Author Topic: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves  (Read 41130 times)

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #105 on: April 08, 2016, 10:12:17 pm »
Actually this is what I wanna say.
You attack the Holy Crusade, not Acre.
Acre leads the faction, but I am the factionleader, James is the clan leader of Acre.
I do not say that FCC is attacking us, whille the manny members  of the Dwarves are in FCC.

We already know you are shit at maths, you do not have to prove it again and again.
Or maybe you do not know what the word 'many' means. It means more than 1.

Another thing, this is how I vieuw things.
The Dwarves attacked, whille my army's where in the dessert, so we where forced to hold on.
Mine point of vieuw is to let your tickets bleed, what I did with succes

Yea, you did. Congratulations. Now you are still not winning this war though.

The attack on Bren for excample, it seems your hatred on Acre knows no bounderies, but Bren is not a member from the Holy Crusade, not did he ever applied or talked to me on TS about joining the faction, so I really don't care that you attack him

We are at war with whatever looks like it belongs to you.
It might be some bloke who did not yet apply or whatever.
Stop claiming we do that because we hate Acre. We are at war. After the recent events you should fucking know what that means, at least more or less.
For all the non-believers, look no further than this thread for proof that while strat battles are won/lost in NA3/EU3, strat wars are won and lost on the forums.
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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #106 on: April 08, 2016, 11:10:19 pm »
Keeping the law of parsimony in mind, it seemed that this guy with Acre tags, who was heading towards The Holy Crusade holdings through our lands, was going to join THC. Very few THC members do not have the Acre tags, and none of the THC members are non-Acre.  We figured, well, either we're right and we sap some troops from them maybe, or we're wrong and we attack a factionless guy in our territory and who gives a shit.

You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2016, 03:01:19 am »
Switch has an alt in FCC, we have 2 ninjas and a couple of lone wolves. Since pretty much all of the Holy Crusade are in Acre, we have good reason to suspect Acre members in our lands could be spies for you. Can't have that now, can we?
Blackbow is a bad admin,he once told me sandfriend It broked all my desire from the game/forums,i felt devastated,horrible don't know how to fix it.

Offline bruttus

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #108 on: April 09, 2016, 11:19:25 am »
I have a better Idea.
Because the NA community rather believe trolls and liars in this war, I decided to leave this game instantly.
The shit talk about me is taking is toll, and I can't handle that anymore.

Many will be happy, what I think its normal.
Right now, I gonna give 3milj. to the clan bank, for future fight, after this I delete mine char.
Then I gonna see who takes mine roll up as marshal in the faction, but for me, I am leaving.

Have fun, and Acre, Good luck

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #109 on: April 09, 2016, 12:05:53 pm »
But I thought you were winning this war   :|?

Offline bruttus

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #110 on: April 09, 2016, 12:31:33 pm »
But I thought you were winning this war   :|?

Then you are 1 of the few who believe that.
So I was I, but the Dwarves have put so good an act up, that they let the NA communtiy believe that they have infinity army's.
Yet we only see 2 600 men army's.
Just like the bragging about theyre elite gear, but the NA community believes them.
So why should I take all the insults and lies about me the wholle time, knowing that I am right.
So why should I try to convince the NA community if they already made up theyre minds about me.
Why should I convince others to show them what direction that I wanted to go with Acre?
Why should I proof myself over and over again, if the NA community don't give a fuck, and rather see us destroyed then giving a chance.

Offline Jepekula

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #111 on: April 09, 2016, 12:40:25 pm »
Then you are 1 of the few who believe that.
So I was I, but the Dwarves have put so good an act up, that they let the NA communtiy believe that they have infinity army's.
Yet we only see 2 600 men army's.
Just like the bragging about theyre elite gear, but the NA community believes them.
So why should I take all the insults and lies about me the wholle time, knowing that I am right.
So why should I try to convince the NA community if they already made up theyre minds about me.
Why should I convince others to show them what direction that I wanted to go with Acre?
Why should I proof myself over and over again, if the NA community don't give a fuck, and rather see us destroyed then giving a chance.
If you quit now, you will have just proven the Dwarves right; you will have proven that they were, infact, able to defeat you. And then your masterful strategies and art of war will all be just for naught, and most importantly, the Dwarves would've won without a struggle.
Will you let them humiliate you, just like that? No, mate, you should not give in, you should continue the fight, and prove once and for all that you are in the right here.
Deus vult, let them see what it means to be against the Holy Crusade!

Offline Malaclypse

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posted on behalf of Switch and HESKEY especially
« Reply #112 on: April 09, 2016, 12:49:14 pm »
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

Offline bruttus

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #113 on: April 09, 2016, 12:57:42 pm »
If you quit now, you will have just proven the Dwarves right; you will have proven that they were, infact, able to defeat you. And then your masterful strategies and art of war will all be just for naught, and most importantly, the Dwarves would've won without a struggle.
Will you let them humiliate you, just like that? No, mate, you should not give in, you should continue the fight, and prove once and for all that you are in the right here.
Deus vult, let them see what it means to be against the Holy Crusade!

Why should I do it again?
I know we have beaten them, I know that they have not enough troops left to invade us this weekend, and I know that I have enough troops left with good gear to invade theyre lands.
The tactics that I used on the stratmap, worked, I know that.
It worked so good that we saw Heskey running away with the last of his army's.
But yet, the Community rather laugh at me.

I asked peace, because mine health was taking a toll, not only from not enough sleep, but also the shittalking about me.

And also, when I see that we have to struggle merc's for a time that is better suited for NA, then it says to me to just to give up.

Offline Jepekula

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #114 on: April 09, 2016, 01:03:08 pm »
Why should I do it again?
I know we have beaten them, I know that they have not enough troops left to invade us this weekend, and I know that I have enough troops left with good gear to invade theyre lands.
The tactics that I used on the stratmap, worked, I know that.
It worked so good that we saw Heskey running away with the last of his army's.
But yet, the Community rather laugh at me.

I asked peace, because mine health was taking a toll, not only from not enough sleep, but also the shittalking about me.

And also, when I see that we have to struggle merc's for a time that is better suited for NA, then it says to me to just to give up.
If it is indeed is as you say, then why do you not take the fight to their own turf? That would shut them up real good. They'd shut up once and for all.
Instead of shittalking, you'd get respect. Even if the attack would somehow fail, they'd know that you are not afraid to strike; instead, they'd become afraid! They would know that they have angered the lion.
You can't just give up now when the moment of a final victory is so close. There will be a few bumps on the road, but bloody hell you are more than capable of overcoming them. After all, you are the Marshall of the Holy Crusade. Find a way, or make one. You will have victory.

Offline bruttus

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #115 on: April 09, 2016, 01:17:07 pm »
If it is indeed is as you say, then why do you not take the fight to their own turf? That would shut them up real good. They'd shut up once and for all.
Instead of shittalking, you'd get respect. Even if the attack would somehow fail, they'd know that you are not afraid to strike; instead, they'd become afraid! They would know that they have angered the lion.
You can't just give up now when the moment of a final victory is so close. There will be a few bumps on the road, but bloody hell you are more than capable of overcoming them. After all, you are the Marshall of the Holy Crusade. Find a way, or make one. You will have victory.

Thanks, but its 2 late.
I don't get respect for the defence and hold down theyre invassion, why should I receive respect when I attack theyre lands.?

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #116 on: April 09, 2016, 01:18:27 pm »
Wow James you were right, this is pretty boring and unoriginal. Man up bruttus you're on the fucking Internet. No one here gives a shit about your real life because we are all strangers here. If a few words said by some Internet nerds are hurting your feelings then you should reach down between your legs and check to see if you still have testicles.

No shit the community laughed at you. You've been playing the "have pity on me and mine faction" card since the start of strat. I mean really though, if you honestly believe you are winning the war then stop posting about it and attack the dwarves over and over again. The forums are where you go to shit talk not beg and plead for help or peace.
McDeath: This guy doesn't shut his lip, but he's one of the funniest players in-game.

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #117 on: April 09, 2016, 01:21:41 pm »
Thanks, but its 2 late.
I don't get respect for the defence and hold down theyre invassion, why should I receive respect when I attack theyre lands.?
Of course you do not get respect for defense. Defense does not show how capable of projecting your power you are.
Just listen to me, I know you got the power, but if you keep it hidden behind castle walls, no one will be able to see it and bask in it's glory. You need to bring it to them.
You don't keep a candle under a bushel, you know.

Offline bruttus

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #118 on: April 09, 2016, 01:27:12 pm »
Wow James you were right, this is pretty boring and unoriginal. Man up bruttus you're on the fucking Internet. No one here gives a shit about your real life because we are all strangers here. If a few words said by some Internet nerds are hurting your feelings then you should reach down between your legs and check to see if you still have testicles.

No shit the community laughed at you. You've been playing the "have pity on me and mine faction" card since the start of strat. I mean really though, if you honestly believe you are winning the war then stop posting about it and attack the dwarves over and over again. The forums are where you go to shit talk not beg and plead for help or peace.
Sorry, I am done, I left the faction, and gave mine village to Grypht.
I promoted Chumley as mine successor.
So talk to him now, not me.

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Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« Reply #119 on: April 09, 2016, 01:36:20 pm »
Wow bruttus... just wow....

You should hire Jepekula as advisor, he clearly knows how all of this works.
Good to hear that Chumley is now leading the faction tho, hope we have a few nice battles ahead of us  :)
Blackbow is a bad admin,he once told me sandfriend It broked all my desire from the game/forums,i felt devastated,horrible don't know how to fix it.