1. Name of your character involved: Xesta
2. Name of offending character(s): Killmax
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: 9:48 gmt +1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after:
Retard first just started to th me once for no reason at the start of the round, then I told him I have many screenshots of him THing me once every time round starts, told him I gonna report him for that shit, then he go full retard and teamkilled me insulting me (which I don't give a fuck about) AND PROVOKES ME which I do care about cus he's griefing and trolling EVERYONE.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did:
He's the biggest fucking retard ever seen before, should be banned longer for all the things he already did before to people, not only me against me.
6. Multiple Screenshots:
First th told him I can ban him for that:
http://puu.sh/nEcGC/30f32605c7.jpgAfter that goes full ape shit as also seen on the screenshot and instulting/provoking and gone apeshit after as well having a 2min fight with me while I block most of his swings.
http://puu.sh/nEcLL/2dc43a09a9.jpg7. Names of players who witnessed what happened:
Some kremsies, and other people in the chatlog, asking when he gets banned finally.
I also saw an admin kicking him from the server, don't know if he was banned afterwards, but his behaviour is highly fucking out of control. Who cares if he insults people etc. I don't, but if he starts to fuck around teamwounding me every fucking round saying sorry after and griefing the hell out of it really fucking buggs the shit out of me. Finally he goes full retard that's why I report this shit now.
He deserves fucking grucial treatment.