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Author Topic: LIVE YOUR MYTH IN FRANCE.  (Read 27668 times)

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« Reply #165 on: July 20, 2016, 03:18:31 am »
No you can't. Name me your 10 top favorite bands honestly. Top 10 movies. Top 10 Tv shows. Top 10 games.

I don't need to live in America to enjoy their entertainment lol

Edit: But while you're at it. There are some American stuff in my top ten lists but it ain't overwhelmingly dominant, as someone would expect. Music is almost exclusively of British origin (greatest rocks bands are from UK). Games, something that should be extremely strong point for USA, are mix of American, Japanese and European games. Movies, well Hollywood dominates in there because I'm not much of a film aficionado to watch European and Oriental cinematography. TV shows, a lot of stuff from UK actually.

Edit: American porn industry is dead. Has been replaced by euro cam sluts from poor countries like Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine etc. There are American sluts who takes huge chunks of profit because they can speak the language. But they are like Apple, minor share generating most profits.

Edit2: Also, being from Norway doesn't exactly give you much of standing ground criticizing European hypocrisy. Hell, my country is shit but has been part of Europe for centuries (even under Turks yo) unlike that frozen tundra you've been born into. That's like Russians claiming they are from Europe. No you ain't.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:32:22 am by Leshma »

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« Reply #166 on: July 20, 2016, 04:29:22 am »
Tom Cruise for president!
I'm voting for the Vermin Supreme, I want a free pony

Offline Oberyn

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« Reply #167 on: July 20, 2016, 12:57:44 pm »

The one thing that might make our "leaders" give a shit, a possible downturn in the massive tourism industry that France has relied on for decades. A few hundred of "their" people slaughtered here and there is nothing to them, but the billions of euros in lost revenue might maybe, just maybe, make them act. The article is very optimistic but the more this keeps happening (and make no mistake, it will keep happening) the more people will start to avoid the country. Although this has been an ongoing problem since the muslim scum first started murdering people by the dozens, and even before that tourists getting beaten and robbed by poor "opressed" ghetto rats wasn't giving the country any good PR, although it could still be hidden and ignored as a small issue. They didn't do anything about it back then, probably won't do anything about it now. 


Turkey is of course in the same situation, much worse even, especially since the failed coup, and those involved in the industry will lose a lot of money and possibly their entire livelyhoods in some cases, but Erdogan and his government couldn't give less of a shit. They're not 100% beholden to corporate globalist technocrats as the western "leaders" are.
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« Reply #168 on: July 20, 2016, 01:23:00 pm »
I don't need to live in America to enjoy their entertainment lol

Edit: But while you're at it. There are some American stuff in my top ten lists but it ain't overwhelmingly dominant, as someone would expect. Music is almost exclusively of British origin (greatest rocks bands are from UK). Games, something that should be extremely strong point for USA, are mix of American, Japanese and European games. Movies, well Hollywood dominates in there because I'm not much of a film aficionado to watch European and Oriental cinematography. TV shows, a lot of stuff from UK actually.

Yeah music is largely the British thing. The biggest bands and solo artist tend to be from here for some reason. Not sure why that is either. London is also still considered the financial capital of the World.

The 2 things the US seems to do well are tech companies and Hollywood. Other than that there's not much that outweighs the sheer amount of crap that is wrong with it as a place in my opinion.

US made games tend to be on the bottom of my list now. There's  a lot of European studios, albeit smaller studios, and those from further afield that make much better products. Largely because they don't have the problem of the big publishers that studios seem to flock to in the US.

As for TV shows, I don't tend to watch too many bar the obvious like GoT and House of Cards. The comedies are horrendous, canned laughter and immature fart jokes for the most part.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 01:28:06 pm by Overdriven »

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« Reply #169 on: July 20, 2016, 01:59:31 pm »
Muslim convert saying of the US that there is a "sheer amount of crap that is wrong with it as a place", lol. I don't even need to say anything else, that statement is hilarious enough on it's own.
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« Reply #170 on: July 20, 2016, 02:12:11 pm »
Typical Oberyn. Making a point out of something totally irrelevant.

Offline Angantyr

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« Reply #171 on: July 20, 2016, 02:17:24 pm »
It's so Isolated here from the problems of Europe, Africa, Asia. Since so much of NA and SA is based on the same general culture of Christian/Western Europe, there's far less instability from severe culture clash.
Though parts of Europe has more Muslims and there's increasing tension these days the US is more multi-cultural than Europe and has to deal with ethnic friction and identity politics to a larger degree. Soon white Americans will be a minority in their own country. Don't judge it by the apocalyptic atmosphere you sometimes get from Europeans on this forum or from media, if you look at the actual numbers Europeans have had very homogenous societies and are not used to the intense immigration that is a part of for example America's history. Though of course Europe was already multi-ethnic European by itself before ME and African overpopulation led to the current migration waves. But yes, the US is otherwise geographically isolated so Europe has to bear the brunt of current third world migration, and the US also don't have the kind of welfare society many of these people come to Germany and Sweden for.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 08:29:52 pm by Angantyr »

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« Reply #172 on: July 20, 2016, 02:23:01 pm »
Convert to the most fucked up religion on the planet, whose countries are uniformly backwards fucking theocracies that produce NOTHING of worth except the extraction of natural resources that just happen to lie within their geographic borders, looking down on the US and calling it a place with a "sheer ammount of crap" wrong with it. If there was a hypothetical choice to make a group of people just vanish from the planet, the 300 or so million people in the US or the 1.3 billion muslims, I know which I'd pick. It's not even a choice, really. I'd settle for the scumfuckers to stay in their shitholes personally, instead of infecting places lightyears ahead of them in every single way.
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« Reply #173 on: July 20, 2016, 02:26:51 pm »
The US is way more multi-cultural than Europe and suffer from ethnic friction and identity politics to a much larger degree.

When you consider the full history of the USA, they have been doing fucking great. They have been multicultural since they were created.
Except for the femichocolate chip cookies, the BLM movement and mexican drug immigration, the US shows us that its possible to build a powerful and solid nation full of different people; but to maintain that is hard.

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« Reply #174 on: July 20, 2016, 02:40:35 pm »
So Overdriven is trash because he's a muslim.

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Offline Angantyr

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« Reply #175 on: July 20, 2016, 02:41:05 pm »
When you consider the full history of the USA, they have been doing fucking great. They have been multicultural since they were created.
Except for the femichocolate chip cookies, the BLM movement and mexican drug immigration, the US shows us that its possible to build a powerful and solid nation full of different people; but to maintain that is hard.
Well, it really hasn't. The primary culture it is built on, which has built everything from infrastructure to its institutions, is European culture. But sure, they had to live with all their imported slaves not in colonies like we did but actually in their own backyards, and the history of the trouble that has brought is long and bloody and still ongoing. The country is very large though so people can clump up in ethnic regions, that's is basically the extent of diversity outside certain areas in the major cities. Take a look at the maps here, how black and white communities still live apart to a very high degree (same can be seen in interracial marriages btw.) http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35255835

I'm also not surprised, nor has anyone been since its founding, that America would take a leading role in industry, considering its vast size, immense ressources and near unheard of defensible natural borders.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 09:00:11 pm by Angantyr »

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« Reply #176 on: July 20, 2016, 02:55:33 pm »
Angantyr, do you also think Overdriven is trash because he is a Muslim?

Offline Oberyn

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« Reply #177 on: July 20, 2016, 02:57:34 pm »
Sorry, I'm not a muslim, I don't slaughter people. Hard to understand I know. It would fulfill the retarded false equivalency that idiots like you preach, the mythical "backlash" against poor innocent muslims that somehow never seems to materialize but is such a gigantic concern. You'd love that wouldn't you, being finally right when you say "But but it's a HUMAN problem, every culture and people do exactly the same!", as opposed to it being a moronic regressive fantasy. I'd settle for some sort of rational, discriminatory immigration policy. Close the borders to further muslim immigration, end of story. Or is that too "racist" for you? Would it provoke the poor innocent "moderates" into turning into radicals? 
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« Reply #178 on: July 20, 2016, 02:58:37 pm »
Along the line? I just skimmed through all the previous pages to make sure, and maybe I missed one post, but no, not really. There were several calls to limit or stop further immigration, not to kick them out. I actually saw multiple instances of people explicitly saying they were not talking about retroactively kicking immigrants/muslims out.

Also look at who is +'ing which posts, specifically Angantyr's post in this case.


I also meant people who think people are shit because they are muslim, very much simplifying too.

Does he though? Do we actually know what trump wants to really do? He changes his mind hourly. Says anything to get media attention, which they gladly do. Instead, he has called for multiple plans that would either be catastrophic if introduced, or could only be done by cutting serious funding in things we really need (education, transportation, health care, NASA, public safety, etc).

It's so hard to actually know what he would really be like. The only thing he has shown is a lack of knowledge, which isn't something you want in a president. Shillary is at least knowledgeable, unfortunately she's been rather lacking on the general topic of this thread.

Fitting article with and about the author of "the art of the deal". He argues it's more a lack of any attention-span at all. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/25/donald-trumps-ghostwriter-tells-all

I'd settle for some sort of rational, discriminatory immigration policy. Close the borders to further muslim immigration, end of story.

How exactly do you imagine to determine if immigrants are muslim? I really want to know, no attack on you.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:03:17 pm by The_Bloody_Nine »

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« Reply #179 on: July 20, 2016, 02:59:40 pm »
Angantyr, do you also think Overdriven is trash because he is a Muslim?

He's worse than a muslim. He's a muslim convert. So tired of fucking regressives defending this shit religion. Please talk to some "apostates" or ex-muslims, the few who have been courageous enough to leave their religion in the face of both regressive apologia and muslim "moderates". Hard to do since they are shoved underground and vilified by the very same people who should be championing them, but that's regressives for you. The important thing is to virtue signal how fucking tolerant you are.
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