No details yet, but if you have to ask, you probably should upgrade
but seriously, we're trying to keep it compatible as far downwards as possible, but it will require somewhat modern specs.
As for the roles, maybe to clarify: I'm not even sure you will see those names ever inside the game (except maybe in an intro/tutorial). It's more from a game developers point of view than from a gamers point of view (I figured I put it here to make it easier to understand, it may have been misunderstood). It's terms I came up with while thinking about how the world will play out and how players can roughly be categorised. Which of those roles you are is defined by your actions, not by a menu.
Well, would be nice to have a variety of assets so you can accomodate a lot of quality settings. These could be selected to load in the launcher, so as to avoid ludicrous loading/launching times.
Will the roles be part of a skill tree of some sort? Will we be able to get perks?
Like maybe having your legs raised forward, while mounted so you don't get cut by footsoldiers as easily.(i.e. they have to aim higher to actually cut you and not the horse)
Having a perk that lets you launch an attack, while sprinting
A perk that lets you jump over shieldwalls, while sprinting.
A perk that modifies your kick, so it's actually a knee strike that stuns the enemy movement, rather than kicking them back.
Or a perk, that lets you throw yourself onto the ground and roll for a few seconds, instead of doing a nudge.
You said, there will be lounges or similiar quickstep mechanic in the game, how about a perk that gives you the ability to grab your opponent and pull him a few inches in either direction, if you have that perk unlocked and you hit the quickstep after a succesful nudge and are standing close enough to the guy.
A perk that makes all your attacks with a certain weapon further reaching, the downside being not being very effective when you are face to face to someone and being comitted to your attacks a bit longer.
Or perks that let you reforge weapons into different ones as a blacksmith, rather then having to melt the metal altogether to make a new ingot, which would take much longer, use up more fuel and say perhaps you would lose some of it in the process.
A perk so you can make very thin blades, that are much faster and sharper, but not as durable and time consuming to make.
I dunno, just little things like that, that would add some variety to the fighting and crafting etc.