Author Topic: Needs to be talked about  (Read 17916 times)

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2017, 06:18:19 pm »
Liking every post everyone ever made on an entire forum. Now there is a troll.  8-)

I had such power, imagine if i stopped liking some specific persons posts. He wouldve been mildly confused, man what a score. So many possibilities, but all that went down the drain with the game. Still, effort wasnt completely wasted, i had a good run.
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2017, 06:32:42 pm »
I had such power, imagine if i stopped liking some specific persons posts. He wouldve been mildly confused, man what a score. So many possibilities, but all that went down the drain with the game. Still, effort wasnt completely wasted, i had a good run.

every +1 you give to ANYONE here gives me a slight errection.  talking about power.
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Flame I am - that much I know!

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2017, 06:43:47 pm »
goddamn it...I had a perfect 1234 post count...but this shit...its too fucking ridiculous not to post on.

first off, no, molly never gets tired of being wrong, and 2nd, the devs/admins are just as bad as the trolls at this point.

horns, stfu man, you post the same "post like tough guys then act like vaginas" shit everytime, but coming from one of the most sensitive admins this shit community has had, its such a bad joke, you're the one getting offended by dumb shit horns, so stfu and quit being a hypocrite. you're either being a hypocritical snowflake, or a corrupt cunt lad.

Seadle, just change your name to Mecha_Leopold and horns probably wont even notice or mind seeing as he's a dumb fucking kid who probably knows dick all about history.

its a good thing for EU that they don't have admins like horns, or people like Knitler_the_Grey would be banned asap, not that horns probably even gives a fuck, hes more than willing to insult offend and put others down so I highly doubt its about being much as abusing your power is fun / funny.

tldr: get fucked horns this is getting ridiculous m8.
"I hate crpg but I still play and cry about it like a little bitch" - I take it I have Horns to thank for this unchangeable unremovable character title?

well played. so this your thing now huh? you go around changing the names and titles of all the people you don't like?
trolling trolls...makes you a understand that right?

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2017, 07:01:14 pm »
goddamn it...I had a perfect 1234 post count...but this shit...its too fucking ridiculous not to post on.

first off, no, molly never gets tired of being wrong, and 2nd, the devs/admins are just as bad as the trolls at this point.

horns, stfu man, you post the same "post like tough guys then act like vaginas" shit everytime, but coming from one of the most sensitive admins this shit community has had, its such a bad joke, you're the one getting offended by dumb shit horns, so stfu and quit being a hypocrite. you're either being a hypocritical snowflake, or a corrupt cunt lad.

Seadle, just change your name to Mecha_Leopold and horns probably wont even notice or mind seeing as he's a dumb fucking kid who probably knows dick all about history.

its a good thing for EU that they don't have admins like horns, or people like Knitler_the_Grey would be banned asap, not that horns probably even gives a fuck, hes more than willing to insult offend and put others down so I highly doubt its about being much as abusing your power is fun / funny.

tldr: get fucked horns this is getting ridiculous m8.
"I hate crpg but I still play and cry about it like a little bitch" - I take it I have Horns to thank for this unchangeable unremovable character title?

well played. so this your thing now huh? you go around changing the names and titles of all the people you don't like?
trolling trolls...makes you a understand that right?

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2017, 07:20:45 pm »
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Thats how everyone reacts when playing golf, at least mini golf from my experience lol. Weird that someone chose to put trumps face on there considering he is supposedly really good at golf.

Oh and CRPG admins were always trolls, even i made it on there for a bit which helped me quit playing. And the devs were even worse so than the admins, its really funny to see people complain about it 7 years into this dead mod. But then again it doesnt need to make much sense for stonersteve to rant about it.
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2017, 07:27:51 pm »
Liking every post everyone ever made on an entire forum. Now there is a troll.  8-)

Schizo1234567 or whatever, was the best at doing that. I loved that guy or girl, may they RIP.

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2017, 07:28:24 pm »
I have a small penis
Uther Pendragon: dont worry i wasnt planning on trusting you anyway

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #37 on: July 21, 2017, 07:33:01 pm »
Schizo1234567 or whatever, was the best at doing that. I loved that guy or girl, may they RIP.

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He came out of nowhere like a blessing on this forum, making his weird (really weird) threads and just liking everything. Truly an inspiration.
Paprika: ...the Internet and dreams are similar. They're areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2017, 07:45:38 pm »
Wow you weren't kidding

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... and I don't think I interacted with him once. Must have been before my time.

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2017, 07:52:35 pm »
Wait, the okam forum has been replaced by a new one? Guess my efforts are completely gone now then. Man the new one looks shitty too.
Paprika: ...the Internet and dreams are similar. They're areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2017, 08:05:42 pm »
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Yes, more of that!

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2017, 08:43:11 pm »
And the devs were even worse so than the admins

That was always the issue right there, the fact that a little bit of coding knowledge combined with giving e-blowies to the right people could land you an admin/item balancer position never made any sense to me.  That's like me interviewing for an engineering position at GE and since I complimented the interviewer's tie and have a firm enough handshake I'm immediately promoted to CEO or VP of the company. A little bit of engineering knowledge doesn't mean I have any business knowhow or any other knowledge required to actually do that job, and yet that's what crpg has been doing since its inception. Take Tydeus, for example. The dude knew how to edit animations and code and shit, so they gave him the keys to kingdom. Sure, he was good enough at coding and such, but obviously he sucked ass as a balancer, and did a questionable-at-best job as an admin (jk he was pretty much corrupt af). I never understood why we couldn't have separate people on the balancing team: those that actually had a good sense of the game and knew what would make it as fun for all as possible that only did "balancing" by tweaking item values/character stats/deciding on whether or not any animations needed tweaking/etc. (the balancers/advisers), and those that would implement the changes requested by the balancers to the best of their ability (the coders/devs).

Now while I realize that in order for balancers to have access to all the tools to do their job they had to be given admin rights in-game, that is no reason why they were allowed to use those powers to police the game or actively patrol the forums. Because there was never a distinction between admin, item balancer, and coder/dev, we've had devs who are shit admins, balancers (who should be nothing more than devs) be shit admins, and shit admins try to be balancers. Looking at the more controversial admins, they are almost always devs/balancers first, admins second. Bronto, SP1N, Hungry, Granpappy, James, and plenty more that I'm forgetting (and all the EU ones, if there were any), crpg has had plenty of good or at least acceptable admins over the years who were only admins. I'd argue that Sparvico too is a fine admin that only recently is shown in a more negative light since let's face it, the community probably deserves what it's been getting. Now if we list the names of balancers/devs who became admins for no reason... Tydeus, Dupre, Horns (and cmp too, tbh, although at least he had more of an excuse for being able to do w.e. the fuck he wanted)... well, they've all made some of the more questionable decisions, to say the least.

Crpg has never had the distinct roles that it needed, and instead the community is expected to suck the dick of some undeserving, power-tripping sperg with a couple of credits in compsci classes. Crpg has always had this problem, and we can only expect the us vs. them mentality of the community (and all-around shitty decision making from up top) to continue until the end of this mod's life unless some of the few people in the oligarchy actually realize that this is an issue chipping away at the mod's lifespan and give up some of their power during a restructuring of things (lol yeah right).
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2017, 08:49:35 pm »
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I never really saw it as an issue, but the EU scene has been quite different from the NA scene. I always enjoyed the devs being douchebags to people who acted up, even tho i dont like people being banned, panos and bjord getting to eat shit was a joy.
Paprika: ...the Internet and dreams are similar. They're areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2017, 09:30:16 pm »
how 2 suk admindik (ez steps)

1. change name to heskeytime

sorry that i dont agree with people being muted for saying "einstein" in chat
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2017, 09:57:17 pm »
Couldn't have said it better, Jona

I remember a time when I felt welcome here with all my antics :(

Admins used to talk to me like a friend and slap a ban on me with no negative feelings exchanged when I broke the rules, nowadays there's this like moral crusade played out by nerdy losers against types like me and my friends