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Re: The Epic
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2016, 01:23:30 pm »
Can you tell us the minimum requirements already?

Thats tbh my biggest fear  :lol:
Maybe if Coronoa virus gets rid of 50 percent or more of the world population we can do without a pope and religion.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2016, 01:39:18 pm »
Typically, how would one 'overthrow' or "stop a rival production in the neighbouring city"?

You could attack their supply tracks for a start.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2016, 01:58:12 pm »
Will be or how will be Graphics of game improoved?because actually it looks very grey and boring(I know that it is alpha)
Can you compare your planned graphics level to some game? for example similar to Kingdom Come or Bannerlord or Doom 1 etc
Tbh I'm not really sure what you're talking about, I think the graphics look great right now (I played it). There are some features that could be added but they are more on an optional side.

A few thoughts about jobs/workers
If you have a family, you can have a work capacity and just take jobs from the noticeboard, so the npcs work towards something. And higher specialized jobs would have higher pay (still set by the Lords though). Like you can work for a Mint or as a blacksmith if you have certain skills, if not you might just settle for being a miner or some other job.

I'd opt for complete separation of combat and family/job skills. It should be possible to not care about jobs side of things at all, like being just a soldier and putting your family in auto mode (Have an option like "serve the lords" ^^). Or being a mercenary and only earning your fortune by going to war/guarding caravans/doing special missions.

Oh, another thought. More about the missions, Players should be able to make deals with other players to do certain things, like sabotaging, assaulting a certain character, stealing blueprints, etc. Other more peaceful ones as well - like trade missions, construction task maybe, possibilities are limitless.
I'm still not sure how you want to go about having permadeath, it's a very punishing mechanic and I remember you talking about it as something that can only be done to politicians or other important figures. Assasinting is a really cool things but it's quite a challenge to make it both beneficial to assaulters and not too punishing for the players killed. Kidnapping maybe eh? If no good solution comes out maybe have no permadeath whatsoever.

About Monopolies
To counter them it has to be much harder to control a larger city since it is being split into areas that are controlled by more lords, has harder to manage economy (although quite rich if successful), higher crime rate, the need of food (another limiting factor, can't just spam cities cause need farms too around, except for some other food sources like fish), possible lack of a resource supply (Do the non expiring resources still have their limits, but in the per timeframe basis?)

PS: It could be incredibly awesome to have all your family actually in the world somewhere, so you switch to some of you character and they would be somewhere in the world doing their thing, but in an MP game it is probably really difficult to do and not actually too beneficial to gameplay (but really really cool for immersion).

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2016, 02:08:34 pm »
Oh, another thought. More about the missions, Players should be able to make deals with other players to do certain things, like sabotaging, assaulting a certain character, stealing blueprints, etc. Other more peaceful ones as well - like trade missions, construction task maybe, possibilities are limitless.

Do you need that to be coded into the game? Sounds like something players can very well agree upon by themselves.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2016, 02:10:35 pm »
Do you need that to be coded into the game? Sounds like something players can very well agree upon by themselves.
It doesn't need to be coded as missions themselves, but would be nice to have some kind of a deal system - where you can have a "document" agreed by both players that can be viewed publically if needed. That way cities/countries can enforce rules, and in general it would be quite a nice RP element.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2016, 02:21:14 pm »
It doesn't need to be coded as missions themselves, but would be nice to have some kind of a deal system - where you can have a "document" agreed by both players that can be viewed publically if needed. That way cities/countries can enforce rules, and in general it would be quite a nice RP element.

A simple parchment system with player/family signatures would be awesome to have. You could write anything on it, but only your family could use your family signature, obviously. So you could have any kind of deal written plain on paper, get signatures from both (or multiple) parties and could consequently use it for justifying more violent actions.. great for RP as well, yeah.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2016, 02:26:24 pm »
Will I be forced to play under 1 of these 4 categories?

What if I want to be a bandit or a mercenary?
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Re: The Epic
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2016, 02:56:29 pm »
About the Family.
Being able to grant control of my family members to other players.
Pretty nice feature. But should be possible only for one dynasty. If you have some very close relationships, family bonds. And this brings the questions about marriages and heritage. Some strict rules about it by the local lord (thinking about CK2).
In this way one clan really can become a ruling dynasty, allowing you to have not only 4 family members, but for example 8 (the largest number of tasks for one person to be effectively controlled).
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Re: The Epic
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2016, 02:59:09 pm »
Can you tell us the minimum requirements already?

Thats tbh my biggest fear  :lol:

No details yet, but if you have to ask, you probably should upgrade :wink: but seriously, we're trying to keep it compatible as far downwards as possible, but it will require somewhat modern specs.

Will I be forced to play under 1 of these 4 categories?
As for the roles, maybe to clarify: I'm not even sure you will see those names ever inside the game (except maybe in an intro/tutorial). It's more from a game developers point of view than from a gamers point of view (I figured I put it here to make it easier to understand, it may have been misunderstood). It's terms I came up with while thinking about how the world will play out and how players can roughly be categorised. Which of those roles you are is defined by your actions, not by a menu.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2016, 03:32:22 pm »
No details yet, but if you have to ask, you probably should upgrade :wink: but seriously, we're trying to keep it compatible as far downwards as possible, but it will require somewhat modern specs.
As for the roles, maybe to clarify: I'm not even sure you will see those names ever inside the game (except maybe in an intro/tutorial). It's more from a game developers point of view than from a gamers point of view (I figured I put it here to make it easier to understand, it may have been misunderstood). It's terms I came up with while thinking about how the world will play out and how players can roughly be categorised. Which of those roles you are is defined by your actions, not by a menu.

Well, would be nice to have a variety of assets so you can accomodate a lot of quality settings. These could be selected to load in the launcher, so as to avoid ludicrous loading/launching times.

Will the roles be part of a skill tree of some sort? Will we be able to get perks?

Like maybe having your legs raised forward, while mounted so you don't get cut by footsoldiers as easily.(i.e. they have to aim higher to actually cut you and not the horse)
Having a perk that lets you launch an attack, while sprinting
A perk that lets you jump over shieldwalls, while sprinting.
A perk that modifies your kick, so it's actually a knee strike that stuns the enemy movement, rather than kicking them back.
Or a perk, that lets you throw yourself onto the ground and roll for a few seconds, instead of doing a nudge.
You said, there will be lounges or similiar quickstep mechanic in the game, how about a perk that gives you the ability to grab your opponent and pull him a few inches in either direction, if you have that perk unlocked and you hit the quickstep after a succesful nudge and are standing close enough to the guy.
A perk that makes all your attacks with a certain weapon further reaching, the downside being not being very effective when you are face to face to someone and being comitted to your attacks a bit longer.

Or perks that let you reforge weapons into different ones as a blacksmith, rather then having to melt the metal altogether to make a new ingot, which would take much longer, use up more fuel and say perhaps you would lose some of it in the process.
A perk so you can make very thin blades, that are much faster and sharper, but not as durable and time consuming to make.
I dunno, just little things like that, that would add some variety to the fighting and crafting etc.
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2016, 04:26:20 pm »
From what I hear, this game seems tailor made to my desires.  It seems a combination of the Greek city states and medieval Europe.  And it seems the growth will be very organic.

It will be very difficult for me to decide which role to play, as they all seem pretty exciting.  First thing I thought of when I saw the 'explorer' job was the rivalry between the Hudson's Bay Company and the Northwest Company, which irl had some small battles.  But then again the strategic challenges of leading large armies is pretty awesome too.  The politician could be good, since it is a feudal society and therefore you won't be micro-managing- the part I hate.

I have two concerns though.  First, I worry everyone will want to be a bandit (NA side at least).  For this I would like to remind everyone that feudal lords are gangsters- they take their place through strength, then basically run a large protection racket.

My other concern is bro-coding.  My impression is that this game will be greed driven.  A person might want to leave a large city for a smaller one because of the better opportunities there and a better chance of advancement.  But in this game there seems to be large blocks of players that are content being peons for their buddies and they'll stick with their faction and crushing any start ups near them.  As more people start playing (non Strat players) this will be less of a problem, but you don't want them ruining the gestation period for new players/factions.  But this will probably be more of an EU problem, so I'm not too concerned.

But my question is will other players be able to manage your accounts?  Several people in C-Rpg have real lives, so if they go camping or end up in a hospital or go out on a six day bender, could their 2nd or 3rd or 4th in command take over for a bit?  I thought a good excuse for AFK is disease, the dreaded Ayufkay plague.  The leader (or guild master or general or expedition leader) gets ill, so his place is filled by a buddy.  Then, if the guy is gone too long, he dies, and a succession is figured out.  Perhaps there should be a 'will' in place too, in case this guy has a lot of assets but definitely isn't coming back.

Or, if a person knows they'll be gone for an extended period of time, they could go on a 'pilgrimage'.  Another person then takes over until he returns.

But, as I said earlier, this game sounds exactly like what I've always dreamed about in a game.  Can't wait to get addicted.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2016, 04:28:55 pm »
Or a perk, that lets you throw yourself onto the ground and roll for a few seconds, instead of doing a nudge.

Extraordinary useful when being on fire.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2016, 04:32:32 pm »
Ooh, will there be fire?  Handy for burning down the villages of upstart peasants.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2016, 04:52:25 pm »

As for the roles, maybe to clarify: I'm not even sure you will see those names ever inside the game (except maybe in an intro/tutorial). It's more from a game developers point of view than from a gamers point of view (I figured I put it here to make it easier to understand, it may have been misunderstood). It's terms I came up with while thinking about how the world will play out and how players can roughly be categorised. Which of those roles you are is defined by your actions, not by a menu.

Shit man, once again youre forcing my hand into being a total cunt & douchebag.

Sorry guys, but you better not leave your family bot members alone in the fields, or ill probably fuck them, your cattle, burn your wheat and piss in your wine flusks.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2016, 04:55:20 pm »
He's the kind of cunt the game deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero.