Unfortunately, I don't have time right now to write out my usual patchnotes/announcement, I need to be up in less than 3 hours from now, and I'd like some sleep. Here's a quick summary, I'll fill more in later.
-DTV: Plan to change mode so that Vivi dying is not an automatic loss, instead only losing all players will be a loss. (this is what I spent much of the night trying to get working)
-DTV: Splitting up the server into 2 20-slot servers. On many maps, with 30 people, around 10 or so stand around without anything to do.
-DTV: Removed about half of the waves, so that maps no longer take 2 hours or so to beat
-DTV: Reward for grindy maps reduced to 2/3 of normal reward
-Stones: Nerfed. They're a 0-gold item, and should not be effective in the slightest.
-Crossbows: Tweaked acc values in order to provide linear increase in reticle size (0 wpf) with more damage. However, it looks like the formulas in the item sheet are not correct, so that will need to be investigated, and will probably lead to further balancing.
-Soak: 1H cut buffed, higher amounts of cut nerfed
-Shields: Shield difficulty lowered by 1 across the board. Dying to ranged? Try picking up a shield, there's now even more variety.
Other stuff too. Crossbow balance stuff is very likely to change, once the correct formulas are found.