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Author Topic: 5 Suggestions on things to do before Strat reset to make it have longer life  (Read 4331 times)

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Offline Tristan_of_Erzoth

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1. Fix gear dupe bug! At this point defense on sieges doesnt lose gear. I could attack your castle 500 times and you'd never have to put more gear in it or take any gear out because you do not loot gear either. This is aggravating on offense when you have to spend millions of silver on armies for defense to have to do 0 work. Then, when attackers take the fiefs, they loot all the gear in it BUT it all also stays in the castle thus doubling the gear. Prime reason to hate anyone doing fief transfers as well since there is no way to prove that they didn't go ahead and drop in a few thousand sets of +3 plate before hand.

2. Double ladders health and team lock siege towers. Ladders break way too fast and honestly its the most annoying part about offense. I'm personally pro doubling their HP but some people might want a smaller buff to it. Attack is already bad enough, not being able to walk up your ladder before its broken just makes it even worse. As for siege towers, the fact that the enemy can use them is so stupid. 10/10 times you will have some useless player on defense whose ENTIRE PURPOSE is just to jump off a wall and fuck with the siege tower. Its so easy to move it and fuck it up its not even funny. They take a long time to build and are essentially just another massive headache for the siegers. Also making Catapults take less damage from arrows would be sweet (how the fuck do you break a catapult with an arrow, even a few hundred?)

3. Reduce PP gains. It was buffed insanely which was fun for when strat was RIP to custom make armies but it would be a bit too ez to get full plate at this rate. I would prefer it go to somewhere between the old rate and the new one.

4. Make villages produce troops. This idea was told to me by Heskeytime and I support it. Make them produce 1-2 troops per hour and all of a sudden the most worthless places on the map that never get geared or defended are now hotspots of battles. People will fight tooth and nail for their villages leading to more fun battles. Plus, factions gaining more troops=more troops for battles=more battles

5. Create a reward system for top 10 in Renown and more clearly define how renown is gained. This gives incentive to create big battles since people will want the rewards for being in the top 10. I also think that defense should get MUCH LOWER renown gain instead of the insane boosts they get now for losing sieges. Rewards could be gold, lps, or titles. I was thinking The Renowned Fighter/General (maybe you get to choose what it says) for the #1 spot in both EU and NA. Rewards change every week/month depending on how big the rewards are.
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Offline njames89

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All good ideas IMO. +1

Offline Yeldur

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sounds spicy
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,

Offline Haggis

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Only things i don't agree with is the double ladder hp and siege tower lock, just be smart with ladders and use multiple. As for siege towers if you can kill the defenders of the tower you should 100% be able to control it and fuck with it imo but good ideas otherwise.

Offline Tristan_of_Erzoth

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Only things i don't agree with is the double ladder hp and siege tower lock, just be smart with ladders and use multiple. As for siege towers if you can kill the defenders of the tower you should 100% be able to control it and fuck with it imo but good ideas otherwise.

IMO the entire idea of having to have defenders of a tower is a joke in itself. Just mean theres 2-6 players that have to just sit there and do nothing contributing to the battle to stop the one troll from fucking with the tower. It takes ONE f press to fuck the tower up and it will take at least 20 seconds to fix most of the time.
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Offline njames89

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Yeah actually I don't think the siege tower should be something that only one team can operate. You can throw spikes/ladders on the bottom once its secured in place to stop it being moved.

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They are all good solid ideas that should be looked into, but I think doubling ladder hp is unnecessary and in fact would make them a little OP, right now ladders are quite usable and balanced when you use them good, I highly doubt that they need to be touched.

Offline AllTimeFail

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Were assuming that spikes or ladders will always keep a siege tower in place and won't send it spinning off into the sky. With warband physics, sometimes one f press sets back the defense 10 minutes. Sometimes it glitches it out permanently. Why should the defenders be able to close the hatch as the attacks are coming into the castle? Doesn't make sense. It makes siege towers into a non-viable strat. Why waste so much material and time on something thats gonna get stuck on a fucking rock or sent into space or back to spawn or locked close because of a glitch?

how about team lock siege towers but lower their HP drastically?

Offline Bryggan

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I love the PP gains.  I have always hated having to travel the map to shop for my army, especially when you forget what is where.  If strat is reset it will be a matter of getting money to make shiny armies, and that takes long enough.  The trick will be having to decided to have 1000 med armed gents or 100 shiny to attack.

I like the fast tick generation, but eventually we'll need limits on garrison size.  Perhaps based on the town population or maybe even prosperity? (thoughts that just occurred to me now while on my first coffee)

I love the renown thing, which he mentioned to me before.  In-game titles would do it I think, or some fancy temporary gear.

I don't quite understand the village troop generation.  It generates a garrison?  So we have to kill 1000 naked villagers instead of 200?

The other thing I'd like to see is gold rewards for strat battles.  How many times have people bitched about losing their X5 because they have to go to a strat battle?  And naturally the bonus would go to the smaller roster.

Of course, like everyone else, I have lots of other things I'd like to see... but mainly NOT losing your entire army in one battle.  A person should be able to call a retreat and save at least half their army if their rosters suck.  There is nothing quite so depressing as losing a beautiful army just because it happened to be a bad time for most of your players.

So says I

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They would generate army, not garrison. At the rate of roughly 1 - 2 active troop farmers.
My reasoning - the owner of these fiefs can then take the troops out of the fief to use elsewhere, so it would be an incentive to expand and fight over villages within your means.

The knock-on effects I would hope this has:
- More field and contested village battles. Too few spergs these days want to commit to castle attacks, last round didnt have nearly enough battles as a result. In recent rounds unless the village map is amazing to defend, people won't even bother defending and risk taking equal losses.
- People could leave more silver in fiefs to make sure army doesn't stop being accumulated (cos upkeep). But silver in villages then make them even more tempting targets to loot.
- People could leave more gear in fiefs to make sure the army that is building up has gear to defend itself. But well geared villages can be tempting targets to loot.
- If people don't leave gear in their fiefs or properly defend them, then people may target the fief just to cap flags and get 1000 free troops added to their army.

In general, this change would mean villages have strategic value and bring all manner of new considerations to faction leaders in terms of expansion and risk/reward. Do you stick solely to the safety of your castles and cities, or do you commit to the surrounding countryside aswell to gain troops at a faster rate, but risk taking less favourable battles outside of your walls? This could also make styles of play that want to raid/plunder (not just using the 'raid mechanic') or act on the map in a nomadic fashion be appealing as they can well expect there to be some juicy villages on the map with silver, gear or free troops to add to their cause with a well-timed attack.
This so much this. We need villages to be important somehow and this is probably the best way to do it.
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Stellar ideas to improve strat which I've not heard anybody criticize when suggested in VC during sieges, the only real issue is implementing these changes which is likely far more complicated than one might believe.

-Siege tower team locking: If you don't agree with this change, increase the health of spikes but make them more costly to use. That one asshole with 24 agi/ cav on the other team that's gonna jump off the wall to move the siege tower with the touch of a button could easily destroy siege spikes as they are now before anyone could react. I also can't imagine a siege tower being moved without at least *two* people, one on each side.

As an aside, I don't believe the current production point rates/troop production rates in your party are feasible for the strat reset. Rates should most definitely be higher than they traditionally were, but the rates they're at right now are insane and just for fun right before a reset. As is, a faction requires absolutely zero communication between its members as far as upgrading/discount gear is concerned - you generate so many points so quickly that you don't even care, you can simply have whatever you please.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 11:36:22 pm by Rand0 »
Women cannot be autistic, because that implies otherwise well functioning brain to be impaired in some way. We know that women posses no such thing.

Offline Butan

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1. Fix gear dupe bug!

Still not fixed right now?  :?  Dayum...

2. Double ladders health and team lock siege towers.

Atm all siege equipment is balanced just right in function with map defendability, it is just very frustrating to use and a very skilled job.

If you buff one kind, the rest need to be nerfed or even removed. And if you want easy to use + efficient siege equipment, then the maps themselves need to become more defensible or all castles/cities will be way too easy to capture (and noone is going to edit maps at that point).

Would be better to just let it as it is.

3. Reduce PP gains. It was buffed insanely which was fun for when strat was RIP to custom make armies but it would be a bit too ez to get full plate at this rate. I would prefer it go to somewhere between the old rate and the new one.

To be frank, I dont think we will ever regain popularity of old time even after this revival, so PP/prosperity/tickets gains need to stay for the next round that will probably be the very last of all time.
Noone is going to enjoy grinding tickets and waiting 6 months for plate, you have the problem backward IMO.

We need helluva troops and helluva plates fast!
Its not the grinding thats fun, its the logistics behind the battles and the battles themselves, because even if you have infinite money you still need people to go buy shit, collect it where needed, and send just the right amount of troops, gold and people to do it, and the tears that flows with it.

Offline Tristan_of_Erzoth

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To be frank, I dont think we will ever regain popularity of old time even after this revival, so PP/prosperity/tickets gains need to stay for the next round that will probably be the very last of all time.
Noone is going to enjoy grinding tickets and waiting 6 months for plate, you have the problem backward IMO.

We need helluva troops and helluva plates fast!
Its not the grinding thats fun, its the logistics behind the battles and the battles themselves, because even if you have infinite money you still need people to go buy shit, collect it where needed, and send just the right amount of troops, gold and people to do it, and the tears that flows with it.

Never said anything about lowering tick gain. For my village in the 3 weeks since i blew it all i'm at 2,000 PP already.

(click to show/hide)

with this much PP this fast you could easily -72% all parts of a plate set making it cheaper than medium armor. Right now i can buy Gothic Knightly Plate for 744.26 silver a piece, AKA cheaper than a Brigandine or Serbian Lamellar. Getting plate is fun but its less fun when everyone has 10,000 sets of +3 plate. For me a big pro of resetting strat is the usage of the lower gear quality sets. If you are pro everyone having millions of silver and super cheap items why even reset at all? You dont need people to go buy things when you can have everything -72% off in a month in a single city.
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Offline Tristan_of_Erzoth

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poll added because fuck you i thought it was a good idea

Just to see which ideas are the most supported so I can try and push for them the hardest :). You can vote for multiple or just one or whatever you want I'm not the boss of you unless you're on NA servers and i am doing admin things
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Offline Butan

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For me a big pro of resetting strat is the usage of the lower gear quality sets.

I know where you're coming from, but the mercs, the people that make strategus alive, couldnt care less as long as its balanced.
It might not encourage a proper revival if the grind is the same as before.
I can guarantee you that if there is again a situation where a big faction has plate superiorite weeks/months before others, it will die again.