Its funny coz you provide the opposing arguments yourself: only the Western first world countries does it because we are more advanced in terms of civilization. In that sense, we provide our own decadence, but if we dont implode and go full retard again (nationalism, segregationism), certainly the situation will have stabilised in the near future, whether you like it or not.
Ah yes, all those centuries of nationalism and "segregationism" were antethical to our entire idea of civilization. Western civilization started in the 1960's, anything that came before is just a stupid mistake. Only if we completely obliterate any sense of local identity will the situation stabilize, because balkanizing nation-states into Salad Bowl groups that have nothing in common is great for stability. I don't believe that we are heading for peaceful utopia because of an unreasonable dislike for your moronic ideology.
You provide further argument by nominating China: a country which is slowly but surely being westernised, albeit in a bastardly way. In the next decades the regime will have to change to accomodate the booming middle class, following the same pattern we had in the near past.
Hahahahaha the absolute fucking self-delusion. China is slowly being westernized. What planet are you living on? Yeah man it's all good, it doesn't matter if western ethnicities dissapear, maybe a couple of our Esteemed Values will survive in a mutated and unrecognizeable form in the various REAL civilizations and ethnicities that will actually continue to exist into the future, and in the end isn't that what really matters?
As you can see, I both believe that Western>all and doesnt mind globalism as the natural future state of the world. It must be mind boggling to you, I can only imagine ![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](
No, it's unsurprising. Believing that western civilization is superior and that it is the "natural", automatic end-goal for all human collectives is typical brainwashed regressive arrogance and ignorance, mixed with a completely ironic ethnocentric xenophobia. It is the White Man's Burden crafted anew, the exact same sense of paternalist contempt, a form of "soft" colonialism. It is our duty to uplift and civilize the primite races! Yes, we're doing so, so well at it. The "minorities" in our own countries have absolutely given up their awful, obsolete concepts of ethnicity and any sort of tribalism following our exalted example, it's just a matter of time before it spreads to the rest of the globe "naturally", just lol.
I dont know what evidence you have.
The entirety of human history and a perception of the world cleared of dogmatic, soyboy utopian idealism.
I have none whatsoever myself just a feeling that if there is no big dramatic/negative events (world war III or big civil wars around race) there is no way the young of today will embrace nationalism, it will become a thing of the past.
Lol of course you don't, you just have a "feeling". Yes I'm sure that "feeling" is entirely of your own making and not a deliberately promoted ideological and historical worldview present only in Western first world white countries, the supposed epitome and apogee of humanity, so superior to those fucking obsolete backwards fools who still accept the role of collective tribalism in human nature, i.e currently the entire fucking planet and every single civilization that has ever existed. Gee I wonder where that "feeling" could POSSIBLY come from. I'm sure it's just an "organic" and "natural" thing, and not a retarded fucking delusion crafted by pomo dogmatists who refuse to aknowledge reality if it contradicts their "feelings".