You know what
I am glad this mod died after reading this
lol as if the mod didnt die years ago, and that was before all the friend spamming and other ridiculous bullshit.
for over 2 yrs now this forum has served as nothing more than an entertainment platform for the sexually inept socially awkward hordes of teens that ruined this place by wanting to post stupid shit more than they played or cared about the actual game anyway.
poop you one of those people, barely even played the mod, running around spamming delay shields constantly.
so wtf are bitching about this place is perfect for you fucks, its like a mmo for homosexual trannies and left wing lunatics
this hasnt been a warband mod for fucking ages, the idea that suddenly people all of the sudden realize this place is just "4chan with names" and become disgusted with it....really? oberyn vs raz...thats your breaking point?