Author Topic: Am I racist? 2.0  (Read 187959 times)

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1515 on: May 25, 2018, 02:22:19 pm »
Excerpts from Black Twitter, all by black women:

Before the EuropeanCaucasianDevil was grafted into physical existence Blkppl had No: Poverty Sickness Pollution Materialistic Value Value on natural resources Capitalism within Greed Stealing,Total confusion The Destruction within theEuropeanCaucasian system

This isn't YOUR country, & you know it! You don't even have a real home in this world. All that you have & do, is NOT from innovation, but thievery, deception, & manipulation, among many others! Please read a book called: 'They Came Before Columbus'! Numbers of Black folks were already here! We sailed the seas looooooong before Europeans, thus they'd have Moors (Black people) help lead their expeditions, because we knew the sea & direction. How can you even make your fingers type that this is "YOUR COUNTRY"!? You are sadly mistaken & delusional if you believe you can lay claim to this land! Why don't YOU LEAVE!?

My ancestors built this country! The stock market, banking institutions, ivy league universities, & even the white house were built off the backs of my ancestors! Yet those whom own, operate, & benefit from the wealth, are ALL WHITE, & have created generation after generation from the oppression of my people. White people are lazy, shiftless, have no soul, & lack creativity! This is why you can't even create your OWN successful genres of music! You have to try to take ours & attach your face to it!! You did it to Jazz, Rock n roll, pop, R&B, disco, & hip-hop! Elvis was nothing more than a typical white supremacist THIEF junkie, ripping off Black folks!

#JaredTaylor is a bastard and a piece of shit. For your information sucker #blacks dont give a flying fuck about some bastard IQ system created by #chocolate chip cookieGermany melanin is a far better judge of intelligence.

#blackpeople make up the largets race of humans on earth. The deception of the #whitesupremacist has got us believing that blacks are a minority, are sub-human i.e black in spanishes and only originate in Africa. Then why is it Jamaicans, Cubans, Haitians, Indians, to name a few r black?

My Free Mason illuminati Earrings. This science like most originated in Africa as well as did the Moorish empires. White supremacists have no culture. Blacks are the illuminated ones!

It always amuses me to no end when #Whitesupremacists get angry over #BlackHistoryMonth  and #mlkday  white supremacists make the argument "why cant we have traitor statues and our history" the answer is easy, you were always on the wrong side of history thays why!

Happy #BlackHistory month. Lets refocus our black priorities this month in the spirit of ogun, and the rebel spirit of #NatTurner and other blacks who were builders and defenders of black lives. We must love ourselves and recognise that we own every inch of America we built.

If someone is SOOOOOOO INFERIOR to you all, why would you have any need to chattel enslave them, rape them, subjugate that, create laws specifically against them, have a form of military(law enforcement) to purposely target & brutalize them, flood drugs into their communities, or create an entire SYSTEM (white supremacy) to keep them from advancing in ALL areas of social activity? PLEASE ANSWER THAT!.. I'll wait...

#BlackUnity has to be uncompromising! Lets stop using scapegoats like bashing #Singleblackmothers #Blackmenonchildsupport #unemployedblacks #weavwearingblackwomen and so forth. The only threats to black society r #interacialdating #sellouts #agents #police #whitesupremacy

A sign that the racist #whiteman and woman are ignorant is they choose to discriminate based soly on skin color. Last time I checked whites (do to their recessive nature) have various hair and eye colors and frekeled skin. Seems they should hate members of their bastard race.

Lets take a moment to reflect on and celebrate the #LosangelesRIOTS of 1992. That is a display of the eye 4 an eye justice black people need to forever be on the ready to administer when racist #chocolate chip cookie white #Amerikkka brutralizes one of our own as they did #RodneyKing.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1516 on: May 25, 2018, 02:35:28 pm »
I didn't call nigga twitter the bottom of the abyss for no reason. It's just endless sub 80 IQ hot-takes by Shaneekwa and Delray. DAS RITE.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1517 on: May 25, 2018, 02:47:52 pm »

What is Chris Langan's view on identity politics?

Answered May 17, 2018 · Author has 182 answers and 659.9k answer views

My view on identity politics is that it can be justified only if everyone of any ethnicity is entitled to participate, in which case it is necessary for all (because failing to assert it, as when White people of European ancestry fail to assert it lest they be branded as “racists”, means leaving oneself and one’s group defenseless against competition for resources and opportunity). Alternatively, lest any group be denied its identity while others assert their own, group identity must be equitably denied to everyone.
Human identity is stratified, and thus has both individual and group levels. Accordingly, we can (and sometimes must) reason in terms of group identity. But when group self-identification is officially granted to some groups yet denied to others against which they compete, this can only result in imbalance and injustice. For example, when some overpopulating groups which have overtaxed their own resources by reproductive incontinence and homegrown oligarchy are allowed to migrate into the sovereign territories of worldwide ethnic minorities - e.g., people of European descent - and enjoy special “oppressed” status whereby they reap special benefits such as free food, free housing, free education, free healthcare, affirmative action, reproductive subsidies, and special treatment under the law, and are even credited with moral superiority due to their alleged “oppression”, this can result in the destruction of the national, cultural, and ethnic identity of the hosts, leading ultimately to their extinction. Incoming groups which assert their own collective identities while denying their hosts any reciprocal right of political group cohesion thus amount to noxious, invasive, and ultimately lethal socioeconomic parasites. Obviously, any governmental authority which enforces or encourages such asymmetry - e.g., the European Union - is illegitimate.

Bear in mind that once we cease to treat individuals as individuals per se, thus allowing members of their respective groups to assert their ethnic, cultural, or religious (etc.) identities against their “oppressors”, their group properties and statistics are automatically opened to scrutiny and comparative analysis. For example, if after several generations of special treatment in the educational sphere (compulsory school integration, special programs, modifications of educational procedure, racially defined college admission preferences, etc.), a particular “oppressed” group fails as a whole to outgrow these measures, its members are no longer entitled to exemption from objective characterization in terms of associated group statistics; if one wants to enjoy the social benefits attending ethically loaded group-defined properties like “belonging to an oppressed group”, one must submit to rational policies formed on the basis of not just individual assessment, but empirically confirmed group-defined properties such as “belonging to a group exhibiting a relatively low mean IQ and a tendency to violently disrupt the educational environment”. Continuing to pursue racially parameterized measures of human worth and achievement can only lead to personal injustice, social degradation, and biological degeneration (because such measures inevitably supplant any rational form of social, economic, and reproductive selection).
In short, identity politics should either be shut down immediately, or the majority populations of Europe and North America should be encouraged to assert their own ethnic and cultural identities and group interests with full force. Any governmental, academic, religious, or media authority which tries to prevent it is clearly unworthy of respect and obedience.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1518 on: May 25, 2018, 03:10:38 pm »
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Offline Angantyr

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1519 on: May 25, 2018, 03:22:30 pm »
I didn't call nigga twitter the bottom of the abyss for no reason. It's just endless sub 80 IQ hot-takes by Shaneekwa and Delray. DAS RITE.

Browsing it feels like being a European explorer during the Scramble for Africa.

The women are often the most aggressive, a result of being the bottom-feeders in the interracial dating hierarchy.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1520 on: May 25, 2018, 03:33:17 pm »
If you removed "interracial", would it be safe to assume pot calling the kettle?

"The women are often the most aggressive, a result of being the bottom-feeders in the dating hierarchy."

No idea what point you're trying to make.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1521 on: May 25, 2018, 04:50:40 pm »
That Angantyr is aggressive because he's not a sexy lad.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Angantyr

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1522 on: May 25, 2018, 06:46:10 pm »
If you removed "interracial", would it be safe to assume pot calling the kettle?

Don't presume anything. You know nothing about me.

There's a great amount of available data, scientific papers and figures from the world's largest dating companies and numerous articles and videoes by black women lamenting the fact that black men often rank white and asian women as the most desirable or attractive. I find the black activists in question comical and absurd but it's not a jab at black women in general, I wish black men would treat black women with more respect and create some functional families. But I'm genuinely curious why there's so many overtly racist and aggressive black women in these movements when it's an exceedingly rare sight among white women.

Other factors could be the lower average IQ in these movements, unfettered tribal loyalty, cultural emphasis on conformity, black women's higher levels of testosterone in combination with women's increased emotional sensitivity and popular culture's onslaught of black victim narratives. We see women playing prominent roles in black power activism not only in America but across the African diaspora in the West, including South Africa.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1523 on: May 25, 2018, 07:04:52 pm »
"The women are often the most aggressive, a result of being the bottom-feeders in the dating hierarchy."

No idea what point you're trying to make.
Didn't you know? Viewing life through a lens of "ooga booga this makes Grug feel good, therefore this is good for Grug" allows you to make value judgements about people and their views based on assumptions you make about their performance in your chosen lifestyle of free love. That post was witty banter, a wise crack at Angantyr obviously only being so strung up about the state of the world because he can't get any matches on Tinder.

I dunno, Righty memes have gotten pretty stupid lately aswell. I think this rise of unfunny retarded lefties has also caused a lot unfunny retarded righties to meme aswell. Like this unfunny bundle of sticks that 9gag is promoting lately that even a cesspool like 9gags own community cant stomach.

Now THAT's a based Magapede, can't wait to see more. I was slapping my knee the whole time.
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1524 on: May 26, 2018, 11:25:17 am »
Do you have any proof, anecdotal or otherwise, of this phenomenon? You know of a lot of far-right incels? Every single incel I've known has invariably been an incredibly leftist, hardcore male feminist bundle of sticks. And with one or more physically repulsive features, such as extremely thin, obese or just plain ugly. 
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1525 on: May 26, 2018, 06:45:52 pm »
Articles about the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of independent journalist and activist Tommy Robinson are being rapidly scrubbed from the internet after the British government put restrictions in place banning any reporting on the matter.
Robinson, 35, was arrested on Friday for suspicion of ‘breaching the peace’ while livestreaming to report on the trial of a child grooming gang. He will now have to serve a prior 13 month suspended sentence for a similar offense.
Articles from the Daily Record, Birmingham Live, The Mirror, RT and even Breitbart News were all taken offline in the hours following his detention.

The leaked gag-order to the press states that it “appears to be necessary for avoiding a substantial risk of prejudice to the administration of justice in these proceedings.” The order prohibits “any report of these proceedings.”
According to UK independent reporter Caolan Robertson, Robinson was arrested outside the Leeds Crown Court on Friday morning as he was covering the trial of ten men for offenses including child rape, trafficking, and supply of Class A drugs to children.
His suspended sentence stems from an arrest last year for contempt of court after trying to film Muslims who had been accused of pedophilia outside a court in Canterbury.

The trial he was attempting to cover was that of Tamin Rahani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20, Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and an unnamed teenager who are all charged with three counts of raping a teenager.

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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1526 on: May 26, 2018, 08:37:13 pm »

UK just finds a way to make things worse and worse. Its really quite scary at this point. Police state soon? When will they start monitoring and arresting people based on what they say online or between friends, maybe start hiring informers? Better not chat shit at the pub, that guy in the corner is an informer have fun in the poker you racist.
Paprika: ...the Internet and dreams are similar. They're areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1527 on: May 26, 2018, 08:39:10 pm »
It may very well be a death sentence. Even the judge admitted as much. Gonna get murdered in prison by sandnigga mudslimes like the bacon on mosque doorhandle guy. And the judge considers this normal because "he knew what to expect".
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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1528 on: May 26, 2018, 09:04:40 pm »
Yeah, for those who don't know about his previous prison stints here he speaks about his experiences and the state of British prisons:

Sargoy's video about the Muslim prison gangs in the UK:


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Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« Reply #1529 on: May 26, 2018, 10:13:07 pm »

Pulling off a piece of clothing that loud is a challenge in itself. It's in no way disrespectful (like wearing an "indian" halloween costume with a feather headdress). That's like white people getting mad about non-whites wearing a tux to a charity gala.

It reminds me of Desi women getting super upset about anyone else on earth getting a nose piercing in that style.

It's like a 3 year old screaming NO, MINE!!! and refusing to share anything ever. If it's done in good taste and not as some kind of gag/holiday costume, how can you even be mad? The wearer is affirming the aesthetic appeal of your culture's clothing. You are not being mocked, it's not some sacred religious vestments being profaned.

How long until it's racist to eat another culture's food? That would be a fine day.
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