Author Topic: you kids are all fucking retarded.  (Read 19044 times)

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2016, 06:53:28 am »
My girlfriend walked up while I was reading this thread on a big monitor, I think she saw the extra large n-word before I clicked away. This place has gone full 4chan. Have a good weekend, adios!

See ya you god damn normie
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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2016, 07:01:45 am »
"Truthfully the only person in Frisia that qualifies for that toxic persona you are all describing is myself. Apologies for soiling my clan's image." -Havelle
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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2016, 07:35:04 am »
Because of all this the list of people I'm disappointed with is really long and it makes me not want to play with the community anymore. I'll have to cope by dueling with select people I can still enjoy the game with.

I'll retire to the off-topic and M:BG forums, peace.

Edit: I'm pissed at a few BRD members, it includes both sides. Just wanted to clarify that I'm not blaming only one side.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 07:41:05 am by Gmnotutoo »
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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2016, 07:40:54 am »
wh00ps didnt mean to post
Arowaine: probably cause i told dupre he is a piss of shit

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2016, 08:20:01 am »
Yo Autismo, do Galpagos next, man! Vonnegut is one of my all time favorite authors and that novel has a special place in my heart- though Cats Cradle and Hocus Pocus ("see the friend fly the airplane $2") are probably my top two of his.
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2016, 08:36:36 am »
Yo Autismo, do Galpagos next, man! Vonnegut is one of my all time favorite authors and that novel has a special place in my heart- though Cats Cradle and Hocus Pocus ("see the friend fly the airplane $2") are probably my top two of his.

I've not gone through all of Vonnegut's work (not really by a long shot!), but two collections of short stories by him (maybe unpublished ones if I remember) were fucking phenomenal. "Look at the Birdie" and "While Mortals Sleep" were both fantastic. Welcome to the Monkey House is great, as well.

Come to think of it, I've not been disappointed with an author's short stories recently. They're often much more enjoyable, a much more sure bet for a good read than novels. Philip K Dick, Robert Heinlein, Asimov, Arthur C Clarke, and shit, even Stephen King throw together some erection-inducing short stories.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline Westwood

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2016, 08:57:46 am »
ey lmao i used to work and live in Rainier Beach which is south of seattle, easily a ghetto. No one gives a fuckin shit there lol they're all too busy trying to not get shot on the way home.
Ah man Rainier Beach is scary shit. Very unfortunately I still live in Renton, which, as I'm sure you know, is like the slightly diluted Southern extension of Rainier Beach (I get to watch it get worse in real time too!). I work and go to school in Bellevue though so I'm still quite healthily elitist, feels pretty good.

Kesh in my first days in this mod I never said a word in chat, didn't know anyone other than the people who got me into it. Plenty of people talked mad smack at me though, and every one of them was in FCC. You know who was real nice to me in TS even though I did fuck all in his Strat battles? Sandy S. Sandersson, gentleman and scholar. People talking shit doesn't bother me, but you acting like you're some special brand of video game NERD who surrounded himself with cherubs and wept for the lost souls of cRPG does a little. Especially considering just this week you went on about how Quebecois are all demasculated (whatever that means dude, not a real word by the way), and Russians are awful people. This because of your experiences being opposed to small groups of people of those cultures in a video game (a trading simulator, even).

In no way do I condone excessive vulgarity of the sort that happened in that battle, but Desire overreacted, regardless of mod being dead or not. Artyem was attempting to handle the situation effectively, to defuse people, and Desire brought an unwarranted hammer down. It was unfortunate that people chose to do what they did, but all Desire did was exacerbate the situation and bring this shit show to a head.
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2016, 09:00:10 am »
You americucks never seize to amaze me. I am going to share a story about NA admin mentality, a story which has to my surprise become quite relevant due to this whole shitstorm. A couple of months ago (I think) I was planning on making a new character but I didn't feel like going through the grind so I dusted off one of my older character and found a reasonably high level character named "I_Beat_Women". Now what I used to do with that character was to crossdress and only attack male characters emasculating them by basically calling them 'women', which to me seemed like a good insult to use against men in a medieval themed game. All of this was fine and dandy with admins back then because the name had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with real domestic abuse but you'd only know that if you knew the theme so admins were fine with it no matter the actual context.
Now when I joined NA1 with this character I didn't come to be a "mean troll" or anything I just bode my time with playing donkey xbow until I could get to level 35 and retire, I mean the entire time I was thinking of what builds to do next and I was just having a good okay time playing cRPG. Then from absolutely nowhere this NA admin gave me an ultimatum to either change my name or be BANNED (you can probably see where this story is going) which came as a shock since this character must be at least 5 years old and I've had no such warnings prior to this not to mention I had been playing on EU1 not too long ago.
Confused I responded with "sounds like you need a beating", a joke befitting my character's theme but also a joke to easy tension as I thought I was speaking to a human being but oh how naive I was if only I'd known I was speaking to a cRPG commissar whos feeling had just been hurt. As I was typing a real response asking as to why a ban would be justified considering this name had nothing to do with domestic abuse and even if it did it had been allowed previously I was instantly banned before I could finish the sentence. Just a straight up ban and oh for the INJUSTICE I just committed I got banned GLOBALLY so both on EU and NA which is funny that an admin from NA can do considering this name was completely fine by EU standards. I fucking can't remember the name of the admin but when I looked at a thread that was posted about this I saw he joined 2013 so already a good sign.

Do you know what the best part will be? The cucks defending this admin's behavior and condemning me for PHYSICALLY THREATENING TO BEAT UP AN ADMIN OH GOD or even worse "bein 12 yers old immature troll". From my experiences admins on NA think that they are some sort of superior being and everyone else is just common trash far beneath them which means they are in the absolute right on every moral question and in no way need to adapt and adjust, they also have this habit of CONSTANTLY looking for anyone who might be an offender hence my ban and a guy being banned for literally saying Niger an actual country's name (SEE IT LOOKS LIKE friend SO IT FITS MY NARRATIVE TO BAN THIS GUY AS HE IS NASTY TROLL GOOD THING I BANNED HIM OUT OF MY OWN IGNORANCE). Like who the fuck puts these retards in charge also have you even seen EU? I remember a long time ago a group of Turks harassing and teamkilling a guy having "kurdish" in his name and the only thing that happened was that 1 turk got some warnings then finally a mild punishment instead of a mute only because he kept teamkilling and this stopped the harassment. On the topic of Turks have you guys even seen Panos and his roleplay or heck I even denied the holocaust and japenese warcrimes as part of a joke and that all flies by on EU. This whole ban over nothing ordeal made me almost permanentally quit so imagine all the people who do quit because of admins like these.
For all idiots who keeps spouting the same garbage "only 2 days lmao why mad" I have this golden tidbit for you in all its purple glory:

With this video, I don't agree with the lessening of the punishment at all tbvh: I will ask dupre to see what the options are available. As I already stated the lessened punishment but I'm curious if I could revoke that.  I'm in complete agreeance with paul saying that this was an incredible case of mass idiocy. If this is truly the death of NA cRPG then I'll gladly seal the coffin closed.

This stands as a testament of admin arrogance, incompetence and straight up racist frenchmanry. I was actually planning on maybe going to NA strat with a couple of guys seeing how boring EU has become but knowing I'd constantly be watched by BIG SISTER makes me think otherwise also the fact that the Scum of Caladria would have to become the Potitically Correct Scum of Caladria. But sure the admins have no part in killing the community it is obviously the community killing the community.

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2016, 09:31:41 am »
Mentioned my feelings in the previous thread but as a little observation... Having not been involved in this community for months and playing other games and participating in other communities, coming back to see this kinda stuff makes the awfulness really stand out. People need to grow up a bit. If you want to be a troll who spends all day fucking with other peoples on the interwebs then at least step up your game and put a little effort in. What nostalgia I had for the community has greatly diminished. Also, I do actually agree with Kesh about the community being better back in the day, not to the extent that there were no trolls or anything, but it used to be y'know a few trolls out of the 100 people in the server... now its like 50% of the server and generally more abusive and awful than it used to be. Anyways, I'm out. I'll stay far far away for another however long until some day when I get bored and check to see if anyone still plays. I hope you all listen to Rhalzo.

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2016, 10:58:44 am »
Look at your mass postings, most of you never actually answer posts arguments just attack everyone personally who disagrees with you

Here, let me attempt to be civil for a moment and explain why I do what I do.
You want to know why I never actually argue with you? Because it's pointless. No matter what I say or do, I could never, ever possibly get through to you. It's akin to slamming my head against a brick wall.
Every time you respond to me or someone else, you simply ignore what they are saying. Every retort you push forward is some edgy highschool level insult. "you're whiny, you're a kid, haha go to the ghetto and get your face smashed in because I didn't like what you said on the internet!!!!" Do you expect me to take the high ground after that? Because truly the high ground in that situation is to not reply to you.

 On top of that, you assume things and make up conspiracies.
"you're just whining because you got a ban, get over it!" No. I wasn't even banned lol. I didn't even say the word in chat. I would have told larry not to say it but A: he wouldn't listen to me, and B: if I did then I'd have been looked down upon by half of the TS because despite being 21, I have the voice of a screechy 16 year old and would rather agree with them that censorship is stupid as opposed to getting offended because someone said a racial slur and being viewed by my peers as a whiny oversensitive bitch.
" Arty unbanned all of those people immediately!" No, he didn't. For starters he would owe up to it if he did, and secondly he is my closest and best friend and he would have zero reason to lie to me or anyone else about it. He's the most upfront and honest person I know and he will be the first person to call me on my shit if I say/do something stupid. Of course when you challenge his integrity I'm going to stick up for him, just as you would for your clan mates and friends.
Need I get more examples?

You can be rather hypocritical at times too.
Recently you claimed that this mod is dying and that people leave because dracul/raven/frisia creates a toxic community. Which is sort of funny because Raven has always been the most honorbound and non-toxic clan, sparing cup457 and his shitposting. Dracul is usually pretty tame as well and while Frisia has a reputation for being "trolls" they do it in jest, not maliciously. But I digress.

I have had friends (relit and other ravens and dracul members) who had literally quit the game in previous strats because of how you played and posted on the forums. You would pull ninja rosters, dupe gear, attack at shitty battle times, gear bug, attack the same castle every single day for weeks at a time, and all sorts of horrendous shit. Even worse is after that you would hop on the forums and every time you were called out on it you would insult us and make up more conspiracies about us like I mentioned earlier. You would get on your high horse at every opportunity and talk shit about us. Even if it had nothing to do with you or your faction, you would have something to shitpost about it.(ex: us attacking the chinese or afk factions, us getting some beneficial gearbug that the developers told us didn't matter to them) You're a human propaganda machine.

When this whole recent desire ban wave incident came out, the first thing you did was get on the forums and talk shit about us. Oh gee, I wonder how you expected us to respond to that.
You constantly try to take the moral high ground and play the victim card at every opportunity. Then you wonder why every one of your posts gets downvoted into oblivion. Heck, even some of your own members joined in on saying racial slurs in chat to get banned for the purpose of making a point. (That point being that censorship in a videogame about killing people is stupid and that people shouldn't be 90 day banned for offenses that warrant a mute or a 3 hour time out)

When you type your replies they are rife with spelling and grammatical errors and you essentially stutter on your keyboard. I've read posts from you previously that I simply couldn't comprehend, and believe me I tried.

All of this together makes you come off as a wretched human being who isn't worth the time of day. To be honest I don't even know why I'm writing this because I'm not sure you deserve it.
I'd eat my hat if your reply to this doesn't include a bunch of ad-hominem, playing of the victim card, claims of conspiracy, flat out denial of what you've done without anything to back it up, and unsupported claim of hypocrisy, or some childish retort about how I'm just some whiny kid on the internet and how I need to grow up and get over what you've said and done because apparently my shitposting offends you on a molecular level.

TL,DR: I'd rather accept that you're a lost cause and insult you than entertain the idea that you are possibly capable of being reasoned with after years and years of you disproving that very notion at every possible opportunity.

P.S.Same goes for me as Sandy said, if I bother replying to Kesh anymore, please shitpost and insult me all over the place. I deserve it at that point.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 11:06:14 am by Deltah »
Bring me that ASS.

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2016, 11:07:34 am »
please [...] insult me all over the place.

You certainly are what one might call a not so very nice person!
For all the non-believers, look no further than this thread for proof that while strat battles are won/lost in NA3/EU3, strat wars are won and lost on the forums.
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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #41 on: April 16, 2016, 11:11:33 am »
You certainly are what one might call a not so very nice person!

You're correct.
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Unrelated but every single time I see your forum avatar I get locked onto it for at least 15 seconds.
Bring me that ASS.

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #42 on: April 16, 2016, 11:49:42 am »
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wow idk why i said that, what can i say, long shift at work

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« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 05:19:25 pm by Sandersson Jankins »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #43 on: April 16, 2016, 01:29:26 pm »
I didn't read any of this but the first couple posts because I didn't need to. Plumbo is pretty accurate in his first post and Kesh is correct when saying years ago mod was better. For real people that tried to troll were just insta-ban and Farmer Nate was the greatest shit talker that has ever graced this earth. Trolling was, as he stated, people doing themed things together, and the community was much more pleasant. Now all that's left is the shit at the bottom of the barrel and you guys really went out of your way to prove it. Whenever one of you get in trouble or "bored" you take your toys and go home. Then, you tell everyone how shit the game is and how pathetic they are for playing/caring. Like for real? Open your eyes.


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Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2016, 01:38:06 pm »
you wanna know why you nerds disgust me

because you're sincerely writing abysmal, transient, bullshit 500+ word posts on the real life character of people youve never met in an atrophied Internet video game called classic role playing game

if you arent ALL cringing at yourselves after reading that, and I mean all of you

call 911, and ask for an amberlamps to take you to the nearest emergency room and check you for autism immediately. autism IS terminal, and I am genuinely concerned for your guys safety and well being.

don't suffer in silence