well with sandersson shitting on me like that i resend everything i have said up to this point. unban me and i will call off my public instigators
its not that you're really wrong in my view, but i think that such things need better humor, and so far besides kadeth being a pleasing presence as always, a decent .gif from working class, cikel's musings and knightmare's comment there ain't been anything funny to me in this clusterfuck of a thread
now, seeing a KKK roleplayer in the server riding a white horse and eluding to burning crosses? that shit's funny to me. seeing a black nationalist/hotep/black panther roleplayer talking about brutally massacring the white devil, that's hilarious too. seeing a gay roleplayer talking about their constant and inexorable desire for cock is hilarious. seeing some nu-Goebells roleplayer talking about degeneracy is funny as fuck.
and you know, even the folks that are self-described "anti-racists" or something like that are far more likely to find such things mildly amusing, if not downright comical than "friendfriendfriend" spam.
my serious suggestion is this: refrain as much as practicable from spamming or even regularly using explicit racial epithets save for times of great need. try to avoid attempts at evoking laughter based upon simply breaking the rules or getting banned; try to be creative and always remember that Ildist has had the market cornered on enlightened retardation for years now