the best way to ensure future generations dont have to deal with this is to disrupt this culture and anti-west rhetoric at the source, since just locking the door and throwing away the key isn't going to resolve the situation. Regardless of how long we wait, radical islamists under Sharia Law arent simply going to convince each other that democracy, women rights and religious freedom are a good thing..
These aren't functioning societies they are coming from, and for them to stand on a pedestal and try to retain pride in their ex-countries while living off the welfare of yours is delusional and cowardly, there is a reason they left those countries, because they would be killed or suffer if they stayed. Islam is merely a state tool used in these countries to instill law, fear and order to the masses, without Islam these countries would be a free for all deathmatch ( some of them are deathmatches already)
The Liberal stance of integration and mass immigration is a very dangerous one. These are countries where children shoot people on the streets for fun, thieves get their arms and hands cut off and lit on fire, and women are beaten to death merely based on the accusation of adultery as they are not allowed a trial because of their gender. Terrorism is actually the least of the problems associated with importing massive amounts of people from 3rd world countries without integration. 55,000 people get murdered a year in Brazil in very gruesome ways that makes ISIS look like amateurs, police officers in Muslim and South American countries get assassinated on a regular basis for their shoes or sidearms.
Think you're safe from gangs while you're behind bars in prison in these countries? Think again, these gangs will roll up to a prison with a truck full of people with assault rifles, shoot all the prison guards and kidnap you from the government prison and then make a video of cutting your head off with a rusty hacksaw.
I mean cmon, I just saw a video of a poor dude get his head blown off with a 12 ga shotgun for stealing a loaf of bread from a bakery cus he was starving to death. I really gotta stop watching bestgore, I think if I lived in these countries I would be begging for Sharia law too.