It isn't the fact that you're talking shit. I applaud shit-talking, truly.
It's the fact that you're doing it so very incorrectly; posts absolutely dripping and sopping with sarcasm but without any bits of humour in sight.
Call me a fucking smegma-sucking shitbabby with a cavernous and oft-used asshole or something.
that and the fact that you're trying to sound gentlemanlylike you're currently wearing what you think is a bitchin' trilby, but you've made so many goddamn errors and typos that I've been fully and irrevokably triggered
This is a ban thread. No humor from me. I'm not a troll looking for lolz or memes. I don't do that. This is suppose to be a very serious post. I do find you guys very funny though following me around like a fan club. That puts a smile on my face while I stare at a dull computer at work.
I do admit English is my second language and grammar isn't my strong point but someone lacking those skills and hardly talking English can make in this country. God Bless Merrrrica.
PS: I don't need to make insults, I have nothing against any of you. You guys just keep following me around lol