Author Topic: Keeping New Players  (Read 4423 times)

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2017, 01:15:56 am »
If too much of a grind will remove players and no grind will bore them away, then the obvious thing to do is to hit a mid ground, have a grind, but have it be less of a grind. Make it feel like progress is being made relatively often. One thing that drove me away from levelling up my non STF character (Yeldur obviously) was the ridiculous grind from 30-35, it was slow and boring, and made me feel like no progress was happening. 35-37 was a whole other level but that's irrelevant in this particular case.

I gave up on it eventually and went onto my STF characters (Ladoea etc etc.) and now I actually enjoy playing them more than anything as I can play what I want when I want, if I want to play cav I just respec and do that, if I want to play infantry I respec and do that. (Or in this case I hop onto a different character as I have different characters for different things)

There shouldn't be a high level start out because that is what STF is there for, some people just want to hop in and beat shit up for a bit, then hop out. Skip the fun is an option that should be promoted to newer players which then gives them the option to choose between it, though, anyone in game telling them about the option should let them know of the downsides in that they can't level and can't retire to get loompoints and shit.

And as before, link the bloody players to the forum, if we get them here we can talk with them, ask them what they want. Talking to them is the best way to figure out what they like and want out of C-RPG and what would drive them away.
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2017, 01:41:58 am »
Not having access to account options like repecs/retiring, item shop and market in game was the biggest turn off to people I tried to introduce to the mod.

What a bunch of pussies. Did they not know about alt+tab....wankers...

And Sandy, i remember that exact day and moment. Board shield with the dudes rug. Good times brother!

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2017, 08:55:41 am »
I did not read all  the posts, so sorry if someone suggested my suggestions before.

1. Give to all the new guys 15 nontradable/nonsellable loompoints, let them choose their own shit
2. When a new account registers its first character, set his level to be instantly at 30.

Now I know that there wont be any peasants/free kills, but as most veterans keep pointing out most of the new players leave c-rpg because the level/skill gap is huge, so when you give the new guy the opportunity to play with a character thats level 30 with a fully loomed set gear, you give him 2 option.

a) Never to retire because he already has enough loomed items to keep going, thus he will just care to improve his skill
b) Let him play with a high enough character for enough, until he feels ready to retire/grind again

3. Weekly or monthly free heirloom exchanges will make them stay, because they will want to try out new classes/builds

4. Fixing the banners

5. Making the map rotation great again, last I played c-rpg most of the maps were shitty and unbalanced, re add all of the native battle maps.

6. Happy hours with double xp and Happy weekends with triple xp will also help

7. Ban all the Turks because
a. its Constantinople not Istanbul
b. They smell
c. They are Turks.

Thank you for reading

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2017, 04:16:36 pm »
Not having access to account options like repecs/retiring, item shop and market in game was the biggest turn off to people I tried to introduce to the mod.

That will never happen. We would be playing MB3 before that would get done. Maybe bannerlord something like that can be done but we still don't have any info on modding for bannerlord soooo...

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2017, 05:10:45 pm »
1, wipe data
(old players almost have nothing to fight for)

2, return some money or heirloom points to our veterans as compensation.
(but we need a formula to calculate it.)

3, adjust the balance, make infantries great again.
(infantries move slow enough, they always stand together, so when they are fighting, the shape of formation is just like a chessboard waiting for you to make a tricky move. The feeling is great)

4, change the minimun retirement level, set it back to level 31. fix the double money and exp, it ruins the market.

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2017, 06:17:56 pm »
Wipe data except the gens, It has taken us a long time to reach our gens. Talking about the gens. I could suggest removing the limit or putting it higher.

Bring back the old level system, at level 31 you can retire. The current system works well when there is a good player base, but there is not.

Crazy idea.
Unify & fix strategus. China, America and Europe together in a single map of calradia. Limit the allowed time of attack to balance the battles between continents and in these cases the battle takes place in the defender server. Example:  China clan vs Europe clan in EU_cRPG_3 | Europe clan vs China clan in CN_cRPG_3.

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2017, 11:08:25 pm »

I really like the idea of unifying strategus. I've already proposed it for EU/NA but hadn't considered China, shame on me. Even if we did by some miracle get enough population for each map to have it's own playerbase, EU would just relive it's usual drama and nothing would change. Having all clans from all regions on the same map would be a real wildcard, and IMO could create the best strategus in 5 years.
China battles would be unplayable for the non-chinese though. Ping is simply too high.
Oh and its Gnjusoğlu Saracoğlu, you illiterate goat-shagging baklava-eater.

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Re: Keeping New Players
« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2017, 02:37:49 am »
Strategus 1 and 2 (sorta 3 also) were on the same map and it was far better. I understand Strategus is probably not the focus of the devs currently but it would also be great if some of the micromanagement and tedium of Strategus was reduced. One of the reasons the first few were more fun also was a lot of the mechanics were simpler and didn't require nearly as much attention being paid to the map. It was more focused on the actual battles than the weeks of boring stuff leading up to them.