Author Topic: Why so many 0 slots?  (Read 9942 times)

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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2016, 01:51:59 am »
I guess even if I ask you for a 4th time now to prove your claims by actions you will come up with yet another retort on why you cannot do that.

No hard feelings Sagar, anti-ranged lobbying is as old as this forum itself and of course I knew that you would not agree to anything in the first place. Maybe next time though you might consider putting your money where your mouth is before making some daring claims, which were about the general/melee restrictions of ranged classes of course - not about about missile speed. Those need to be lowered of course :wink:

Maybe that is a concept that should be officially adopted - whoever requests a nerf for a class that he/she cannot do good with him/herself, all the characters of that person are stripped of 10% of their XP as a QQ-tax. Forum QQ would drop by 90% I predict.

Punishing someone for whining is a stupid idea, let 'em whine, you don't have to respond.
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2016, 02:35:02 am »
One archer cant "annihilate" the entire server.
I don't know when you play last time, but now - as melee, you are dead in very very short time.
Amount of range players is huge, and new missile speed make impossible to dodge projectiles.
ehhh kurwa what? 1 archer can fuck up realy good stack with good players like it was proven tons of time in the past but it require some mad focus and those couple of real archers were always a devastating force to reckon on battlefield.

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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2016, 02:49:17 am »
How dare you downvoting our chinese emporer

His words are the law
kneel filthy peasants

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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2016, 03:03:21 am »
Archer, mention this occupation, some people love or hate. But yesterday I was angry!

As an archer, they have a very big advantage. Because of higher level, they can have more WPF and more PD. They have 0 slots, fast speed, high accuracy, great damage, and can wear plate. They have a sniper rifle, a sword or axe, run fast, powerful melee. Shield? Yes, he can only take care of an archer, and afraid of the axe. They are shameless old game player, they are elite melee. They can be leisurely killing in both near and far, once with a strong bow, so they are invincible. Maybe the CHN server and the NA&EU are not the same, because there is no archers WPF punishment. OP whining! NP fearing!

If things go on like this, CRPG really will be fewer and fewer people. We play with the pain. (these are things that I saw in CHN.)

Finally, I suggest again blockbuster, forced to cancel bow sight! At least I usually no sight shooting in a single game. You can reject me and give me downvote.  :D
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2016, 04:31:41 am »
What I say is not my personal point of view, this represents the most CHN game player comments. The number of CHN was less, because buff bows, fewer people. I don't know if I should say, the CHN server manually modifies the file to nerf bows in order to keep the players. Reduce the bow damage and accuracy, and improve the HP value of horses.

But all this can not stop the enthusiasm of archers. So now no longer change, just whatever.
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #35 on: February 28, 2016, 04:42:23 am »
Either make balance that puts archers equaly to the both teams so that they can kill themselves or allow archers to do only 1 bar of damage..

Playing this mod more than 5 years and there were never a balance...Devs just wait untill someone or some clan abuses something(mostly archery).

Thats why crpg is still beta and it will always be untill the end.

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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #36 on: February 28, 2016, 10:51:30 am »
Archer, mention this occupation, some people love or hate. But yesterday I was angry!

As an archer, they have a very big advantage. Because of higher level, they can have more WPF and more PD. They have 0 slots, fast speed, high accuracy, great damage, and can wear plate. They have a sniper rifle, a sword or axe, run fast, powerful melee. Shield? Yes, he can only take care of an archer, and afraid of the axe. They are shameless old game player, they are elite melee. They can be leisurely killing in both near and far, once with a strong bow, so they are invincible. Maybe the CHN server and the NA&EU are not the same, because there is no archers WPF punishment. OP whining! NP fearing!

If things go on like this, CRPG really will be fewer and fewer people. We play with the pain. (these are things that I saw in CHN.)

Finally, I suggest again blockbuster, forced to cancel bow sight! At least I usually no sight shooting in a single game. You can reject me and give me downvote.  :D

You have Archer WPF punishment, we cant have Heavy armor it will cripple us unless we go full str build

And, we are by far not invincible, once 1 or 2 melee comes Close to a gang mobbed up he gets free kills

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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2016, 11:43:04 am »
Maybe the CHN server and the NA&EU are not the same, because there is no archers WPF punishment.

I just had a quick join on the CHN server. Judging from a few rounds, it seems all the mechanics are in place there. Putting on plate armour notably decreases accuracy and bow drawspeed. My arrows are also as heavy as in EU/NA. Of course I could not really test my build to its full potential since I have around 300 ping there but I am not sure what CHN specific problem there is supposed to be.
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2016, 12:02:15 pm »
You now very well that doesn't work like that.
i would love to see that epeen competition between xynox and sagar! why chicken out, sagar?
it does very well work like that, clear contracts have their place, even in the seemingly anarchist internet
upload a video as proof, we're gonna find somebody who delivers a LP or a ban :wink:

the cRPG community has been all talk so far. even what you call drama is talk. deliver some action, you got me leering
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2016, 12:43:27 pm »
As I said before, I have many generations - also with range characters, but at bottom line I don't play as dedicated range player.
So how can I kill all server with bow/xbow? What are you talking about?

I just made some constructive suggestions for ranged classes - of which was said before, for exp: power draw for crossbows ... etc.
But everything goes just as expected - shitstorm/qq from range prefer community.
As usual, from talking of problems with range, we come to talk about: bets, chicken, lp ... and everything else, but not how to put range on it place - as support class, not full melee/range class.

As an archer, they have a very big advantage. Because of higher level, they can have more WPF and more PD. They have 0 slots, fast speed, high accuracy, great damage, and can wear plate. They have a sniper rifle, a sword or axe, run fast, powerful melee. Shield? Yes, he can only take care of an archer, and afraid of the axe. They are shameless old game player, they are elite melee. They can be leisurely killing in both near and far, once with a strong bow, so they are invincible. Maybe the CHN server and the NA&EU are not the same, because there is no archers WPF punishment. OP whining! NP fearing!

As Yang wrote - they are full melee/range class. What are they restrictions? How to make them more support class?

If range players think that my suggestions are not acceptable, let me see yours suggestions on subject - How to make range support class only?

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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #40 on: February 28, 2016, 12:44:06 pm »
The main reason why everyone is complaining is cuz archery is not how their used to now, so they have to bitch untill it gets nerfed, happens everytime Archers get a benefit

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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2016, 01:05:22 pm »
The main reason why everyone is complaining is cuz archery is not how their used to now, so they have to bitch untill it gets nerfed, happens everytime Archers get a benefit
Even XynoX agrees that the missile speed buff is ridiculous, you're speaking as if Archers can get buffed and never have anything wrong with the buff and acting as if everything else is so far overpowered compared to archers when you're completely incorrect.
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2016, 01:14:51 pm »
As I said before, I have many generations - also with range characters, but at bottom line I don't play as dedicated range player.
So how can I kill all server with bow/xbow? What are you talking about?

I just made some constructive suggestions for ranged classes - of which was said before, for exp: power draw for crossbows ... etc.
But everything goes just as expected - shitstorm/qq from range prefer community.
As usual, from talking of problems with range, we come to talk about: bets, chicken, lp ... and everything else, but not how to put range on it place - as support class, not full melee/range class.

As Yang wrote - they are full melee/range class. What are they restrictions? How to make them more support class?

If range players think that my suggestions are not acceptable, let me see yours suggestions on subject - How to make range support class only?

Look Sagar, the problem people have with your "constructive suggestion" is that it simply is empty lobbying that you are not even willing to prove. And since this is not the first time this happens but probably the 1000th time is why people or in particular me liked to call you out for that. Nobody is actually mad here but bored at best by the same old story.

Just because there is some archer killing you in melee while you play with a fully fleshed out melee build does not mean that archers have no build restrictions when it comes to melee ( because there are plenty as I pointed out before such armor/wpf/mobility/IF restrictions ), it rather means that you are a bad player. Forgive me for the blunt phrasing, I have no intention of insulting or demeaning you with this but you already have substantial advantages as a melee player you could learn to exploit, as a lot of melee players prove to be possible everyday. Just because you chose to play melee and chose to buy that shiny armour/sword doesnt mean you should automatically win every melee encounter with a ranged player if you dont have the necessary playerskill to put your build and equipment to use.

Judging by your previous responses I can only imagine that you are too angry right now to allow yourself accepting advise from a ranged player but I can again only ensure you that there are already plenty of restrictions in place. If you still think however that your point of view is correct, well, the offer still stands. I think everyone here eagerly awaits to see you in action and showing us that you do not only make empty claims.

Even XynoX agrees that the missile speed buff is ridiculous, you're speaking as if Archers can get buffed and never have anything wrong with the buff and acting as if everything else is so far overpowered compared to archers when you're completely incorrect.

Correct. My position on ranged balance is this:'s-wrong-with-archery-after-patch/msg1205338/#msg1205338

So far people appear to agree with my concept.
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2016, 01:22:04 pm »
Look Sagar, the problem people have with your "constructive suggestion" is that it simply is empty lobbying that you are not even willing to prove. And since this is not the first time this happens but probably the 1000th time is why people or in particular me liked to call you out for that. Nobody is actually mad here but bored at best by the same old story.

Just because there is some archer killing you in melee while you play with a fully fleshed out melee build does not mean that archers have no build restrictions when it comes to melee ( because there are plenty as I pointed out before such armor/wpf/mobility/IF restrictions ), it rather means that you are a bad player. Forgive me for the blunt phrasing, I have no intention of insulting or demeaning you with this but you already have substantial advantages as a melee player you could learn to exploit, as a lot of melee players prove to be possible everyday. Just because you chose to play melee and chose to buy that shiny armour/sword doesnt mean you should automatically win every melee encounter with a ranged player if you dont have the necessary playerskill to put your build and equipment to use.

Judging by your previous responses I can only imagine that you are too angry right now to allow yourself accepting advise from a ranged player but I can again only ensure you that there are already plenty of restrictions in place. If you still think however that your point of view is correct, well, the offer still stands. I think everyone here eagerly awaits to see you in action and showing us that you do not only make empty claims.

Correct. My position on ranged balance is this:'s-wrong-with-archery-after-patch/msg1205338/#msg1205338

So far people appear to agree with my concept.

Very much agree with all your points there, can only hope that something like this gets implemented.
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Re: Why so many 0 slots?
« Reply #44 on: February 28, 2016, 03:24:10 pm »
I can tell you right now that you completely misjudged me - I am far far away from it that I'm angry  :)

I think these days when you make a range build, everything is "unlocked", a bit too much (for choice of weapon .. etc.)
As I remember before couple years, when I want to play as archer, for secondary weapon I go with Small Pickaxe or Hand Axe, and that's it.
Now you can regularly take Great Axe. Balance team lost they way, adding/changing things. There was reason why that restriction existed in past.

Also my post from beginning of this thread was suggestion - not qq - there is difference.
Don't forget that I also play as range (I have full mw gear for xbow and bow - I spend lp and gold for them also)
No hard feelings XyNox .. We will see what new patch brings on.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 09:45:30 pm by Sagar »