Author Topic: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******  (Read 10111 times)

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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #75 on: March 11, 2016, 05:26:58 pm »
I don't see how it is fun for UIF to wipe everyone in 2 months after strat starts and then just abandon it because I'm pretty sure it's the last strat ever.

I'd rather have them stay in the desert and just sign up for battles on both sides to balance the rosters. They can still send out armies to fight but no need to take 3/4 of the map and locking them down for non UIF.

Also if the devs gave crpg gold and silver for attendence of battles and upped the EXP a lot more people would play.


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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #76 on: March 11, 2016, 05:36:41 pm »
I'm also trading a lot, and i see lots of anti UIF caravans. And i must say i like they way they do it. 200 troops unarmed with 5k crates, and than you wonder why your economy is trash.

Has very little to do with anything - check how many caravans that has been attacked and calculate how many goods that has been transported during the same period of time - I would guess that about 5-10% was lost due to attacks on unarmed traders, probably less.

The problems with the economy are:

1. The 200 prosperity "strategy" (check the fiefs)
2. Lack of people having the time or energy to organise several clans trading on a larger scale.

We have a good trade for our little faction (6-8 actives at some point), been selling maximum S/D at 23 gold and around 300-350% every day more or less in the only two selling fiefs we have for well over a month. Maxing out prosperity all the time and setting the right price from the start and not looming shitty gear in every fief. If every clan would have done that right from the start, the antiuif would have moonwalked all over the UIF by now economically.

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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #77 on: March 11, 2016, 05:42:59 pm »
Lol, listening to all the guys in DRZ talking about being underdogs.  Or being wiped in strat 1 and then coming back for revenge.

Lol, if the non-existent ant-uif (just all the random clans not in your gay alliance) did come back the way you did in strat 1, they would cheat with multiple cd keys all controlled by a few leaders who would then use those cd keys to set up a long chain of white dots in the map to transfer troops from one side of the map to the other in less than a day or going behind the invisible barriers in cities and castles to attack from unreachable locations or blatantly using wall hacks and highlighted arrows and then bragging about it on the forums.

As for the underdogs, that is like saying the United States is underdog to Africa, because they outnumber them (if they all worked and coordinated together to attack us). 

As Nebun says, they want the challenge that comes with strategy.  This is hilarious - every time they have come up against Americans they got their ass handed to them (only the Western Europeans have done well in the NA side with clever strategy and tactics).  We were wrecking Druzhina with our originally fiefless faction that had less troops and gear in strat 2 to the point they had to cry to grey order to bail them out with 20,000 troops.  We used Grey Order attacking us to get tons of free gear in strat 5 to help us fight much larger factions in NA.  That is using tactics and strategy to fight a larger opponent.

UIF's idea of strategy - ally with majority of map and then just rush headlong at them with more troops, gear, and mercs.  The intelligence level there is pitiful - they completely lack innovation or strategy.  But to be fair without cheating and mass alliances they would have left this game long ago by being repeatedly destroyed by every other EU and NA faction.

I blame the devs - they had multiple opportunities to get rid of their nest of cancerous leeches on the ass of crpg with the repeated cheating they did and the EU community would be twice its current size with a thriving community.  But instead, through dev's laziness and inaction, they condoned cheating, glitching and unsportsmanlike behavior and most of the community has long left, leaving only these hacking piles of shit, these mongrels, to basically talk shit about how they were "underdogs" all while bragging about how cheating is okay because it helps them.

Strat is a competitive game, I believe it's more interesting to play against stronger opponents.
Lol, then don't ally with all the largest factions on map EVERY SINGLE STRATEGUS, you dumb fucks.  Has Grey Order and Druzhina ever fought each other even once?  God damn you guys are mentally retarded.

P.S. All Western Europeans welcome in NA!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 05:46:54 pm by Keshian_the_Grey »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #78 on: March 11, 2016, 06:04:11 pm »
the only dumb fuck here is u kesh.
when UIF looks at you
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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #79 on: March 11, 2016, 06:23:02 pm »
I'm also trading a lot, and i see lots of anti UIF caravans. And i must say i like they way they do it. 200 troops unarmed with 5k crates, and than you wonder why your economy is trash.

i also saw unprotected 1 troop UIF trader with 24k goods^^
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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #80 on: March 11, 2016, 06:41:41 pm »
i also saw unprotected 1 troop UIF trader with 24k goods^^

he is enthusiast, not part of trading plan
when UIF looks at you
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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #81 on: March 11, 2016, 07:00:43 pm »

Seriously ? If you can't beat your enemy, then die with honor. Do not yield you buggers.

If Nebun and UIF will wipe us out, so be it. What the fuck is wrong with you guys.

Your mom wishes you were a girl, your father knows that you are a girl.

I salute you Bobby, the only one who actually have balls.
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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #82 on: March 11, 2016, 07:10:07 pm »

Seriously ? If you can't beat your enemy, then die with honor. Do not yield you buggers.

If Nebun and UIF will wipe us out, so be it. What the fuck is wrong with you guys.

Your mom wishes you were a girl, your father knows that you are a girl.

I salute you Bobby, the only one who actually have balls.
If you didn't read he ran away from uif...
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Offline Nebun

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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #83 on: March 11, 2016, 07:51:17 pm »
If you didn't read he ran away from uif...

don't argue with eachother, its bad enough already
when UIF looks at you
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Offline Kamirane

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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #84 on: March 11, 2016, 09:30:04 pm »
damit. i forgot to buy popcorn, so i can enjoy the Weekend QQ about strat. But even without. its still fun

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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #85 on: March 11, 2016, 09:30:57 pm »
DRZ talking about being underdogs Or being wiped in strat 1 Do you mean it is not true? :D

non-existent ant-uif (existent) ... they would cheat with multiple cd keys (everyone knows they did have multicdkeys and scripts :D
to set up a long chain of white dots (yes yes yes... UIF is evil exploiting every bug while others are just angles :D old story)

the United States is underdog to Africa (well.. if you think they are sooo bad then may be u r right )

This is hilarious - ... Please, do everyone a favour - teach western europeans :D

ally with majority of map minority
rush at them with more troops, gear, and mercs. less
The intelligence level there is pitiful - Yours? :D
But to be fair without cheating and mass alliances Same old song. Evil cheating UIF

I blame the devs It's ok for you to blame everyone else but not urself

Has Grey Order and Druzhina ever fought each other even once Yes
God damn you guys are mentally retarded. So be it :D

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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #86 on: March 11, 2016, 10:30:14 pm »
We would win this Strat if;

+ Templars didn't get wiped so easy and stopped showing up in rosters, same as Eques.
+ people sent the armies they promised.
+ We merged with Hobos earlier and make a big organized faction
+ people with 32472364 rounds of Strat experience didn't cancel battles lose troops go afk and shit.
+ people didn't stack 20k S&D in their fiefs and threaten everyone not to take it.
+ we had better players overall.

Other than that, we deceived ourselves every battle, saying we did good, in reality we never did good except first few battles, lack of commanders, spam of orders in TS made me mute myself more than a few times. When we realised that it was the middle of the Strat, yet it still kept being an issue.

We didn't lose this Strat on the map, actually I've seen a few good maneuvers done by our allies. We lost this Strat in the battlefield, like everyone of them.

NA is really superior to EU in Strategus. Roleplay factions, battles over fun, no tryharding at all. We might learn a couple of things from them. Acre tries to form a Mega Alliance with Gobblins (basically Kapikulu here) and they got a shittons of flame.Why? Because it kills the fun.

We now plan to take a castle and attack whoever we see, because FUCK alliances.
At that time we lost on desert Templars and UIF killed/lost around 50% of all tickets used in strat(no AI fiefs included). We literally used every piece of eq we had there. If not GO sudden support we actually could hold on there fine. Even after we got wiped we still managed to get our shit thogeder  and send armies with almost all our eq and troops to that War.
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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #87 on: March 11, 2016, 10:49:30 pm »

 Create new factions, break old big factions have small wars, do diplomacy,
backstabb people, attack caravans, RP bandits, make forum flamewars and play strategus the way it was meant to be played.

Step 1. Epic forum RP.
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Step 2. Epic fullroster battles.
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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #88 on: March 12, 2016, 02:15:21 am »
Where the fuck are mercs? I miss you my old friendgits :oops:
also Kesh is not Grey and Bobby for president of antiuif  :o
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Re: ******Strat 6.5 starting*******
« Reply #89 on: March 12, 2016, 02:34:37 am »
EU finally learning and doing something else.
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