Author Topic: Needs to be talked about  (Read 17711 times)

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #120 on: July 25, 2017, 02:09:10 pm »
When people think they should have special privileges to break the rules
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #121 on: July 25, 2017, 05:56:00 pm »
I just wanted to say thanks. This thread provided a much needed source of entertainment for a slow work day.
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #122 on: July 25, 2017, 06:49:07 pm »
Because the name MechaHi┼ler ... is racist?

Might as well ban everyones last name.  :rolleyes:

Anyway, thats my two cents on the topic. See you all in-game.
I said racist behaviour, calling yourself the name of someone who killed 6 million people because of who they were is racist behaviour, whether you intend it to be or not.
Like I said, I couldn't give two shits if you called yourself "black in spanishdestroyer27" but the rules are pretty clear on what is and is not acceptable in the game, if you want to call yourself MechaH1tler go ahead, but don't whine when the consequences come into play.
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #123 on: July 25, 2017, 08:01:40 pm »
Is the name InFidel Castro taken?
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #124 on: July 25, 2017, 08:57:48 pm »
"never respect anybody that doesnt respect you back."

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #125 on: July 25, 2017, 11:42:06 pm »
Since when was that abuse? As your entire argument hinges on that point.

Admins review all name changes before they approve them. That has always been the case. Part of this reason has been to prevent players from creating unacceptable names.

Now for a character you create brand new, admins do not get the same visibility. You don't have to wait for an admin's approval in order to start playing, so that's a good thing. But, as and when they become aware of a name that goes against the rules of cRPG, they reserve the right to change it. Since you were keen to point out you've been here since 2011, does any of this ring any bells? It's always been like this, that's always been within their remit, so in what sense is it suddenly now abuse?

I know for a fact in years gone by Panos has had his 'hilarious' names changed to equally 'hilarious' names by the admin or dev team.

If you're still determined to play dumb on the subject of 'Hitler' being banned, browse the forum for any Nazi or Hitler themed clans, their threads are typically locked and their authors muted. Or search the 'unban' section for people crying about being banned for having Nazi symbols on their banner, or for having names like yours in years gone by. Or, simply try typing the word 'Hitler' or 'Nazi' on this forum, even now you need to be creative to get around the filter.

cRPG has always treated these things separately, you really must be new as you're identifying that this 'Needs to be talked about' many years after a consensus was reached. Why should new devs be any different?

*from a quick lookup:
Ah, of course I see it now! You must not be a fan of Wolfenstein either, see my previous posts about it not being the fact that the name had Hitler in, but the fact that I wanted to be the final boss of Wolfenstein 3D. I'll say it again, I could've started off with a worse tyrant had I wanted to troll, which I did not. I am a very big fan of Wolfenstein. Use some common sense and figure out that if you put 2 and 2 together it's not 6.

Side note: I've been much longer than you.

Is the name InFidel Castro taken?
Yes, FidelCastroIRL is taken by some archer.

At the end of the day an admin with no experience abused his power and I can't understand why that's bad. The alternative in every historical case I've seen where the character has Hitler in their name is to simply permanently ban the user and send them a PM telling them to change the name in order to be unbanned.

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Fixed your post.

Y-y-y.. You mean like what happened? I cannot believe that I'd have to do what the admin says to be unbanned. The admin that issued the ban unbanned me, someone outside of the incident used his power to further alter my account after action had already been taken/reversed.

When people think they should have special privileges to break the rules
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When people cannot beat Nocturnal Missions.

okay I'll kinda just toss my penny in here and state some things.

- first and foremost I am no longer a member of the admin team and definitely not speaking for them...

Seadle: I half agree with you on certain conditional things. However, the initial name itself is what put you in this situation. The fact remains had you not decided to skurt the gray areas of the rules; ones that aren't even so gray mind you. You could not have possibly been put in this position, where a dev toyed with certain aspects of your account. Drawing attention to yourself is where you went wrong; enough attention that a person with the abilities to do said things to your account took notice. I hope you see that you are indeed 100% at fault for putting yourself right here.

Now the tricky part; Yes Horns trolled you. He changed certain aspects of your account and that in my mind is totally unacceptable. I, like many others before me, practiced unorthodox punishments, none that threatened the integrity of anyone's account though. Horns shouldn't have changed your name manually, he shouldn't have removed the skip the fun status of the character either. That said none of this is without precedent... Other devs in the past have practiced said trolling to specific people in the past... people of more infamy than you certainly but times have changed. This doesn't make horns wrong and it definitely doesn't make him right either.

In all, I'm sitting about 60-70% in favor of Seadle that any messing with accounts by devs should be blocked unless otherwise NEEDED or REQUESTED.

The normal process of forcing name changes was not followed and I think that is where people like Gristle an old player is finding un-comfort with. I think many people are confused as to what happened here and why Seadle is saying it needs to be talked about. The main issue here is that Seadle's ban record is relatively clean if not clear and a dev with zero experience decided to alter minor aspects of the account which puts a spot light on the moral integrity of said dev... People begin to question whether or not they can trust this person and when people that don't break the rules begin to question the moral integrity of a community leader things can get messy.

I know I am not well liked to say the least but If anyone takes anything I say seriously anymore I would highly advise against minor alterations of people's accounts as that type of manual enforcement appears biased and can never lead to a solid good outcome.

Unadvisable really.

I'll go back to not being serious about anything now.

I love you, bb, don't worry what others say. You also make solid points, I understand completely that I placed myself in this situation, but I also got myself out by doing what Sparvico had said and changing my name, I've never had any issues with admins up until now, and if it is unclear on what I mean by "This needs to be talked about"; it's that the current admin team needs to be reviewed and thank you bringing up my SPOTLESS ban record. :^)
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #126 on: July 26, 2017, 12:58:32 am »
Seadle at this point I know you didn't select your name knowing it would land you in trouble. Now you know. What was done was a bit extreme and we've talked about it. Go forth and play the game. The current admin team is trying to provide a healthy environment where anyone can have a good time playing on the servers. That said, I cannot reverse what has been done but we can ALL work on making better choices in the future.

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #127 on: July 26, 2017, 05:57:36 am »
gay words

i've never had issues with racism though, i have lots of black friends, never been banned for using the N word, never once condemned black people in chat, ive fucking TRASHED on stupid ass white people tho
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #128 on: July 26, 2017, 08:37:26 am »
Seadle at this point I know you didn't select your name knowing it would land you in trouble.

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #129 on: July 26, 2017, 08:57:58 am »
Admins review all name changes before they approve them.


More like accept all requests from the Chinese and deny everything from Krems for me

Also admin trolling is beneficial to the community sometimes, remember Yuhmaz, I changed his forum name to orospu cocugu for quite a long time and he gtfo from the forums -there wasn't anyone to perm ban his ass from forums, people were away or still busy with Okam-
Do I regret it? Would do it 10 more times if same happened.
(there is context of it that he tried to bait me into it to cost my admin rights)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 09:05:18 am by Kratos »

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #130 on: July 26, 2017, 04:48:35 pm »
Now that this has seemingly blown over, can we focus our attention on the tragedy of Havelle's banning? K thnx.
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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #131 on: July 26, 2017, 05:27:33 pm »
Thanks Jona, but it appears I'm no longer welcome here. I've decided to move to LA, start a new life, maybe start a family.

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #132 on: July 26, 2017, 05:32:19 pm »
You guys don't need me anymore, just promise me that you'll keep the values I taught you alive: the values of friendship and racism

Take care of yourselves

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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #133 on: July 26, 2017, 07:00:35 pm »
Now that we've semi reached a consensus on how to behave with words, perhaps you cunts can focus on more/actual important things.
Like...actions! you know, things that actually fucking matter. Particularly with how you assholes treat new players.

I doubt new players are severely turned off crpg by people dropping nbombs using chars named "Leopold_Did_Nothing_Wrong"
You know what really puts them off? cunts. most of you...most of us, are complete cunts, especially me. The type of cunt to brocode and hunt noobs to pad his meaningless kd. Never again.

 You want new players, we need a new mentality, one that doesn't include bullying/brocoding or the other awful shit you autists take pride in. Its totally fine that we all hate and talk shit to each other, as a clan hopper I know you actually don't hate each other, its just entertainment. but the way you fucks treat new players, is a testament to the toxicity rampant in crpg. Currently mechanics keep old players away, but its old players that keep the new ones from staying.

We have to change, im not saying we all gotta become Yuang overnight, but the brocoding/hunting of noobs
I remember what it was like being new, I remember some of the POS players I now call friends. We have to change

It can be done, and it will be, appreciated by whatever new players we get. Very few of you fucks left playing are decent people towards those you know, even fewer are kind/helpful to new players. You want new players to stay? they need a home, they wont survive the bullshit we put them through on NA 1. DTV needs to come back, and cunts like me...need to fucking leave.

Or change.


17/04/2016 11:00:55 PM

to Knight_Of_The_Grey_Order

I just wanted to thank you for being one of the 10 most positive players in cRPG, Everyone else is either an Ass or a bully in some form.

cRPG isnt Newbie friendly in ANY way,

1: The admins Don't Care, They let everyone do say and act pretty much however they want, which is okay, but when a community has gotten to a point were it is Elitist, and very aggressive towards bad or new players it kills its self. I've seen it happen with my own servers.

2: The players are almost ALL assholes in some way, and tend to gang up on New players... you're one of the few who don't Kick us while we're down and are supportive.

Lastly, due tot he learning curve of M&B and cRPG together, new players have almost no hope, the moment they even do anything Excited the players or the game kicks them in the balls and sends them back down, every time someone gets Good at something... they are corrected and knocked back down to nothing so new players Don't WANT to join- its not Fun! Nobody finds it fun to CONSTANTLY die over and over and over relentlessly and with no hope of success.

I just felt if people actually opened their eyes and saw this, cRPG might improve a bit, but it starts with great guys like you, so, again Thanks for making my attempts to play cRPG worth while.

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If a cunt like me can learn to be decent, wtf kinda excuse do the rest of you have?


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Re: Needs to be talked about
« Reply #134 on: July 26, 2017, 07:20:36 pm »

i agree dude, but i think you're wrong in saying most people treat noobs badly. lately the few new players that have been sighted on NA_1 have been given very special (not autistic) treatment. all their questions are answered and more, and we try 2 keep tincans from slaughtering them

 ive made several posts across the steam community hub for warband inviting people to play crpg and add me or james on steam to come check it out. a couple of them have messaged me and said they installed the mod and were simply discouraged to see the small playerbase

if any action needs 2 be taken to revive crpg, it's just to play the mod for an hour or so each night to keep a player pop circulating

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