1. Name of your character involved: Xesta
2. Name of offending character(s): Amox_Cancer
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: Around 1:50 am gmt +1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after:
So I was fighting vs some guy and suddenly I got a fullswing in my back by "Amox_Cancer", he then suddenly joined the fight. After that I hit him ONCE by accident and he suddenly goes full nuts on me and trying to kill me for no clear reason (admin was on the server but it was blackbow and since Amox_Cancer is in mercs he didn't do shit literally, he even said that he doesn't give a fuck about that he breaks the rules and teamhits also other people on purpose like not_autobus etc.)
5. Why you think the offender did what he did:
He even stated that he is drunk and that he was having a fun time by giving other people a bad time, so yeah really funny of him doing that to other people wanting to play normally and not being drunk in rl like him.
Also before he was stating that he did it but later on he just lied about it, good guy.
6. Multiple Screenshots:
When it all happened (blackbow hating on me like always, but seems like he doesn't have the adminpower anymore to mute people for no reason, which is a good thing anyways, or he would've already done that like several times before against me)
http://puu.sh/nmMfS/5d26779a6f.jpgThen after I told blackbow that he broke the rules and started killing people in the team by teamhitting them on purpose while they were fighting the enemy, not_autobus can approve that as he was with me at that time:
http://puu.sh/nmM9k/0a21af05c6.jpgBlackbow pretending to be afk even tho other people approve that amox_cancer was on a th spree he just responded with "idgaf", he is such a f**** biased admin and he was always crying in the past about krems people and their admins for being biased, but if you take a clear look you will see who really is the biased admin in this mod.
Since blackbow is an admin many people complained, and as you can see with a reason. I don't even know why he is admin like seriously, he isn't even doing his job if it involves clanmembers, what the fuck?!
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened:
not_autobus, stood right next to me and fighted with me.