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Offline Gryph_Hawkshade

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« Reply #60 on: February 18, 2016, 04:48:07 pm »
I really didn't realize that so many people were history buffs in this community, its pretty great; really interesting expose/lesson in Longbows and xbows gents. *tips hat*

After extensive testing I have observed and felt the new changes to the xbow that has turned some of our community into driveling foolz, not sure about Bows yet.
I'm a bit disappointed in the delay on release, I could have sworn my drawstrings were being pulled more tightly, would there really be a delay after pulling that trigger IRL? How long should it really take to pull back a drawstring and lock a trigger mechanism in place? Making bows innacurate to try and counter supposed aimbots isn't the solution, lets not punish everyone, or the few that actually have been honing their skills to counter supposed autoblocks.

So what if ranged destroy all the fools running into combat like lemmings, without shields; I wouldn't run out in an open field if I had intel that snipers were waiting; just like I wouldn't go downtown Mexico(city*) by myself in the middle of the night. Life isn't fair or balanced, the scumbags lurking in dark alleys with switchblades will rob you regardless of whether you feel it's fair or not.

At what point do we need to take a step back and realize there is no way to truly balance everything without making this game illogical.  The term balance doesnt work because there are situations or map layouts that will throw many of these class balances way out of whack.  Why make bows so inaccurate? Why make xbows so slow to reload and shoot. Why make weapons weigh less or do less damage, just so they all fit in a cookie cutter bell curve and give all other weaps an equal opportunity...  end the nerf storm!

We have brilliant minds working at our disposal but we are not supporting them as we should.
My impression is a vast majority of the community feels the focus of balancing should be to make weapons more reflective of actual weap properties, not scaling all items to be generic and statistically 'equal', giving all classes an equal opportunity on a wide open map.
It's a shame that many of the people who are more prone to comment are the ones who like to stomp their feet and make the biggest fuss.

For the stompers; This isn't counter strike, a fellow with a desert eagle should not be able to stand toe to toe with a dood with an AK47 or M4A1. And these rifles output roughly the same damage in that garbage game btwz, which is so stupid because they are a different caliber bullet.

I pray that you kind and benevolent overlords please consider scaling back the ranged adjustmenst; I myself hardly use a ranged weapon but the impression I received from most of the populace in NA1 is that this new implementation is not ideal.
Thank you for your time and efforts.

My bad should have posted alot of this:
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 06:58:23 pm by Gryph_Hawkshade »
Man with hands in pants all day, feels....


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« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2016, 06:55:31 pm »
just like I wouldn't go downtown Mexico by myself in the middle of the night.

Mexico is a country, not a city. However, Mexico City is a city.  :mrgreen:
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« Reply #62 on: February 18, 2016, 07:52:14 pm »
I really didn't realize that so many people were history buffs in this community, its pretty great; really interesting expose/lesson in Longbows and xbows gents. *tips hat*

Oh, well, um  :oops: I'd hardly call myself particularily versed in the field of medieval military history, all it takes is some basic research and fact-checking!

(click to show/hide)

After extensive testing I have observed and felt the new changes to the xbow that has turned some of our community into driveling foolz, not sure about Bows yet.
I'm a bit disappointed in the delay on release, I could have sworn my drawstrings were being pulled more tightly, would there really be a delay after pulling that trigger IRL? How long should it really take to pull back a drawstring and lock a trigger mechanism in place? Making bows innacurate to try and counter supposed aimbots isn't the solution, lets not punish everyone, or the few that actually have been honing their skills to counter supposed autoblocks.

So what if ranged destroy all the fools running into combat like lemmings, without shields; I wouldn't run out in an open field if I had intel that snipers were waiting; just like I wouldn't go downtown Mexico(city*) by myself in the middle of the night. Life isn't fair or balanced, the scumbags lurking in dark alleys with switchblades will rob you regardless of whether you feel it's fair or not.

At what point do we need to take a step back and realize there is no way to truly balance everything without making this game illogical.  The term balance doesnt work because there are situations or map layouts that will throw many of these class balances way out of whack.  Why make bows so inaccurate? Why make xbows so slow to reload and shoot. Why make weapons weigh less or do less damage, just so they all fit in a cookie cutter bell curve and give all other weaps an equal opportunity...  end the nerf storm!

Regarding your first question, the firing mechanism on a crossbow is relatively instant, so if there is an intentional delay on the firing button (for any ranged wep for that matter) it should be removed entirely, both for realism and balance. Additionally, the average medieval crossbow can loose a bolt  once every 20-30 seconds, making that about two to three shots per minute. Comparatively, a longbow can loose an arrow every 10 seconds or so when wielded by a dedicated longbowman, makung that about 6 shots per minute. Personally, I think that the firing rate for either weapon should be slightly sped up (1-3 secs) for balance OR to have their damage and accuracy boosted, especially the larger bows/xbows so as to better emulate their stopping power (especially against lightly armored footmen and horsemen).

EDIT: regarding my previous debacle with Turkhammer, an important and oft forgotten fact about the Battle of Crecy was that prior to the battle a sudden rainstorm ruined the crossbow strings of the Genoese Crossbowmen, lending their weapons a much shorter effective range and bolt speed than normal, while the English simply hid their strings under their waterproofed caps during the shower, keeping their longbows in tip-top condition. Normally, the Genoese crossbowmen would likely have countered the Englishmen's deadly longbow volleys and turned the tide of the battle.
Make note folks; if you dont like ranged players, fight them in the rain!
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 08:02:58 pm by Screaming Idiot »

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« Reply #63 on: February 18, 2016, 07:56:46 pm »
Agree with Gryph.  I literally don't have a ranged proficiency char (I basically only play my lancer/1h/shield cav).  My horse goes down really easily to all projectiles, but I'm not bitching or supporting nerfs.  You know what I support?  Me playing smarter, or me not riding around like an idiot expecting to be invincible to 1/3rd or more of the server.

And when I do mindless (or heroically) try to rush an archer position and get lit up, I don't whine or complain, I put on my big boy pants and deal with it (aka I alt+tab to Civ 5).

Nerfs have to stop, it's impossible (unless you want a completely watered down game) to "balance" so that A counters B and B counters C, and C counters A at all times.  Sometimes you're just gonna be fucked because of the position you put yourself in, or because the other team was playing smarter, or got luckier, than your team.  Teamwork is very underrated on forums, but teamwork seems to be dominant in game.
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« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2016, 08:14:02 pm »
the firing mechanism on a crossbow is relatively instant, so if there is an intentional delay on the firing button (for any ranged wep for that matter) it should be removed entirely

Just to be clear: it is not intentional  :wink:
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« Reply #65 on: February 19, 2016, 04:03:37 am »
My Arbalester is my main...can I get a free respec? It'll take a week just to switch my main out...

Offline Screaming Idiot

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« Reply #66 on: February 19, 2016, 04:12:00 am »
My Arbalester is my main...can I get a free respec? It'll take a week just to switch my main out...

Hang on to 'im. Matt & Co. will probably either revert or re-rebalance the current patch soon enough so your build will work then (or, at least, I hope so).

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« Reply #67 on: February 19, 2016, 04:23:58 am »
Patch is fine. Playing from yesterday non-stop, range is still easy.
Expecting raise difficulty for bows as well - 24 str etc.
Also for other heavy weapons - poleaxes ...armors ...
And its insane how throwing is easy, you cant miss a target.

That is the point that I'd like to support very strongly.

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« Reply #68 on: February 19, 2016, 08:01:03 am »
The changes to crossbows make them not hurt at all. What gives? Literally was only losing a bar and a half of health from a +3 arb and +3 steel bolts at close range per shot
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« Reply #69 on: February 19, 2016, 09:38:06 am »
I have a Masterwork Elegant Bronze Long Bow.
Can I keep it forever?Or,If it is forbidden,How Convert to 3 points?
I am a foreigner,my english is not very good。  ( by Mystery)


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« Reply #70 on: February 19, 2016, 09:43:19 am »
I have a Masterwork Elegant Bronze Long Bow.
Can I keep it forever?Or,If it is forbidden,How Convert to 3 points?
I am a foreigner,my english is not very good。  ( by Mystery)

Hai. You may keep it if you want (for as far as I know). But I do not suggest it.
My Point of View on this is that it may not be updated, so it becomes bad. the difficulty is quite high and the specs arn't that great.

If you want 3 loom points, put it on  the marketplace. Offer your +3 Elegant Bronze Long Bow. and ask for 3 loom points.
Then link your offer into this thread (or make a new post in the techincal difficulties thread) and an Admin will buy it for you.

I hope I've helped you, if you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Extra: if you don't know how to link a marketplace offer, you make it, then search yourself (as if you're buying it from yourself), click it, then copy & paste the link into a thread. :)
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« Reply #71 on: February 19, 2016, 09:47:42 am »
Thanks a million。 :D

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« Reply #72 on: February 19, 2016, 12:15:05 pm »
Assuming was just hotfixes.
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,

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« Reply #73 on: February 19, 2016, 02:28:20 pm »
Assuming was just hotfixes.

We will never know...

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« Reply #74 on: February 19, 2016, 03:03:08 pm »
Does a higher accuracy number mean it's less accurate? I have no idea how that works
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