Dupre, you have fucked up big time. Why is it you even have permission to perform changes? Obviously you're oblivious of the game, its mechanics and how to properly tweak them.
I will not go on a long ramble, as I am working as we speak, hell - the change log speaks for itself! For example:
Bow | old | new |
| name | Bow | Longbow |
| difficulty | 4 | 2 |
| weight | 3.5 | 3.4 |
| speed rating | 58
Now, maybe I am the one retarded, but what the fuck were you thinking? Nothing - I know - you and you're fucking crying friends crying about "my old friendchers this and xbowers that" - stop ruining the game!
Know what you fucked up here? See that difficulty? I myself, spent a long, long time to grind 3 fucking LP's to MW a Bow for myself that I've been using ever since, DELIBERATELY because you can only have a bow and get +4 PD effect, and I always go MAX 8 PD.
Now, what do we have? A 2 PD bow - what in the hell is that? From 4, to 2? That means my MW "LONG BOW" is now totally useless, won't do squat. For what? Will you redeem my loom points and give me a new weapon, plus all the others, aside from the fact you fucked up a delicate balance even more?
You are fucking insane, and should revert all these changes before more people find out today. This game is already in a very bleak state, and it is shit like this that will make damn sure there will be no tomorrow.
Asswipe "patch".