that crpg is dead
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i miss you guys. Rando is bullying me into using discord, does anyone else use that? Was thinking we could all set up a crpg group chat in it to keep in touch. I only have one friend on it and its Rando so feel free to add me at evilmagic#7087. No clue how to make rooms or anything so maybe someone else should set it up.
ITT: General cRPG reminiceing and shit my dudes
Here's some shout outs to people who made crpg memorable for me:
Rando: made me actually start trying to get better at this game. Still not better than you lmao
Cassander: even tho you rage like everytime you die, you made the last year and a half of playing crpg a lot more fun
Sparvico: I always considered you like a rival who i'd try to outperform, even tho i'm 99% sure you are better than me and i just got lucky whenever i'd kill you.
Cikel: I feel bad about that one time i accidentally screwed you in strat 4(or 5? I dont remember). Its a funny story tho
Gallonigher: I remember once like 2 years ago i beat you 1v1 for the first time and i messaged all my friends bragging. Stop fucking instastabbing me
Jona: Same thing as above except with the long axe. Your agi spam is next tier muh dude
Voncrow: Bullied me into joining my first "real clan". A good bro who sucks with anything that isnt a morningstar or a bardiche
Shiftknife: Best clan leader, not a shitknife
Plumbo: Dude you are weird but a respectable player. Never really feel cheesed when i die to you.
Not So Innocent Virgin: Bullied me into learning strat and made me waste a year and a half of my life. Thanks even though you were a loser and quit playing because tornkik deleted you on steam rofl
Tornkik: That voice command sound board is fuckin top tier. I'm never gonna play archeage again tho
Simon: Calm down on the memes and the chocolate chip cookie shit muh dude
Blackpanda: Cuban warrior who gets rekt by 1h
Sitvek: Definitely not a shitvek <3
Albus: You make canada seem like it probably doesnt suck that much
Desire: You were cool. Still think you're cool even tho you rekt strategus.
Tagora: top tier bants
Allemon: Never really talked to you but you randomly joined my clan and it was fun fighting with you
Asheram: You started getting surprisingly good at the end there. I see you on native a lot and want to say hi but think it might be weird so i dont(i play under random names on native).
Permafrost: The realest dude i've ever known. You havent been on steam in 16 days and i worry about you.
McDeath: Fun guy tbqh. Shouldnt have been perma banned
Dutchy: Aussie jew who was really fun to lose against
Kadeth: My master who i will follow in OKAM
Skooks: You are a funny man
Ephemeral: You ass blasted me in a ft7 and i never got over it
Phoenician: get another cd key already rofl
Snuffy: Always kind
Thalion: Respectable that you always tried to take this game seriously when others wouldnt.
Finnian: See above
Rugin: I never really disliked you, actually considered inviting you to join us after you left WOTN but my underlings said they would mutiny if i did.
DaBirds: House Stark 4 lyfe my man
JayJrod: You quitting was gay as fuck but you're a cool guy. Fuck you for only using skype tho lol
James of Acre: Always felt bad about my propoganda war vs acre. You are a cool guy and fuck the haters. HCE was pretty awesome for awhile there.
Schoi: I am still angry that a 12 year old asian boi is that good at this game
Kaoklai: One time like 3 years ago you shit on my entire clan repeatedly and then made fun of us everytime you saw us. Was pretty funny to be honest.
Saint: Thanks for trying to teach me how to be good at this game, sorry i didnt learn
sJimmy: a nice man that always has a plan
Bryggan: Maybe drink less
Chumley: lmao i cant believe that was you in PW shit rekin me.
Cup: REALLY consider drinking less. That pokemon theme parody was the most autistic thing i have ever heard in my entire life
elvandin: i remember you from years ago and it was fun getting to know you a bit better. your voice is very sing song
Furnavi: best battle bro lets go camping this weekend tbh
Swagathor: next tier memer
bayushi shojo: i didnt even know you were byzantine sentinel for years. i miss you bud
Kale: best allies tbh
Taser: see above + i always hated fighting against you because you seemed so nice. I remember one strat fight i didnt have a weapon so you sheathed yours and we just nudged each other till one of us fell off the wall.
Kazy: thanks for carrying my ass on dtv
Dr Professor: Nice man and awlpike all star legend
McSanders: fuck u u british fuck
HESKEYTIME: i hated you until i actually talked to you. really nice and smart guy
Chanatkey: watch less anime for real
Sharpe: stop shooting me
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Wick: always a nice guy. tbh i think you are like 45 years old
Zeus: best HoC guy
Westwood: that spam stab in those frisian stacks made me so angry in teamspeak
sorry to any i forgot. just wanted to say bye bye while people still barely check this forum. no eu guys really cuz i dont play eu.
Nicks i played on: Tristan_of_Erzoth, James_Archer_of_Erzoth, Tristan_the_Copper, Big_Dick_McCallister, Sorcerer_Tholamin, Captain_Dodd, Abraham_Lincolnn, Ninja_GOD, and My_Name_is_Jonas.
Lets get some good ol' fashioned crpg reminicsing goin boys