Okay now I'm spamming but I thought of some questions, and probably the answer will all be yes, but thought I would ask.
- Attack interrupts. Is this the m&b way, full interrupt when you hit, so you basically race to 'first touch' of the weapon? Or the chiv way, only interrupt on specific phases of a swing?
- Weapon sweet spots, are you guys deadening the front/back damage of a swing?
I think if you don't do this, animations get exploited to make weapons hit faster. Chiv had a problem with this because when you looked at the ground the model's upper torso bent in half, this effectively brought the start of polearm overhead swings closer to the ground such that they would hit as soon as an overhead attack came out. WOTR same deal with slashing people standing 90 degrees left of you on horizontal swings.
Essentially it made it optimal to be looking at the ground or hitting people behind you, there was no point to actually looking at your opponent.
I guess this can also be controlled with very careful animation placement too but that seems a lot harder to do.
- Any type of weapon collision planned, eg if we both swing at the same time at the space in front of us? I think this is probably unrealistic given the animation work and collision detection that has to go on for it, but was wondering.
- Chamber blocks or some similar mechanic? Doesn't seem to fit what is there now at first thought but who knows. It's obviously a mechanic that confused people a lot.
- When you attack can you hold/delay the release of the swing? If so any effects for doing so? I liked m&b's short little 'golf swing' like mechanic, where as viking's longer held strike seemed to defeat the purpose of ever switching directions, it gave people plenty of time to get the correct block.
- Is there some sort of stunning when you are blocked? It seems so, or is that just a property of you getting your stance changed + stance change time before you can attack back, or there is a block stun?
Okay, I think that's all I can think of for now.