You don't believe anyone could disagree on a cultural, religious or political basis? Under threat of bodily harm, radicalization, islamization, terrorism, the slow deterioration of values, ethnic changes, diminishing social capital? Of course that would make you a psychic, but I can only say that it's generally well-established that these things matter to people.
You don't have to be a collectivist who sees every individual as a cell in the national body to believe that law and order and some semblance of civil society should be maintained, not just where you live but in the rest of the nation aswell. People are not all as shallow and materialistic as you make them out to be, values matter as does the future of our children and our children's children and the kind of society we live in. It's exactly multi-culturalism that drives the kind of individualism you are referring to (as demonstrated most recently by the sociologist Robert Putnam). And not only poor people vote for these type of parties, not by a long-shot. Somehow it bears mentioning still; these powers are mainly driven by a rejection of Islamism, which is entirely reasonable for anyone who knows anything about its values.
No one in their right minds would think it is in any way desirable to have no-go zones in one's country, like in the US, or women feeling (and being) unsafe in the night life, or have hundreds of thousands of non-educated, hostile people on welfare living in parralel societies in ghettos, like in the US (again). Why anyone would try to mimic the old colony across the pond socially is beyond reason. And yet, these are the rotten fruits of uncontrolled mass-immigration, I've posted plenty of statistical data on this in the last few months. We can think with our hearts and ignore it and hope it will all just go away or we can think with our brains like rational westerners.
A Der Spiegel piece on some of the things that drives people in Saxony, pretty interesting if you can look past the tiresome Spiegel multi-culti propaganda (a national perspective is bad, no matter what kind, national identity can't be culturally European, rational rejection of an ideology is 'xenophobia' etc):