Well, if you ask me blonde people are aesthetically more visually pleasing than black people. That doesn't mean I find all black people ugly, but in general hot Swedish blonde wins over black African dude any time of the day in my book. But to be precise, I'm talking about natural blonde people, not these bleached, plastic abominations Sweden seems to be producing as of lately.
Now, I think Swedish language is pure crap. African languages are even worse imho. Even my native language is crap. English is alright. Italian, French and Portuguese are sex. I'm glad so many of you speak English because Kalmar languages make my ears bleed. Only worse thing is being Bjord, speaking both Swedish and Hungarian. Hungarian is worse tho.
About 60% people in water park being immigrants? Well is seems wrong. But I think that ethnically Swedish people are busy doing what Gravoth does every day. That's the reason why they aren't outside. Africans find those water parks very amusing, Gravoth think it is lame and would rather read crap written on forum.melee.org and 4chan.
Are you racist? I don't give a fuck. When I start giving a fuck? When innocent people get hurt because of it. Do nasty words hurt? Well yeah, until you elevate yourself to next stage where you stop caring about words and superficial crap like that and start caring about actions. So yeah, you may be a little Swedish racist in safety of your moms basement all day you like. You become a problem when you go outside and kill 50-100 people on some island because they are of different culture. I don't think there is correlation between being Internet warrior and being an actual murderer. Your thoughts doesn't translate to actions that easily as some psychology useless twat 'scientists' are claiming.
Now tell me, why is this forum still alive?
Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Without mixing, there would be no beautiful mocha people. Mocha people are considered black and are truly gorgeous. Black people I was referring in first paragraph have this kind of skin tone:
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loginI can barely see his facial features, he's so dark. Girls can be pretty (Naomi) but dudes this black are nasty looking.
About Hijab and Islam, fuck it! It's worst widespread shit we have to deal with atm.
Edit2: Black color is favorite color of fat people. It is nasty color.