Americans in this thread are probably of opinion: free speech, let racists talk, they are people too and are entitled to have different view. Which is why this thread lives so long.
But as history has taught us, if you let racists spread their opinions in public sooner or later you get a mess called WWII. Which is why their opinions were outright outlawed in aftermath of WWII and turned into punishable crime. For same reasons they were threated in same way they threat lesser people, as subhumans. Hanged, shot on sight, very quick trials for those lucky to get one.
Time has passed, people have forgot history and new racists are trying to rise from ashes of their failed ancestors, trying to recreate history to fit their agenda. Of course, their first target were those who defated them soundly then broke their organizations in tinies little pieces, the communists.
At first it was a joke but after years of saying same shit over and over again, I've lost all hope for cRPG racists such as Oberyn and Angantyr. They are people beyond repair.