentially violent.”

Thank you for saying exactly what I came here to say.

I’ve been at companies and seen White men knock over coolers and yell at co-workers. Those same White men were coddled and received promotions. Black people are often angry inside, but we have to hide it. We can’t take it to work, because the angry Black person will be out of a job. Our anger can also get us killed. Chad can shoot his mouth (or an actual gun) off at cops and live for a bail hearing. If we raise our voice to a cop then it’s a life and death situation.

To be fair to Western civilization it was pretty brown for a long time. If you start counting with Sumeria it goes from about 3000 bc to 500 bc, when the Greeks (who only got white a few decades ago) took over. Even then you had a lot of important work coming out of North Africa that was definitely part of western civ until Rome disintegrated.

There is no pity left for men who have everything but resent the complaints of people legitimately suffering. Pity should be reserved for the deserving.

To be honest, I think white men and white women are angry at each other and we’re victims of their rage. Just like parents subject their children to their anger, white people do this to people of color. This is why I don’t listen to white women when they pander to us. This is why some of the most racist white people I know are gay. This is why I believe dismantling white supremacy should be the priority of every being on this planet.

While we’re talking about dismantling white supremacy I think this is a topic that definitely needs to be brought to the forefront; the notion that being part of a marginalized group automatically cultivates empathy and compassion, and precludes one from ever being party to the victimization of others.

Wow, these Jezebeckies are out in full force and clearly don’t read. Stop PANDERING to us. YES (commenter “orangekitten”) white women were ACTIVE participants not just passive and complicit (although, yes, that is also a white woman tactic but it doesn’t mean they are secretly disagreeing. Their silent approval is all that is needed). Just because you don’t know your history correctly does not make them equal to their white men in subjugating the rest of us.

And to Ad Infinitum, who I’ve seen say bullshit after bullshit at Jezebel, stay in your lane and stay out these threads. Everything you said was EXACTLY what I mean about white women. The lies that you tell yourself and try to tell us. We. don’t. believe. you. And this is why white women stay mad at Black women because we see you and call you out for what you are. We aren’t talking theory, we are talking here and now and on this earth. WHITE supremacy IS the source of social ills on THIS world. Racism. Colonialism. Human trafficking. Child abductions. Child Sexual Abuse. Corrupt Justice System. Poverty. Name It. Y’all want the power so y’all will be held accountable for your crimes against humanity. And as stated white women are very much active in this. White people are the most privileged so you can keep everyone out your privileged, white ass mouth and focus on the matter or get. the. fuck. out.

And if there is an other white woman that feel compelled to saying anything...fucking don’t.

Gurrl, was that a Lucyfer, a Becky or I want to see your manager Karen.

Is she a young mom of angry future school shooter Jaxson or an older mom of angry serial killer Chad.

Is she reading the Root because she secretly craving bbc or is she worried about being replaced by Mae Ling.

History has shown that if Black folk build their own enclave of success within this country (Greenwood, Rosewood, HBCU’s, etc.) The governing body of angry/jealous white people will persistently take measures to eradicate these institutions here and abroad. One solution could be to just breed them out and wait until they no longer exist. Let melanin and skin cancer destroy them as they fear it will.

Because they aren’t viewed by society as cool or in some cases as masculine as black, Hispanic, Asian or shit any other male that is non white

I can cosign this 100% via firsthand knowledge.

I knew a “man” (I use that term as loosely as possible) who would flap his hatehole to any white person within hearing distance.

Yet he not only shut his could SEE the fear in his eyes when a black /brown man was present. It was naked and palpable and undermined his “macho white bro” bravado.

tl;dr: Self-hatred breeds hatred towards others.

It’s wounded pride, fear, ignorance and racism. They’ve got a complex that tells them they are supposed to be the ones on the top of the heap (which is easy to get when society tends to tell you that you are, daily, and even easier when you insulate yourself from people of different backgrounds), and when this is challenged by life’s circumstances they get bitter. They’ve got this irrational fear that they’re being “replaced” by brown people who are rightfully rising up and demanding their rights. They erroneously believe that equality is a zero-sum game; that is, if non-white people get the same ‘privileges’, by which I mean basic human rights like not being assumed to be a criminal on sight or being treated with respect & decency by our institutions, that they (white men) will start to lose those rights themselves. And there are a lot of them that just plain hate people who aren’t like them, because different = scary & bad in their minds. All of this is fertile ground for racist demagogues like the current occupant of the presidency.

White men are angry and crazy because they’ve gotten a tiny taste of what it’s always been like for minorities and it’s driven them insane. We’ve always had to deal with a system rigged against us. A country run by people who don’t look like us and don’t care about us making rules about our lives even as they think we are worthless. But now the system is rigged against a lot of white people too. Their unions have been gutted, their pensions raided, their jobs sent overseas. Of course this is all their own fault but they certainly aren’t going to own that responsibility because...whiteness. Then came Barack Obama. A black man superior to them in almost every way and the last of their sanity just disappeared.

The problem is that these people will never deal with reality so now we’re a country awash in guns and opiates.

The way Becky can smell bbc and 25cts on a black man - Mae Ling can smell racism, sexism and a social security check on a white man.

Maybe it’s just the way (Lucyfers) white moms raised their kids, because even on the play ground Jaxson is an angry bullying little dick to the other kids.

When were Wypipo denied basic humanity? When were they not allowed to own land? When were they rounded up in Europe and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean? Oh. Never you say?! Then STFU about “Wypipo” being racist because it’s not. When Wypipo ca experience 400+ years of slavery followed by Jim Crow they don’t get to claim anything against them is “racist”.

Fear tends to be manifested in angry outbursts. White men are scared that society will realize how below average they’ve been for centuries and relegate them to their proper place.

Because when it comes right down to it they’re the most insulated and protected demographic of people on the planet, and it’s hard to sell the idea of you being a self-reliant bad ass who’s made themselves from the ground up when society is specifically designed for you to succeed at all costs.

As a white woman, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had white men offer their opinion or invade my space. Men I didn’t even know.

It ranges from “Smile, honey!” to coming over and taking items out of my grocery cart and saying “this is so much better” when handing me an item. (WTF?)

I cannot imagine how much worse it must be for WOCs.

White men cut in line, they take up several seats on the bus, they manspread.....they treat public space as if they own it. Because they think they do own it.

As a consequence of this observation, I am constantly vigilant in public about my interactions with others. Even if I don’t speak. I wait for WOCs to go first in a line, hold the door, move over, etc. Once or twice, I received an utterly shocked response because “no white woman has ever...” Jesus. Really?

Some white women think basic manners are only for other white folk.

I constantly hear from white female friends “There’s nothing I can do!” But there is.

You see other white folk doing something small like invading space, offer your space up. You see other white folk saying something stupid, speak up. You see other white folk acting in a bullying fashion, put your body between them and the target.

Until “good” white people are willing to take risks, nothing changes.

I am a white men, and I try not to be part of the problem, though doubtless I am fucking up somewhere that I’m not aware of. But yeah, maturity and basic respect for others — these are not traits that are necessarily fostered in white men, and it shows. I honestly think that being man-children makes a lot of white men unhappy, which would almost be something to pity, except that they make other people vastly more unhappy first, and only afterwards feel a vague sense of emptiness and an existential worry that they’re frauds deep down.

Try to be fair, wait your turn, say “please”, sweet baby Jesus these are things that first-graders are expected to master. Us white mens got no excuse.

Hi. I’m a white passing person from a multiracial famly here to say that the only thing I’m mad at is other racist (or oblivious) white people. My disgust for them is visceral. Further, I think it’s white people that should be out here dismanlting white supremacy, while my friends and famly of color should be at home getting massages, smoking weed, or doing whatever the f@#K they please in life, generally.

Please carry on, and I will roundhouse kick a racist in your honor.


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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1666 on: June 19, 2018, 10:36:07 pm »

Besides watching the absurd video in the first link I recommend reading the comment section in both articles, it is illuminating. These are run-of-the-mill articles for the site which is a part of the mainstream black pop-culture magazine 'The Root'. Did a search and no one lifts an eyebrow over this site, overt anti-white racism has become normalized across countless mainstream publications.

Beyond the fact that it's a dying print medium, that shit is marginal even among it's target audience. You could interview several hundred people in the target demographic and they'd be like "I'm sorry, the what?"

No one lifts an eyebrow because it's not mainstream, it's not even underground or a cult following. It's somebody yelling and so few people are listening that it doesn't matter.

I worked at the Hood Library in my county for a few years, nobody ever read or checked out those magazines. """Urban""" fiction on the other hand, hoo boy. That goes out like hot cakes. That shit is like every horrible thing people say about "romance" novels, and then you just stack some racial stereotypes in there and have your author publish it under the blackest ghost writer name you can imagine.

It's still not as bad as the NASCAR romance novels. The people who read those are null and void under the Geneva Convention. Burn it all.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1667 on: June 19, 2018, 10:42:07 pm »
the blackest ghost writer name you can imagine

Try me
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1668 on: June 19, 2018, 11:02:04 pm »
Angantyr & Bloberyn are slowly but surely making me a god damn white supremacist. By the time Bannerlord is out I'll probably sound like Panos.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1669 on: June 20, 2018, 12:04:00 am »
Beyond the fact that it's a dying print medium, that shit is marginal even among it's target audience. You could interview several hundred people in the target demographic and they'd be like "I'm sorry, the what?"

No one lifts an eyebrow because it's not mainstream, it's not even underground or a cult following. It's somebody yelling and so few people are listening that it doesn't matter.

I worked at the Hood Library in my county for a few years, nobody ever read or checked out those magazines. """Urban""" fiction on the other hand, hoo boy. That goes out like hot cakes. That shit is like every horrible thing people say about "romance" novels, and then you just stack some racial stereotypes in there and have your author publish it under the blackest ghost writer name you can imagine.

It's still not as bad as the NASCAR romance novels. The people who read those are null and void under the Geneva Convention. Burn it all.

The Root is an online magazine launched by a Harvard University professor and the Washington Post Company back in 2008 as 'Slate for black people'. A New York Times editor became the site's managing editor with help from a former Slate editor. Before Univision Communications took over it was owned by The Slate Group which was established by Graham Holdings Company (owner of the Washington Post and Newsweek). It is firmly a part of establishment, mainstream media. Its Alexa rank is 12.883 which is pretty good for an African American-centered publication.

Mainstream in the sense of a very considerable readership is Buzzfeed (Alexa rank 188) or Huffington Post (Alexa rank 334) or VICE or The Verge (Alexa rank 588), Vox (Alexa rank 1217) which regurgitates the same kind of anti-white garbage on a regular basis. Or notorious legacy media race-baiters like CNN, the Washington Post and The New York Times.

The Root: white people are cowards and evil
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 12:49:26 am by Angantyr »

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1670 on: June 20, 2018, 12:49:21 am »
this sure is quite the hateful echo chamber
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1671 on: June 20, 2018, 01:20:26 am »
this sure is quite the hateful echo chamber

Not an echo chamber by moderation, just that none oppose it. Seems to be the natural progression of forums unless moderation kills all the "hateful" posts. Besides its like 2 posters actually posting stuff links and the rest are just commenting.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1672 on: June 20, 2018, 01:48:17 am »
racism is wrong, give france to africa.
Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1673 on: June 20, 2018, 02:28:12 am »
I got this far

before my eyeballs melted and dribbled down my face. And that's only 5% through the document.
I'm not surprised. Average IQ of a SSC reader is 140, after all, for a reason.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 02:31:20 am by Xant »
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1674 on: June 20, 2018, 03:06:08 am »
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Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1675 on: June 20, 2018, 04:16:09 am »
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Sincerely, 80 IQ people.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1676 on: June 20, 2018, 04:16:38 am »
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Saved by a white man
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1677 on: June 20, 2018, 06:34:18 am »
Xant, have you done an official IQ test?

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1678 on: June 20, 2018, 06:52:32 am »
Xant, have you done an official IQ test?
Good heavens, no. They'd probably try to sell me something, like my own name.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1679 on: June 20, 2018, 07:35:39 am »
(click to show/hide)

first a white women tries to limit his freedom of sitting as he wishes,  then he gets thrown out by white man.  racism is real.

Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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