rofl you obtuse dumbass, I don't want to play because the servers are shit, the website goes down every day (sometimes for hours), and literally the entire STRAT has had a gear dupe bug lol. you can say some stupid nerd bullshit to stroke your own dick but idgaf about any of that, your the jackass for going "LOL DARUVIAN DONE EATING YOUR PLATE OF SHIT ALREADY? LOL UNBELIEVABLE I CANT STOP SPOONING SHIT INTO MY MOUTH AND THIS GUY ISNT STAYING FOR ALL 3 COURSES WOW."
like dude the game is bad. that's why i would be quitting. like the things going on between people in the game are of 0 concern, though tbqh I was very disappointed all of the other factions were total pussies except for like dwarves and khorne.