Making more money than a university student isn't exactly a great achievement, so I felt perfectly safe throwing that in your face. I'm comfortably middle class, apparently this means any sort of collective identity felt on my part for other french people is nothing more than superficial hypocrisy. I'm liberal (in the european senseĆ and completely in favour of trade, with protections to protect sensitive national industries, which are present in literally every major economy in the world for obvious reasons. There's a giant gap between a collective identity and all out ethnic communism, which is basically national socialism. I know that's your immediate go to for anything that has even a hint of nationalist flavour, the ultimate slippery slide to fascism.
As for the reform of Islam being an obligation of the West and a fait accompli, I'll tell you same thing I tell you every time, it's a fucking pipe dream laced with arrogance and blind optimism.