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Author Topic: 5 Suggestions on things to do before Strat reset to make it have longer life  (Read 5165 times)

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We might need to tune down the pp gain as well. Captured villages start with around 500pp, enough to get the growth so high that all those missing fiefs and fights for SD becomes less important.

Offline Sparvico

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Crime is currently set at 4% in towns and 2% in castles and is not increasing based on SD.

Why? What is the stated purpose of even having crime in the game at that rate? Is that a permanent change or will it be reverted upon towns/castles being player owned? Also i've yet to hear a single solid reason why crime should be in the game at all, whereas it has many negative impacts.

1. Greatly reduces the number of people that can be active in offensive campaigns.
2. Unnecessarily penalizes people that go afk. Also why penalize afkers at all? It's not like you reduced the number of fiefs enough for competition over them to be a necessity for people. Shouldn't these people be allowed to keep their shit in the event they are attacked? Do we really want 5 battles a day at gearless fiefs?
3. Totally eliminates the ability of smaller factions to do anything of note on the map.
4. Does absolute jack shit to stop people from camping fiefs, and in fact heavily discourages offensive campaigns of any sort.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 12:25:12 am by Sparvico »
Mossback_Westwood: "I swear 2 my semitic God if you give me this bundle of sticks's address I'll cut off his ear and eat it"

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4. Does absolute jack shit to stop people from camping fiefs, and in fact heavily discourages offensive campaigns of any sort.

You might say, it encourages fief camping.

"Sparvico come campaign with us you wuss stop camping your precious lil internet pixels!"

"But muh army... the  crime...  :cry:"

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"I'll have my lance aimed at Jona's knees and he'll jump up, run up my lance and kill me." -Dalfador

Offline Sparvico

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You might say, it encourages fief camping.

"Sparvico come campaign with us you wuss stop camping your precious lil internet pixels!"

"But muh army... the  crime...  :cry:"

I mean only an idiot would attack with way more troops than they can use, or leave a garrison to die in their fief so they can take the proper number. This is especially true for small factions that don't have a whole lot of wiggle room in the first place. Far better to try and piss someone off and bait them into attacking you.

Also I am quire curious what the ratio of fiefs to active players was during strategus' height. Like we have 83 fiefs in NA, but I haven't seen more than 20 peeps in NA_1. Even with it being a few different people every night and such I really don't think we can sustain 83 fiefs. The more I think about it the less hope I have for this strat round turning out well.

You have to create an environment of resource scarcity in order for players to feel any necessity towards fighting other active players. The way it is currently the only major wars I can see developing will be those of spite/drama (which is frankly unhealthy for the mod).
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 06:30:50 am by Sparvico »
Mossback_Westwood: "I swear 2 my semitic God if you give me this bundle of sticks's address I'll cut off his ear and eat it"

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Also I am quire curious what the ratio of fiefs to active players was during strategus' height. Like we have 83 fiefs in NA, but I haven't seen more than 20 peeps in NA_1. Even with it being a few different people every night and such I really don't think we can sustain 83 fiefs. The more I think about it the less hope I have for this strat round turning out well.

We had 40 on NA1 the other day. I still have hope...... We just gotta get past the set up and get to the wars already
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Offline Jona

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When I saw that some fiefs were missing from previous strats, I got excited thinking there would be far fewer fiefs, and thus more conflict this time around. Instead they went and added the entire eastern half that we've been missing so we still have way more fiefs than active players. With only a quarter of the total fiefs we have now we might see some actual skirmishes or wars starting just about now, if not soon. At this rate we'd be lucky to even take all the towns/castles before strat ends or the mod fully dies.
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"I'll have my lance aimed at Jona's knees and he'll jump up, run up my lance and kill me." -Dalfador

Offline Bryggan

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Having less fiefs means the owners can defend even higher.  Kinda screws the lone wolves.  Back in the olde days I tried threaten individual holders with war, but they and i knew I wasn't gonna waste armies fighting a neutral when I was at war with pretty much other faction out there.  Plus it makes trading harder.  While I suppose the idea was to make people fight more, in fact it will make it harder for people to fight at all.  If I choose not to be part of a faction, I cannot trade and therefore I cannot make money therefore I cannot equip my troops therefore I cannot go to war.

My opinion is if you wanted to generate more interest in this game, you should have added more fiefs.  With more fiefs, small tiny factions might go to war against each other, but as it is a 3 member state will not try fight anyone but just sit and try hold their fief.

I really think that instead of crime you just limit the garrison to 50% of your population then there is hope.  This bloody game of attrition is boring.  If garrisons are limited, then maybe we'll see more field battles as people counter strike and try prevent a siege in the first place.  And maybe that will add a little bit of strategy in this strategy-less game of strategus.