So these new devs permaban people because they said they sold looms for cash, and have a few transactions where they gave them away (coulda been for free, ain't illegal to give gifts here) and yet they've got a dev who actually offers money up for looms? Nice.
Doesn't really look like the story you told us James, but then again, Havelle couldn't really tell us much before you decided to perma ban him right? LMAO
To summarize:
James argues against Oberyn and Zottl regarding whether we should wipe or not. His own stupidity humiliates himself and he gets triggered, decides to PERMABAN zottl when he says he sold looms years ago. This in a time of a very dead mod, mind you. Would he have done the same to someone that had not upset him? No, it's very clear that he did it because Zottl made him uncomfortable.
There's "proof" on the market that Zottl gave away looms for nothing. It might as well have been a gift but for the sake of the discussion, let's assume he sold looms, let me explain why permanently banning him is wrong.
"Using goods outside cRPG* (real money, real items, stuff in other games, ...) as trading currency for goods in cRPG is not allowed and might lead to the suspension of your account.
The cRPG Team
*cRPG meaning cRPG, Strategus and any other game or other service possibly run by this dev team in the future"
Selling goods in cRPG MIGHT lead to the suspension of your account. In this time, when there's 15 people on at peak time, should admins enforce the rules as strict as possible, especially when it's a harmless offence done years ago, when even the admin that banned him have done so himself? I don't think so. Here's the funny part, Zottl isn't even banned ingame, that's where you should be banned if anything. If you get banned in the game, here's what should happen: You get banned, your forum account absolutely does NOT get banned, because here is where you come to protest your ban or make an essay, explaining that you've learnt your lesson etc. Retroactively banning for a minor offence is plain stupid. Not that selling looms is even the real reason James decided to ban him, ofcourse.
To continue, James banned Zottl of course, then Havelle claims he has screens of James buying his looms. James getting nervous, gives a different side of the story, claiming it was to "help Havelle buy wine". He then quickly perma bans Havelle from the forum, before Havelle has any chance to refute this claim. The "reason" for this was because he's banned ingame. Like I explained earlier, you don't get banned on the forums, I don't believe that has ever happened except maybe once when cmp got really triggered way back. Regardless, this screenshot from 2015 shows that it didn't went down as James claimed it did.
People obviously got outraged, because this is all absurd and we all realise this is uncalled for and that James is simply a massive hypocrite that acts in his own best rather then cRPGs. He doesn't want people like Oberyn, zottl or myself that are "mean". Oberyn got triggered because of James bullshit, understandable and left the forum, most of you probably missed it since Uther removed that post among others.
Unban zottl and havelle from the forum, replace yourself as "community manager" with someone likeable that half the community doesn't think is a fucking retard and maybe you can revive the mod. I'd love to play cRPG again, Zottl aswell! But the current frustration is unbearable.
Did I miss anything?