EDIT, I completely misread your question...are you asking how the caramel gets inside, or are you actually trying to convince me you have never heard of a universally known and recognized candy bar?
we're in the same boat actually, I have my theories but its purely speculation.
machinery I presume.
ill get back to ya.
and we're back, so I had assumed that they were hallow and that the caramel was pumped in...its not.
caramilks are divided into two parts, and upper and lower. the lower is a pre built semi hallow shell of milk chocolate that has been set aside to harden, which is then is passed under machinery that fills the lower half with caramel. next the caramel is cooled to become temporarily hardened. and heres where the final stage comes, liquid chocolate is then poured over the semi hardened caramel, which when that hardens, creates the upper half of the caramilk bar. left in room temperature, the chocolate remains hardened, while the caramel slowly becomes liquefied again, and the candy is officially finished and ready for consumption.
all that work for a fucking candy bar.
also, seeing as heskey refuses to talk shit, I have decided, to declare war on...BLACKPANDA, more to come later today.