Author Topic: Leave or stay in the EU?  (Read 100562 times)

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #75 on: April 21, 2016, 05:06:05 pm »
You don't know/realize all the consequences either I assume because its all hypothetical both sides say different things so its not easy to figure out. We have the remain campaign doing what they did in Scotland and telling us all that the UK will turn into a third world country and millions of jobs will vanish and no one in Europe will want to trade with us. Then you have the out campaign saying we will do awesome and Europe and everyone else will give us whatever we want.

The truth is probably somewhere in-between, i cant imagine Europe trying to fuck us over too badly when we buy tons of stuff from Europe, but i also cant see us getting all these amazing trade deals :P What i dont understand is why the leave campaign haven't used TTIP as a massive weapon yet and the debate seems to be only about the economy (lets face it to the man on the street the economy going up or down a couple of % means nothing and doesn't change pay).

Personally im currently in the middle, I can sway either way but if the remain campaign doesn't say anything positive about the future of the EU and just says that the UK will be crushed without it then that's more likely to sway me to the leave vote, All i hear is how bad it will be outside the EU and not how good the EU is, personally I have no interest in any kind of federal Europe or adopting the euro, but a reformed trading block with command interests and rules sounds pretty OK. Closer political union not so much but neither side is really talking about that aspect yet.
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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #76 on: April 21, 2016, 05:20:29 pm »
EU don't have the balls to sever ties with Russia, country EU leaders utterly despise, because they fear of economic consequences of such action. You can rest assured nothing will change when it comes to trade between UK and rest of EU.

EU has the potential to become strong country, but it is full of cucks and will never become superpower.

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #77 on: April 21, 2016, 05:42:39 pm »
You don't know/realize all the consequences either I assume because its all hypothetical both sides say different things so its not easy to figure out. We have the remain campaign doing what they did in Scotland and telling us all that the UK will turn into a third world country and millions of jobs will vanish and no one in Europe will want to trade with us. Then you have the out campaign saying we will do awesome and Europe and everyone else will give us whatever we want.

The truth is probably somewhere in-between, i cant imagine Europe trying to fuck us over too badly when we buy tons of stuff from Europe, but i also cant see us getting all these amazing trade deals :P What i dont understand is why the leave campaign haven't used TTIP as a massive weapon yet and the debate seems to be only about the economy (lets face it to the man on the street the economy going up or down a couple of % means nothing and doesn't change pay).

Personally im currently in the middle, I can sway either way but if the remain campaign doesn't say anything positive about the future of the EU and just says that the UK will be crushed without it then that's more likely to sway me to the leave vote, All i hear is how bad it will be outside the EU and not how good the EU is, personally I have no interest in any kind of federal Europe or adopting the euro, but a reformed trading block with command interests and rules sounds pretty OK. Closer political union not so much but neither side is really talking about that aspect yet.

If you watch closely, the supporters of Brexit are just basically throwing some populist nonsense, much more than those who aren't for the Brexit. Going out of Europe is just going to make things harder for those who live/work outside of the UK, nothing else good I can think of. Scotland is in favour of Europe, and this could probably mean another referendum on Scotland's independence, and a loss of British influence when it comes to foreign policies, without even being sure about the economical impacts all this stuff could have. Yes, EU is not right at the moment and needs changes, but think about the fact that UK is not anymore a great power, like France, or (arguably) Germany. None of the countries of Europe are strong if they're alone, and anyway; they're already tied, and destroying European Union would mean some serious shit could happen.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 05:46:01 pm by Algarn »

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #78 on: April 21, 2016, 06:29:04 pm »
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 05:19:39 pm by SirCymro_Crusader »

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #79 on: April 21, 2016, 06:43:10 pm »
BBC4's 'This Sceptic Isle' with Peter Hitchens, the history of the UK's relationship with the EU.

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2016, 06:58:49 pm »
>the history of the UK's relationship with the EU

I think that can be summarized as "keep it divided".

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #81 on: April 21, 2016, 07:41:24 pm »
Learning how to effectively learn is the most important skill tbh.
Then you can learn about taxes, loans and how a proper CV has to look like.

And I disagree with "it decides how your life goes" thing.
You decide how your life goes with the way you handle situations, yourself and your attitude, other people.

Besides, I am in Academia and 90% of the stuff in my studies doesn't fly into my brain by itself. I put hard work and many hours into it.
Whenever you wanna achieve something, guess what, you have to put work and time into it. Doesn't really matter if you like or not - if you want it, work for it.
It has never been different.

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I really hate the whole "*insert famous person* Has no grades or anything1!!" argument, not everyone in the bloody world is the equivalent of someone like Bill Gates.

If you're implying that I'm not working hard I can assure you that I am, I'm putting in shit tons of effort and have been fucked over by my school which is the reason I don't have the grades I want, my year was the year they changed everything up and decided to raise the amount of marks you need to get on tests to pass, if I had been in my school a year earlier I would have actually passed my test, however, they keep raising and raising the grades so that every time I fail I have to do triple the amount of effort just to bloody catch up, I also didn't have a teacher for three fucking years in math, which isn't a subject I'm naturally good at. Nobody in my school got the grades they wanted to achieve, they received lower grades than they wanted to. Some of them received grades that were good enough, some of them didn't.

In my Drama exam we had three examiners all examining each other, thus we were all marked incredibly harshly. In History I was told that I was on track to get a B, I was revising after school hours and in school hours, even showed up during holiday's to do work and still, I failed the test.
Not everyone in the world is amazing at doing a written test that WILL for the most part decide who will hire you. I'm one of the people that isn't good at it and I've been fucked by this awful system so many times I've lost track of it.

Every time I hit the bar I previously needed to they raise it once more, that's not a system that encourages anyone to succeed, all that does is cause failure and disheartened minds.

Also, when you apply for jobs, you submit a CV do you not? That gives them your grades and other shit like that, they are not interviewing you, they are looking at a sheet of paper ABOUT you, if face to face, I'm more than certain I could do fine and get in, however that's not how applying for a job goes, they look at the grades and then decide if they want you or not to be interviewed (Basic element of how it goes based on what my parents have told me)

Learning how to learn is something you should be doing in pre-school and primary school, you don't need to repeat the same bullshit for the first 16 years of your life. (College and Uni aren't included in this as they are optional choices) Pre-school and Primary school are fair enough, it teaches you the basics of each subject such as English and Math, those are important skills, however, in secondary school we should be learning about life, not the same stuff we did before, and if we do, it should be by choice, not force. I don't know how it works in other countries, but we have essential subjects (Science, Math, English) And then we picked three that we wanted to do (In my case, History, IT and Drama) so, in Secondary School, should the essential subjects not be something like Taxes, CV creation and applying for jobs (Random stuff, this is just on the spot so don't look too hard into these) and then you can CHOOSE whether you want to do Science Math or English if you would like to continue down those specific rows in your career.

I'm not saying this should be the system but it's just a basic idea of a different system to the one we have now in terms of learning. My point is that everything is about exams, and it shouldn't be.
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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #82 on: April 21, 2016, 07:44:50 pm »
If Britain left it would simply go from being an EU member to an EEA member (European Economic Area) of which Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are a part of. Those countries pay money towards the EU in order to receive the same benefits as an EU member. Only difference is they dont have a say in EU policy making/law making. Thats the whole point of why the Tories want to leave, its based off the fact that the current government do not like the Human Rights that are 'forced' upon the UK by the EU. It challenges the British sovereignty which is a load of bull. This in turn is based off of the fact that anyone who is charged under the Terrorist Act 2000, can be deported yet the Human Rights Act allows people to argue this due to the "right to family life." Its simply all about control.

Really not sure which way im going to vote as of yet, but it annoys me the amount of shit both sides are spouting, British politicians are some of the worst.

Since when is forcing the UK to keep its borders open a "Human right"?

The UK should be allowed to decide who comes in and who comes out of the country, if there is a person with many crimes on them in the past, should they be allowed in even though there is a potential for them to break many more laws in our country? Or should be deny them access due to them being a threat to our country? I personally love the way Australia handles its borders, you get in on merit, not on the fact that nobody can do jack shit to stop you.

And yeah, I agree with the last point, but politicians are always going to spout shit no matter who you get.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 07:54:58 pm by Yeldur »
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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #83 on: April 21, 2016, 07:55:06 pm »
I was afraid it would read like I was implying something.
I wasn't tho and I apologize for making it sound like I would. I was merely giving my look on 'education'.

I am too way better in verbal exams than written ones. Talking about a subject gives the opportunity to show that you understood it and merely showing that you know how to use some equation.
Nonetheless, imagine a big company hiring and getting 20 CVs a day over the course of 2 weeks. You really expect them to invite everyone to an interview? That is not practical.
Also, stop thinking about sending your CV by post. Go to company, to the front desk, introduce yourself, ask for the possibility to personally give your CV to someone from HR. Lots of companies will appreciate the effort and initiative.

There are many ways to get to places. That's what I ment with 'how to handle situations, yourself and your attitude, people'.
Right now your just blaming others for you not getting better grades and how you will not get your dream job.

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #84 on: April 21, 2016, 08:12:28 pm »
Also, stop thinking about sending your CV by post. Go to company, to the front desk, introduce yourself, ask for the possibility to personally give your CV to someone from HR. Lots of companies will appreciate the effort and initiative.


Better yet, get credentials that dispense you from being a bitch. If I was said employer I wouldn't care about the person who has enough time to waste to do this.

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #85 on: April 21, 2016, 08:13:20 pm »

Better yet, get credentials that dispense you from being a bitch. If I was said employer I wouldn't care about the person who has enough time to waste to do this.
Then you better never become responsible in HR :wink:
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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #86 on: April 21, 2016, 08:16:01 pm »
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 05:19:28 pm by SirCymro_Crusader »

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #87 on: April 21, 2016, 08:25:01 pm »
Does EU law override UK domestic laws that conflict with EU acts ?

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #88 on: April 21, 2016, 08:28:16 pm »
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 05:19:25 pm by SirCymro_Crusader »

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Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« Reply #89 on: April 21, 2016, 09:03:25 pm »
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The United States of Europe seems to be doing quite well economically

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Coincidence? I think not

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« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 09:13:15 pm by Grytviken »