This is one of the things I was hoping they'll redo for this patch, skill leveling. While strength is (much) faster to level now, the advantage you get from level 51 is still stupid and if you want to max it in a reasonable time you gotta do the dumbass overweight jumping. Endurance is much slower to level now though it does level naturally. This should all level naturally through normal gameplay and should be capped per raid to avoid abuse like that.
Other than that I'm quite enjoying the new patch, even though I've been doing a lot of hatcheting for now, which is sadly still the best way to get keys and certain items off a map. Also I did a mistake and accidentally accepted Skier's first task without having the 3x 3M armor, fuck. There is a spawn for 3M though on Interchange and I've been hatchet running it, so I only got to find one more.
I'm sad certain items are still tied to specific rooms (such as keybar, docs case, which are really important for standard ed users), which only promotes more hatcheting. I got so used to going out with full gear from last patch, kinda don't feel like hatcheting, but I really need a keybar so I can take keys with me to a raid.
I don't mind the scav difficulty early on (sucks without armor), but sometimes they are super inhuman, 180 shots or pretty much instantly fire at you as soon as you pop out of a corner. Now with face hitboxes it hurts that much more. Lost armor+helmet+sks to a scav that one shotted my arm off - I think that's due to low health skills, means you can die from blacked out limbs. Was still annoying.