Author Topic: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you  (Read 7401 times)

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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #45 on: November 17, 2017, 02:18:31 pm »
a complete wipe would be amazing, just revert everything back to how it was ladderpaults and all, i know id start playing if it went back to how it used to be

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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2017, 04:40:55 pm »
PM me


When the fuck was Professor a developer in 2015

That post was obviously in response to dupre dude, at least try and understand all these big words you're reading before posting.

The level revert thing had been announced and discussed on forums, if you had shit against it maybe you should've mentioned something then. I don't even play anymore and understood that to mean "high levels builds will no longer be viable" as an automatic part of it, which some other people apparently didn't understand.

Therein lies one of my complaints that I've outlined earlier... we voted answering the question of "Should levels be reverted to pre "Patch of Destiny?" I voted yes, as I was level 35 pre-PoD, and quite possibly had enough xp to even be level 36 by now, going off the old system. Now, why is it that when I voted yes on that poll I should expect to be level 33 instead? Hence the title of this thread and much of the bellyaching, since I was asking for a real revert, as what was implemented is in no ways a revert, with revert being defined as "a (return to (a previous state, practice, topic, [leveling system], etc.)."
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2017, 05:34:18 pm »
It's nice to have the crpg spirit back in the forum at least, I'll see it as a good omen  :D

nothing is fixed, anything can change, important now is to just give it a try, even if it's not perfect at first
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2017, 06:07:52 pm »
It's nice to have the crpg spirit back in the forum at least

Get that crpg spirit outa here and back to discord!
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #49 on: November 17, 2017, 06:41:18 pm »
Therein lies one of my complaints that I've outlined earlier... we voted answering the question of "Should levels be reverted to pre "Patch of Destiny?" I voted yes, as I was level 35 pre-PoD, and quite possibly had enough xp to even be level 36 by now, going off the old system. Now, why is it that when I voted yes on that poll I should expect to be level 33 instead? Hence the title of this thread and much of the bellyaching, since I was asking for a real revert, as what was implemented is in no ways a revert, with revert being defined as "a (return to (a previous state, practice, topic, [leveling system], etc.)."

The language I used was poor, I'll give you that. When I said "essentially" changing back to pre-PoD, I meant that retiring would once again be done at level 31 or so. The only thing that has been changed from pre-patch of destiny is the post-retirement levels.

... at least try and understand all these big words you're reading before posting.
Follow your own advice pal. I'm also enjoying the fact that you are selectively ignoring the fact that I've said that all of this can change. Just so you can complain more.

I asked you to PM me with the intent of a 1 on 1 civil discussion. I don't know if you're scared of talking to me all by yourself, or unsure whether you can be civil, but don't you worry, I don't bite.
Quite literally, if you do decide to PM me I'll drop all this unpleasant stuff I'm saying. I know I'm capable of doing that.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #50 on: November 17, 2017, 07:57:51 pm »
[quoted stuff]

I was merely explaining to my good friend Oberyn who may or may not have been up to date on everything that has been stated here how there was confusion concerning the vote, and how merely having a vote doesn't alleviate any of the supposed frustration the devs are under, as you just admitted it was largely self-inflicted as you told us to vote between A and B, then went ahead and implemented C.

Follow your own advice pal. I'm also enjoying the fact that you are selectively ignoring the fact that I've said that all of this can change. Just so you can complain more.

I haven't ignored a single thing you've said. In essence, you've simply bashed my choice of words, disregarded any suggestions I've made, failed to answer proposed questions, and in short, have yet to supply an appropriate response that could further this discussion in a useful and productive manner. This approach of yours was met in kind and therefore the attempt at a discussion has led us nowhere. Needless to say the premature moving of this thread to the chamber of tears only hastened its descent into uselessness, and that act alone speaks volumes towards the apparent mental state of (at least one of the) devs here.

I asked you to PM me with the intent of a 1 on 1 civil discussion. I don't know if you're scared of talking to me all by yourself, or unsure whether you can be civil, but don't you worry, I don't bite.
Quite literally, if you do decide to PM me I'll drop all this unpleasant stuff I'm saying. I know I'm capable of doing that.

First discord, now PMs... once again,


There is nothing keeping us from a worthwhile debate on the forums, other than your mental block that apparently only allows you to commence civilized discussions in private. The more open the discussion, the better as anyone can chime in and we get access to multiple points of view and opposing opinions. Enough of this behind-closed-doors nonsense that crpg devs, both past and present are so used to. You're making big changes here with a whopping 20 or so pseudo-active players, why not let them all contribute should they please to? We've already had Asheram and Desire (and others, although not in the same capacity) throw in their two cents, which is two more than we would have had in PMs. If you're so convinced you can reset and start this discussion over, then I present to you my original post:

(click to show/hide)

To get this discussion rolling, a good template for a response would be:

"In regards to your first paragraph, [here is where you own up to your mistake instead of saying that me/the community made false assumptions about the poll's meaning*].

Concerning the second point, where you state that levels are more important than looms for the enjoyment of the mod for some people, I [agree/disagree and here's why]. Therefore, as for your suggestion that we wipe looms instead of levels as a soft reset, I must say that [we'll get right on that/we'd rather do X because Y].

Near the end, you ask what the purpose was of this level wipe, the intended purpose behind it was [explanation] which I'm sorry to see apparently removed much of the fun of crpg for you and perhaps others. How would you recommend we proceed from here?"

*seeing how one needn't make a single assumption about the meaning of 'Should levels be reverted to pre "Patch of Destiny"' as you could pull up a dictionary and find out exactly what that statement means. It isn't all that subjective.

Seeing how there was undoubtedly some snarkiness in my initial post, it wouldn't hurt too much to include some of your own in the response instead of keeping it as neatly tailored as the above template. However if you wish to keep things remotely civil, as the one with a reputation to uphold you shouldn't come firing back with something along the lines of your second post (keeping in mind that all of that shit talk prior to that post happened once the thread was moved to the forum section most appropriate for that behavior).
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #51 on: November 17, 2017, 09:24:49 pm »
what was Gunanrun's build exactly?
He was 12/33 at lvl 34 with 4 throwing, 11 athletics and 8 wpm with all weapon points in throwing( I think it was like 130 or 140 wpf) I had got to generation 16 a little while ago so I didnt retire last time and stayed at lvl 35 and put 3 points into power strike.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2017, 11:54:20 pm »

Why do you think it is necessary to make your points in a snarky manner? How on earth can you consider that to be beneficial to having a thoughtful, well-reasoned discussion? Notice that I'm not asking others like Asheram or Desire to talk to me about this over PM's. It's only you. As I've said, I'm not interested in hearing from someone who only responds with snarkiness. (An exaggeration, yes) Since you seem rather dedicated to replying in that way on the forums normally, I thought you would be happier responding without being snarky in private.

That being said, sure, let's have the discussion here. All that matters to me is that the snarkiness and bullshit is kept out of it. All of it. Again, if you can act in a thoughtful and respectful manner, I'll gladly respond and discuss this.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #53 on: November 18, 2017, 01:09:51 am »
Aaaaand no worthwhile response, yet again. Not surprising.

You ask why I reply in this manner? I ask why this thread was moved here in the first place. It was quite tame at the time it was moved. All it shows is that the current devs have the lowest tolerance of criticism out of all their predecessors, which is truly remarkable. There's apparently no way you'd have an intelligent discussion if someone had a viewpoint that differed from your own. If you want a real discussion move this on back to general discussion or game balance discussion, ain't getting shit while its stuck in the land of the shitposts. I'd make a new thread, but big bad dupre told me I'd get in trouble if I do. QQ
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #54 on: November 18, 2017, 02:09:34 am »
Jona, your attitude really doesn't get you any favours with us.

I think you're missing the point - for absolutely no personal gain, a group of dudes decides to try and revive a mod they like, and after an absurdly long time of waiting for permissions and actual materials, they manage to do it.

Then they finally push out a patch, that includes a long desired change - something to lower the levels and go back to somewhere similar to pre-PoD levels.

And the first major thread about the change is a sarcastic plea for a "real revert", with some arrogance and a sense of superiority on the side. I'm not going to bother with your bullshit semantics, i just want to know - what gives you the idea that, after our development has been going on for around 2-3 months, and we've MANY MANY TIMES linked to the discord on this forum, saying that this is where our discussions, ideas and announcements are happening, that you were somehow "barred" from sharing your 2 cents about the topic? If you saw that we were using a chat server like discord to coordinate our development, why didn't you partake and instead stayed here? I'm genuinely curious.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #55 on: November 18, 2017, 03:07:41 am »
Aaaaand no worthwhile response, yet again. Not surprising.

You ask why I reply in this manner? I ask why this thread was moved here in the first place. It was quite tame at the time it was moved. All it shows is that the current devs have the lowest tolerance of criticism out of all their predecessors, which is truly remarkable. There's apparently no way you'd have an intelligent discussion if someone had a viewpoint that differed from your own. If you want a real discussion move this on back to general discussion or game balance discussion, ain't getting shit while its stuck in the land of the shitposts. I'd make a new thread, but big bad dupre told me I'd get in trouble if I do. QQ
How is offering to have an actual polite discussion not worthwhile?

So, let me state this clearly. I have said that I will have a conversation with you. The location of where that conversation happens means nothing to me. I will treat it as a conversation anywhere else.

If you still refuse to have a conversation free of snarkiness, then you obviously never wanted to have such a conversation in the first place. Or, you are unable to get over the "trauma" of having your thread moved to the QQ subforum. In either case, I won't spend any further time trying to discuss this with you.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #56 on: November 18, 2017, 08:13:53 am »
Jona, your attitude really doesn't get you any favours with us.

Oh hey, the mute -1 clicker finally speaks out. Anyways, I'm a stop you right there. No one's attitude should gain anyone favor with you. If someone starts sucking your dick you shouldn't weigh their opinion any more than someone slinging shit at you, or someone else who is entirely indifferent. That's half the reason crpg became the mess it is today, people taking the advice of their friends and disregarding equally sound reasoning from others not in their little circle. Take this for example:

a long desired change - something to lower the levels and go back to somewhere similar to pre-PoD levels.

Desired by who, exactly? The few people you spoke to on discord? The others in your little circle of devs? That poll on here sure as hell ain't enough to validate this change, as that wasn't about lowering the levels, it was about reverting to pre-pod and nothing more.

we've MANY MANY TIMES linked to the discord on this forum, saying that this is where our discussions, ideas and announcements are happening, that you were somehow "barred" from sharing your 2 cents about the topic? If you saw that we were using a chat server like discord to coordinate our development, why didn't you partake and instead stayed here? I'm genuinely curious.

I never claimed to be barred from any discussions, I only said that they didn't take place here, and instead on some other medium. This here is the crpg forum. It's got a section called game balance discussion, no reason not to use it. Discord isn't convenient for everyone. It isn't necessarily a website I'd want to go on at work where someone can be spamming racist or otherwise offensive material, posting sketchy links, etc. Sure, that happens on the forums here, but it is far easier to avoid such things when it isn't automatically updated live.

How is offering to have an actual polite discussion not worthwhile?

I made my offer at a civil discussion in my previous post, even made a template for your response that would allow for an easily continued discussion since it would ensure you hit on all the major points and provide follow up questions of your own to keep things moving forward. Instead you made another reply that moved the topic further away from the OP.
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #57 on: November 18, 2017, 09:44:16 am »
"I'mma stop you right there" you're fun  :wink:
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2017, 09:57:25 am »
There are way too many Supreme Overlords on this forum. I think the three four (my bad forgot about Dupre) of them should be required to fight to the death IRL with a single winner keeping the title.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 10:04:45 am by Asheram »
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Re: Can we get a real leveling system revert? Please and thank you
« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2017, 10:19:02 am »
page 4, no point in going further for me

abandon thread
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