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pls come back when all ppl wearing Occitan banner aren't shit
Daym, those 2013 stats that you had saved on your computer make you look like a badass
Am I the only one that thinks that music is kinda nice to listen to?
While I cannot confirm this, for I was not in teamspeak, nor do I play this game, because it is shit. So being in the position I am (click to show/hide)Jason is a colossal mountain of a chunkledorf, who's sausage links that he calls fingers are covered in so much cheeto dust that it is forming to him like a new layer of skin.
They also got one free from Knightmare
I heard you guys receive second castle free from sjimmy is that true ?
Knightmare one was 'free' ish. It was just a random gift, which we definitely made up for.The Jimmy one was traded for, and not even our second castle.Stop sucking off the rumor vine and listen to some proper propaganda tunes you smarmy dirtbags.
http://forum.melee.org/diplomacy/the-great-na-war-losses-to-date/We were reminiscing about days of strat past in TS earlier.
for your intell its frisitan banner and not occitan banner but guess you can't read shit !stop smoking weed it will help your healt. You probably spent to much time with that bear when you were young, guess your mom had no choice but to buy you a teddy bear cause you had no friends!Velucan EmpireTotal killed: 115347KDR: 0.68(Due to Bug: 1600)Last Updated: 5/25/13Hounds of ChulainTotal Losses: 52867KDR: 0.59 (Net Change: -0.02)Last Updated: 11/26/13vsLes Chevaliers OccitansTotal Losses: 133130KDR: 0.85Last Updated: 10/16/13
How many more sons and daughters must we lose before we learn to live in peace?
I'm guessing Kesh was playing that round, considering all the factions you chose to mention have a negative KDR.
Just look at link havelle posted. FCC was one of a few(very few) that had a KDR >1