Oh i've had that for a while now. Kinda 'I don't know what I want, but feel like I should be playing something'. I suspect it is just tied to the games available and the amount of time spent in the games I enjoyed, you cant make yourself be excited to play a game. And if a game's really good, you cant make yourself stop.
If you like grinding how about an amazing browsergame such as
www.landsoflords.com (start your adventure today, check out the thread here if you want to settle near the cRPG community or hang out in Discord). Grinding brings a sense of gratification and accomplishment. And if you want to keep the brain ticking you can play this game as a micromanagement simulator, though that's optional.
There are some videos on the youtubes, or twitch streams that go well in the background to playing a game. But you need a specific kind of game and a specific kind of video for that. Are the videos you watch mostly people playing games? If so that may be scratching your gaming itch, sometimes I prefer watching people play particular games more than I enjoy playing them myself.