Author Topic: A new take on weapon slotting  (Read 1400 times)

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A new take on weapon slotting
« on: January 11, 2018, 12:10:24 am »
I seriously doubt this could ever be implemented.  Would be too much rework and coding to accomplish.  But still fun to think about or discuss.

My idea is to rework weapon slotting to make it a little more realistic.  Thus requiring more realistic character builds and weapon loadouts.  So here's the idea...

So instead of having 4 generic weapon slots.  Players have these 4 positional slots.  Only certain weapons can fit in these positional slots.  Players would have 4 positional weapon slots.  One on the back.  One for each hip (so two there).  And one for the front belt.  Here's my thinking on how that would work...

  • The front belt slot can only hold daggers or very small-light weapons.  Personally I'd only allow weapons that cannot block, such as daggers.

  • The hip slots can carry 1-hand weapons.  Whether this be swords, axes, maces, whatever.  If it's 1-hand, it can fit on your hip.  So you could carry two different 1-hand weapons, one on each hip.  Quivers would also fit on your hip.  Stones and throwing daggers would also be hip weapons.  I'd also allow bucklers to be worn on the hip.

  • The slot on the players back would be for 2-hand weapons, polearms, shields, bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons.  You can only fit one weapon on your back.

    ** Of note, weapons that "Can't Sheath" would still work the same.  You start the game with them in your hand.

Obviously changing our current setup would mess everyone's builds up.

But if we got to start from scratch, what would you think of this idea?  If we got to start from scratch... I'm curious if you think this would be a better system than we have now.

Some of my thoughts on why I think this system is neat:

  • One of the things I like about his setup, is that it would eliminate some very unrealistic builds out there.  Carrying a bow/Xbow and a 2-hander or polearm.  Or having a crossbow, quiver, shield, and 1-hand weapon.  That's a lot of weapons for one man to carry.

  • I like that it kind of makes folks have to choose... 2 hand or polearm or shielder or ranged.  Can't do it all.  You can of course still carry a 1-hand with ranged on your back.  But not a shield as well, cause a bow is already on your back.  That's realistic to me.

  • I think one of the major changes would be for throwers.  I love playing with throwing lances.  In our current system, I can stack 4 seats of throwing lances on my back for a total of 8 lances.  In this proposed system, I can't see how that would happen.  But I kind of like that.  Would make it more realistic in my opinion.  How does someone realistically carry 8 throwing lance.  This would also give more credence to the smaller throwing weapons, because they give you more ammo.  Makes a good balance between damage and amount of ammo you have.

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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2018, 12:38:53 am »
"The slot on the players back would be for 2-hand weapons, polearms, shields, bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons.  You can only fit one weapon on your back."
So you would kill hoplite build then if shields and polearms could only be carried on back. And no shield for crossbow user?!
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The crossbow was particularly prominent in European warfare from the battle of Hastings (1066) until about 1525.[31] In the armies of Europe,[32] mounted and unmounted crossbowmen, often mixed with slingers, javeliners and archers, occupied a central position in battle formations. Usually they engaged the enemy in offensive skirmishes before an assault of mounted knights. Crossbowmen were also valuable in counterattacks to protect their infantry. Crossbowmen were held in high esteem as professional soldiers, often commanding higher rates of pay than other foot soldiers.[33] The rank of commanding officer of the crossbowmen corps was one of the highest positions in many medieval armies, including those of Spain, France, and Italy. Crossbowmen were held in such high regard in Spain that they were granted status on par with the knightly class.[31] Along with polearm weapons made from farming equipment, the crossbow was also a weapon of choice for insurgent peasants such as the Taborites. Genoese crossbowmen were famous mercenaries hired throughout medieval Europe, while the crossbow also played an important role in anti-personnel defense of ships.[34] Mounted knights armed with lances proved ineffective against formations of pikemen combined with crossbowmen whose weapons could penetrate most knights' armor. The invention of pushlever and ratchet drawing mechanisms enabled the use of crossbows on horseback, leading to the development of new cavalry tactics. Knights and mercenaries deployed in triangular formations, with the most heavily armored knights at the front. Some of these riders would carry small, powerful all-metal crossbows of their own.[citation needed]
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 03:19:05 am by Asheram »
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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2018, 01:25:28 am »
I'm afraid the slot system is hardcoded into the game, so that's not going to work :B

One of the things I like about his setup, is that it would eliminate some very unrealistic builds out there. Carrying a bow/Xbow and a 2-hander or polearm.
thanks to 4 slot arba and heavy xbow that's not possible anyways. And medium xbow and lower xbows are fine because they come close to smaller crossbows which can easily be worn by 2h etc in real life

Or having a crossbow, quiver, shield, and 1-hand weapon
as asheram mentioned, that isn't unrealistic at all :)

the thing is that crpgs build system doesn't allow more than two-class-hybrids anyways because otherwise the build goes down the drain. The idea with the positional slots sounds nice at first, but would give way more restrictions to class building and that's one of the big plus points of crpg. It'd turn the mod closer back to native a bit with defined classes

And about the thrower thing, I guess that's one of those things where realism has to make way for gameplay

nice idea though!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 01:29:12 am by Ikarus »
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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2018, 03:00:00 am »
Somebody was playing LiF ey ?
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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2018, 03:20:54 am »
Good response.  Actually never played Life Is Feudal (if that's what LiF stands for).

Asheram, you're referring to the typical Genoese Crossbowman, who carried Pavise (large shield) into battle.  But from what I know, they would set the shield up with a prop and use it to reload behind it.  I'm not sure they carried them into melee combat.  But of course, I guess they could.

And Ikarus, you're definitely correct.  The current system is hardcoded, it can't change.

And to be honest, I'm not saying that I want it to change or that it needs to change.  I just thought this idea was a neat, different approach.

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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2018, 06:29:24 am »
That would mean archers could carry great mauls.

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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2018, 12:31:34 pm »
Actually never played Life Is Feudal (if that's what LiF stands for).

Yes, life is feudal. The system you suggested is used in life is feudal and since the mmo got released recently I thought it to be too much of a coincidence that you are come along with this proposal right now :D
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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2018, 04:06:41 pm »
That would mean archers could carry great mauls.

Where can I sign in?

Hahahaha!  Nice try!  I would consider those "Can't Sheath" polearms as weapons that still go on the back slot, but you come into the game with them in-hand.  Being back slot, that would eliminate ranged.

Of course, I guess you could have a "In-Hand" slot for such weapons, then still carry a bow on your back.  Of course, you'd have to drop the Great Maul to pull out the bow.  Then pick it up again when needed.

But of course... all this is moot.  As it could never be accomplished.  Nor do I necessarily think it'll make for a better game.  It was just an idea, that was neat to think about and explore how it might work.

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Re: A new take on weapon slotting
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2018, 08:28:03 pm »
Is it really hardcoded? Didn't Battle for Europe mod have exactly the slot system you're describing?

As far as hardcoded, I'm not sure.  I was going off what someone else said.  But whether it's hardcoded or not... I'm sure it'd be one heck of an undertaking to make such a change.  Not just to the code for in-game fundamentals, but also updating all the weapons' coding.

And even if someone did do all this work and spent weeks on end making this change, you'd get half the community complaining and threatening to quit.  All at a time when it's getting a small revival.

Of course, I know you are not necessarily advocating for these changes.  Merely, begging the question whether it's hardcoded or not.  To which the answer is... I'm definitely don't have a clue.