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Author Topic: The Official Hate The Muslim Thread (Orlando Gone Gay Edition!)  (Read 17294 times)

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Offline Xant

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There'll always be retards willing to swallow belief systems whole so they don't have to do their own thinking, Islam is just a particularly bad belief system because it was created by a bloodthirsty pedophile to help him kill more people. Retconning it to be a peaceful loving 'religion' is therefore rather hard, especially when its base is in the Middle East, home of the uneducated and inbred.
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as in the Haiku.

Offline Overdriven

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If only semtex wasn't available over the counter, america wouldn't be plagued with suicidal attackers using the stuff as a fashion statement, such an american thing to do. Not like Islam preaches that gays are sinners that must be executed, this was merely an insane closet homo with access to firearms. Islam is blameless, as usual, this is nothing but fanatics that can't properly be called muslims because they so misunderstand it's message of peace and tolerance. Violence against homosexuals is not an institutionalized and common occurence in literally every single muslim majority country, there are no tenets in the religion promoting it. When some insane christian does a terrorist attack on an abortion clinic, the source of his anger and rational is very clear. When it's a muslim it's vastly more nuanced though.

Once again ignoring what I said.

As this happens every thread I'm just going to cut this short now as it'll drag out for 50-100 pages.

You're a bloody moron Oberyn. Plenty of people here can see that.

I'm done.

Offline Oberyn

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The solution is related to Islam. And has been coming through in a lot of western countries. A big part of the problem is the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam that has taken hold in much of the middle east. If other countries can move away from that particular ideology then it would go a long way to changing what's wrong with the Islamic world. It's already happening with a lot of younger Muslims in Western countries.

In India where my wife is from they are also moving towards more liberal interpretations. Heck I sat and watched an Imam and the 'elders' make a decision about whether I could actually get married in the mosque. Go back 20 years and my in laws are convinced they would have chased me out. But times a changing. And fortunately it was in a very cosmopolitan part of India.

A big part of the problem is that Wahabism is the state ideology of Saudi, so it has massive weight behind it. If you go back even to the 50's and earlier, many of the now hardcore conservative Islamic countries were incredibly liberal before it's rise.

It's a problem that will probably take decades to resolve, if ever. Just like there are still hardcore fanatics in any religion, I'm sure there always will be in Islam. But with education, social media ect. At least some change can be brought about. Particularly if education is brought to the masses in the Middle East. Which it's severely lacking at the moment. State sponsored religion is simply an easy tool to control people until more varied and wider education comes about.

The thing Oberyn misses is that he see's Islam as just one thing and as such he thinks when I defend aspects of it, I'm defending all of it. Then he'll quickly google some things and pretend he know's wtf he's talking about and go on a ridiculous rant again.

You're defending your middling, pathetic sect of Quranists which is a statistical anomaly in Islam in terms of numbers. Keep pretending the only objectionable shit in your religion is from the increasingly popular Wahhabists and Salafists, and not every single other sect that relies on a variety of hadiths. Shunning all hadiths and endlessly talking about "education" and "change", it's hilarious how badly you misunderstand your correligionists if you don't think the vast majority of them wouldn't even perceive you as muslim. 
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Offline Oberyn

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Once again ignoring what I said.

As this happens every thread I'm just going to cut this short now as it'll drag out for 50-100 pages.

You're a bloody moron Oberyn. Plenty of people here can see that.

I'm done.

And you're an irrational muslim apologist bundle of sticks. I look forward to the next islamic terrorist attack to see what enormity you care to present as the real issue.
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Offline Kafein

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Once again ignoring what I said.

As this happens every thread I'm just going to cut this short now as it'll drag out for 50-100 pages.

You're a bloody moron Oberyn. Plenty of people here can see that.

I'm done.

Think about it this way: I tried to get to the heart of the issue and you answered in a way that makes sense. Of course, you didn't actually provide a solution, unless waiting idly is a solution. Similarly, Oberyn avoids spelling out what he wants because there's really no way to make that sound nice.

Offline Overdriven

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Think about it this way: I tried to get to the heart of the issue and you answered in a way that makes sense. Of course, you didn't actually provide a solution, unless waiting idly is a solution. Similarly, Oberyn avoids spelling out what he wants because there's really no way to make that sound nice.

There are many Muslims already actively campaigning for women's rights, and rights for minority groups, better education and laws that protect people in all aspects of life. It is happening actively and it's not a case of waiting idly. It's a serious problem in that it's now embedded in the culture as much as anything. There are some ridiculous things I've even heard members of my wife's family come out with, that I then researched and read about a lot and proved that they simply weren't true but had simply been said at some point down the line by someone in authority and then it becomes the type of thing your grandmother drills into you and becomes part of the belief. Until people know any better they will continue believing it.

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And they say TV doesn't effect behavior. GoT should be banned.

Soon we'll be seeing whores scream ''WHERE ARE MUH DRAGONZ'' out in the streets while chopping off the dicks of men and burning men alive.
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Offline Xant

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Until people know any better they will continue believing it.
Sort of like Islam, huh?
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Those poor misguided children need a White Saviour to show them how to Islam properly. They merely need more education, and eventually western mores and Islam will merge into a contented, peaceful whole, because western mores are so clearly universal and will eventually be accepted world-wide by all peoples and creeds. They must, or these idiot's entire worldview comes crashing down.
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Offline Xant

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"My imaginary sky Allah is righter than your imaginary sky Allah!"

Not exactly the most convincing of arguments, so the conversion of these heretics (who are direct descendants of the ones who wrote the fairy tale in the first place) might take a while.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Admerius

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Those poor misguided children need a White Saviour to show them how to Islam properly. They merely need more education, and eventually western mores and Islam will merge into a contented, peaceful whole, because western mores are so clearly universal and will eventually be accepted world-wide by all peoples and creeds. They must, or these idiot's entire worldview comes crashing down.


London is one step closer to sharia. Female models are offensive.

Offline Falka

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London is one step closer to sharia. Female models are offensive.

Tbh I think it's not wrong, banning these kinds of commercials from public space. And have little to do with sharia.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 11:00:12 pm by Falka »
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wat? overproduction and the resulting low oil price is killing the US fracking industry. they'd love a price increase.

Offline Admerius

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wat? overproduction and the resulting low oil price is killing the US fracking industry. they'd love a price increase.
Damn, I was going on 2009 autopilot, you are correct.

The current price is a deliberate attempt to do two things geo-politically: Fuck over Russia and their support for Assad and to kill off(buy at low price) Tar-sand/Fracking businesses.

Déjà vu 1973