Mate, you need to shut the fuck up.
Everyone here knows my credibility, I may be a lot of things, but when I lose a duel I always pay up.
A month ago, GoldKick won me 6-5 , and I gave him my +3 LongBardiche, Lekis and Spamwhore can confirm my sayings.
Shut the fuck up, and give me my +3 item.
Mate, you need to fucking show some evidence before you spill your bullshit out of your poor greek mouth.
If you ever had the duel with me and WON you would have over 100 screenshots of it, so piss off already and stop lying on the forums, pathetic.
Also, as I've seen on your other posts before you need looms and gold for your "events", funny. And now after years you demand some shit from me which doesn't even make sense, since we never had your so called ft5 duel fighting for +3, so fuck off already, lmao.