yeah like that one time when davic delayed the end of the round for 5 minutes & sparvico refused to kick him or anything even when literally everyone was complaining about it just because he got a lot of kills
wtf? does being at the top of the scoreboard make u immune to having to abide by the rules?
5 whole minutes and no one cared to raise the flag? I thought the time to raise a flag was like 30 seconds tops.
Bicep is spreading fake news. I didn't straight up delay, the situation was much different. It was 4v1, the last guy on the enemy team jumped into one of those cages that you can only enter from the top that you see on a few maps. Due to this map being poorly designed, this cage also allowed whoever was in it to contest the flag. My teammates jumped in 1 by 1 and either died to this guy who was rocking gothic armor and a wakizashi (so he could actually freely swing without hitting the cage), or by the game glitching out when they jumped in the cage (it's like a 50/50 chance you'll just spontaneously die if you jump into those cages with someone else already in it). In order for me to reach the cage, I would actually have had to stop contesting the flag for awhile, and there were no short weapons or crossbows for me to pick up around flags. I felt like it was bullshit we were gonna lose 5x because some guy abused a map exploit and told the admins to kick him, but they wouldn't because apparently he was 'clutching' even though the only reason he killed anyone was because he was abusing the map. At this point I was pissed off, and didn't want to give the other team a multiplier for exploiting, so I just stayed on flags and the round finished with a draw.
Also, Sparvico is the last admin who would give me privileges. This was just an abnormal situation that will probably never happen again, and I think the admins didn't really know what to do.