Boris Johnson had a genius idea to rebuild Stonehenge but this time 3 times bigger to sort out the big national pride/culture deficit that the Tory party has inherited. However, closer scrutiny post-referendum has revealed that Boris does not indeed have any stones.
If Britain is even slightly worse off than before this referendum, then what was the point?
It doesnt need to be apocalyptically bad in order for me to want to know what possible reason the retarded 'leave' party had for making things even slightly worse. Why should i have to bear the shortsightedness and stupidity of other voters? And if people like Lessin dont give a shit that's fine, just throw 10% of your own money in a river somewhere and achieve the same thing but leave everyone else to get on with it.
'What's done is done, dont cry about it'.
Dont count your chips now, we arent out of the EU yet cocksucker
I never said I didn't give a shit, I said I was tired of all the whining over the Internet and social media and the pointless shit slinging, just like you're doing now, directed at me. Neither did I vote Leave, but that was the result of the vote and as far as I am aware we are a democracy and the Leave vote won under the specific requirements of our voting system, if we start pretending a vote never happened how can any major future referendums and voting have any credibility? "Oh hey guys, we didn't like the result of that vote, so we're not doing it", that's not how our Democratic system works.
Why would I throw 10% of my money in the river? you seem to think this is some kind of permanent economic situation, yet you've absolutely no idea what actually will happen in the near and far future, like the majority don't have any idea, but here you are, throwing your toys out of your pram intent on continuing the fear mongering because you didn't get the vote result you wanted. You only want Democracy when your vote is on the winning side, it's this attitude that actually makes me care less whether this vote could be reversed or not, or re-voted on. I'm not worried regardless and the next few years might be difficult, but I have full confidence we will be fine in the long run and this gamble might even pay off. Plus fuck your Holidays cocksucker, I will still be taking my kids abroad.