Author Topic: Am I racist? 2.0  (Read 188005 times)

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1455 on: May 19, 2018, 05:32:30 pm »
While Ottomans weren't as bad like French and British (they are the worst tho), they weren't good to their colonies like Austria-Hungary was. Kinda wish we never assassinated Franz Ferdinand, he had some awesome ideas how to reform his empire and Europe as a whole, which became reality after WWII. According to his plans Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia would get same status some of them have today and others are trying to get. Some one hundred years ago. Would also mean there would be no WWI and probably not even WWII.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1456 on: May 19, 2018, 06:02:16 pm »
I just can't image wanting to have kids in this day and age. Not to be critical or a dick, but don't really understand what kind of benefits someone fron our generation could get from having kids outside of really really wanting to be a dad.

At this point in time I have no desire, but I will in the future at least try. Something about ending your family's line that has existed since the dawn of time kinda sucks, no?
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1457 on: May 19, 2018, 06:10:27 pm »
That's because you're a misanthropic spiritually empty husk. Not to worry, like every single other person that has ever existed and had the same views, it's a self-correcting problem. People want to have children because evolution has selected for people who wanted to have children. And the people that will exist into the future will be the descendents of ones who wanted to have children today.

Except for when only one of the two people wants to have children.
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1458 on: May 19, 2018, 11:42:00 pm »
I just can't image wanting to have kids in this day and age. Not to be critical or a dick, but don't really understand what kind of benefits someone fron our generation could get from having kids outside of really really wanting to be a dad.
Fulfillment of your spiritual role, if you're into that. Fulfillment of your duty to your nation, if you're into that. Fulfillment of your responsibility to the future, if you're into that. You could possibly feel accountable to your lineage, maybe your race. You might believe that producing children with a loving partner has value.  As Tibes pointed out, people who don't live in places where the state has replaced the family might see raising children as a practical necessity.

If none of that matters to someone, they still have a natural imperative to act toward fulfillment of their biological role as members of the H. sapiens species, belonging to a taxonomic family of simian primates. Surely as a great ape you feel a certain need to breed if not any kind of higher purpose, do you not?
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1459 on: May 20, 2018, 02:26:54 am »
Making decision to stop playing video games will be the massive one, because I've came to conclusion that gamers are among the worst, most desensitized people. Bunch of shitlords, basically.

It is truly possible that not a single one of you likes children in non twisted way? Well I do, I like children more than any of you, failed former children. Not in a sexual, weird, abusive way but I like simplicity yet effectiveness of child mind compared to overcumbered adult mind that isn't progressing anymore and is satisfied with status quo. Not all adults are like that, but most are and gamers seem to lead in shit, stopped-in-time mind category.

Video games are suppsed to be a new way for youth to entertain themselves, but what games created is hard to comprehend. Video games are big part in western societies set of problems. Children from impoverished societes haven't been exposed to video games to such extent and you can see the differences, they produce offsprings while evolution of gamers, the internet sperglord is only capable of producing shit. America allowed itself to become a mockery of society and that it is leaking to its satellite states that form western society.

Will not lie, am tainted by that disease just like most of you but cleaning that outta my system have greatly improved my life.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1460 on: May 20, 2018, 02:47:41 am »
cleaning that outta my system has greatly improved my life
Leshma actually said something without going on a tangent and he's not exactly wrong either. If it wasn't for his need to attack everyone, I'd almost believe him.
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1461 on: May 20, 2018, 04:36:27 am »
Making decision to stop playing video games will be the massive one, because I've came to conclusion that gamers are among the worst, most desensitized people. Bunch of shitlords, basically.

It is truly possible that not a single one of you likes children in non twisted way? Well I do, I like children more than any of you, failed former children. Not in a sexual, weird, abusive way but I like simplicity yet effectiveness of child mind compared to overcumbered adult mind that isn't progressing anymore and is satisfied with status quo. Not all adults are like that, but most are and gamers seem to lead in shit, stopped-in-time mind category.

Video games are suppsed to be a new way for youth to entertain themselves, but what games created is hard to comprehend. Video games are big part in western societies set of problems. Children from impoverished societes haven't been exposed to video games to such extent and you can see the differences, they produce offsprings while evolution of gamers, the internet sperglord is only capable of producing shit. America allowed itself to become a mockery of society and that it is leaking to its satellite states that form western society.

Will not lie, am tainted by that disease just like most of you but cleaning that outta my system have greatly improved my life.
Jesus Christ, the Leshman is getting weirder every day.
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1462 on: May 20, 2018, 05:33:02 am »
I just can't image wanting to have kids in this day and age. Not to be critical or a dick, but don't really understand what kind of benefits someone fron our generation could get from having kids outside of really really wanting to be a dad.

everyone else has well-covered the other bases, especially Westwood (oh, what a man, i swoon). i see that your feeling is based at least in part upon "current times" or the state of affairs in the world or whatever you'd say. i wonder what, in particular, you refer to? i don't imagine that you refer to the culture-war type stuff that is sometimes mentioned and discussed here. do you refer to the likelihood of the world to erupt in nuclear hellfire, experience global economic depression, ecological disaster, et cetera?

all the nasty things that are coming (besides the unpredictable nuclear hellfire pls pakistan and india don't pop this shit off) are NOT coming with 5-10 years, it ain't gonna be like bringing a child into the world with stable partner in 2018 is gonna result in The Road IRL.

we're 50 years or so outside of the real hard nasty shit coming, you ain't seen nothing yet. we'll be old men or dead- in fact the exact situation it seems you might be worried about is one that will be experienced by the generation after the next.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1463 on: May 20, 2018, 01:12:36 pm »
Deadbeat dad bundle of sticks cunt. What did you do Havelle, put your kid up for addoption? Have your stupid slut thot abort it? If only your parents had done the same thing, none of this would be a problem.

Leshman you give way too much weight and primacy to vidya, you lesbian troon. "Video games are big part in western societies set of problems." No, no they aren't you fucking absolute mong. They are at best a small, small secondary symptom, and not even a particularly pernicious one. The anti-natalism and insane egotist narcissism of a lot of dumb westerners (see Havelle) has like, at least a dozen bigger factors explaining them beyond "urrrh durrrh VIDYA EBIL".
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1464 on: May 20, 2018, 01:35:38 pm »
Deadbeat dad bundle of sticks cunt. What did you do Havelle, put your kid up for addoption? Have your stupid slut thot abort it? If only your parents had done the same thing, none of this would be a problem.

Leshman you give way too much weight and primacy to vidya, you lesbian troon. "Video games are big part in western societies set of problems." No, no they aren't you fucking absolute mong. They are at best a small, small secondary symptom, and not even a particularly pernicious one. The anti-natalism and insane egotist narcissism of a lot of dumb westerners (see Havelle) has like, at least a dozen bigger factors explaining them beyond "urrrh durrrh VIDYA EBIL".

that first thing made me unhappy because havelle is my friend and from what i remember+feel at liberty to share, your assumptions are mostly wrong. anti-natalist thought is very disturbing to me as well, seemingly intrinsically. just one of those things that feels very, very wrong to me. but everything in reality don't line up perfectly to your Chosen Narrative. i readily admit that my Chosen Narrative also does not completely coincide with reality.

you're right that bideogaems at face value aren't a primary cause of Bad Things in Western Society, but i would posit that humans just ain't developed in an evolutionary sense to thrive in an environment in which nearly effortless, powerful, self-reinforcing (in psychological sense) stimuli are available to an entire populace. especially at young ages.

being very, lets say, "interpersonally active" on the internet using medium of video games since age 13 and feeling as though i really have gained certain knowledge, experience, outlook, etc from does feel awkward to have a position like this. to put it simply, i just don't think that human beings are "meant" or "intended" to have SO MANY interpersonal relationships using the internet nor such rich, self-reinforcing stimuli on demand.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1465 on: May 20, 2018, 02:29:22 pm »
Leshman you give way too much weight and primacy to vidya, you lesbian troon. "Video games are big part in western societies set of problems." No, no they aren't you fucking absolute mong. They are at best a small, small secondary symptom, and not even a particularly pernicious one. The anti-natalism and insane egotist narcissism of a lot of dumb westerners (see Havelle) has like, at least a dozen bigger factors explaining them beyond "urrrh durrrh VIDYA EBIL".

Honestly, Leshmas issues with videogames is simply utterly fucking ridiculous. I guess a lot of hes friends and people are affected by it, thats why his hatred for it is so unreasonable.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1466 on: May 20, 2018, 02:57:58 pm »
Leshma only loves children, now.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1467 on: May 20, 2018, 03:00:12 pm »
Leshma you fucking pedophile

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1468 on: May 20, 2018, 03:22:09 pm »
Leshma actually said something without going on a tangent and he's not exactly wrong either. If it wasn't for his need to attack everyone, I'd almost believe him.

Not everyone, just the people posting in this shithole and other people posting in similar shitholes all over the internet. Disdain for children is what they all have in common. For them kid is either a tool or nuisance. How can anyone like those people?

Modern western values are guilty of:
- alienating families
- promoting selfishness
- widespread narcissism
- hatred towards anyone but oneself

I'm not on the same line with nationalists but have to say their values are in fact better than modern liberal values born in USA. While nationalists despise members of other nations at least they like someone other than themselves. Modern liberals only like themselves and what they consider to be their private property. Which is exactly why I'm die hard communist. Because on the surface communism promoted family values and that is something majority could enjoy. Minority who opposed those values were silenced in terrible ways but after experiencing western values which are exactly what dissidents fought for, must say that communists weren't harsh enough towards those people.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1469 on: May 20, 2018, 03:28:12 pm »
Been in this community for over seven years now and very active both in game chat and forums. There was very few occasions that someone talked about his family, people he/she care about. Mostly those people were from eastern countries. None of you westerners have ever acknowledged the fact that you have families in a positive way. I understand that is something you don't want to bring on the internet but I've read all kind of juicy details that people aren't supposed to tell complete strangers. Feels like you are broken people just because of your reluctance to speak about your dearest from time to time to say something nice. It's like you're all orphans without anybody to care for.